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Everything posted by Dan_Dare

  1. Yikes. We paid £10 and felt a bit robbed. It sucks!
  2. Because the 3D is a post production effect rather than how the film was shot (like Avatar) the projection simply shifts to a single image when the 3D isn't there. I kind of wish we'd seen it in 2D. It was ok, but unless the 3D is really substantial, the effect is distracting and the glasses are annoying to wear.
  3. Saying that, I just rewatched Iron Man 2 the Whiplash fight(s) are pretty good, I thought. Maybe not long enough but the choreography is pretty awesome. And the drone scene before it is great fun. Thor definitely has better action, though.
  4. Good Film confirmed. It was excellent. Absolutely nailed the feel of Thor to a tee. It was high fantasy adventure as much as a 'super hero' film (The term doesn't feel right applied to Thor, somehow) and it really worked out. I think the middle act in New Mexico was somewhat over long, even though it had the best jokes, but apart from that it was pacey, dramatic, exciting and fun. Good times. Also: The cast were, to a man, perfect. Hiddleson as Loki, particularly, was spot on. Perfectly captured the God of mischief but also that underlying deeper character. Great performance.
  5. .....well, shit.
  6. Don't. It'll be funny.
  7. oh yeah. lolz.
  8. So, uh, Invincible. Hum.
  9. CBR 'reviews' are some of the worst I've ever read, so I'm not trusting them by any margin! On the plus side, Empire are usually a solid source for reviews and they gave it 4 stars and gave it a very positive review- Said it was epic fantasy writ large. Done assuredly and confidently. Can't ask for more from a Thor movie.
  10. links, you sunovabiiiiitch! (PM though yeah? family forum )
  11. my day:
  12. Oh, Cosmic Marvel. You cad, you.
  13. Jesus, even I've never heard of him.
  14. Havok is clearly going to be a one-line cameo bastard. Goddamn it, Everyone. Start getting the Summers' right for fraks sake.
  15. Not to mention the bit where he twats him in to a heavily populated metropolitan intersection at midday. The Cunt.
  16. meh. That's nothing! *goes off to read the Conquest arc of Invincible*
  17. This is good. Carry on.
  18. That's a fucking cool costume. Just a shame it's not in 616!
  19. also: Man in a bowl, obv.
  20. having lots of hair is fun to play with.
  21. 3000? amature
  22. some of them, yes...
  23. Dan_Dare

    Portal 2

    You're all bastards, the lot of you.
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