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Everything posted by Dan_Dare

  1. Dunno if you've heard but Eurogamer have been blacklisted by 2K for their review. Fucking odious practice.
  2. Yeah I'm not listing much just yet. I need to look around but the thread is here for anyone who wants to list up in the meantime.
  3. New thread idea! My room is largely full of stuff, mostly stuff I do not use, need or particularly want. I suspect a lot of you feel the same about trinkets and whatnot. So here's an idea: Give it away. Specifically, give it away to other forumites. In turn, get free stuff from other forumites! Just list what you don't want - old games worth dick all in trade ins or dvds you've watched to death. Dog eared books you'll never read again. If someone posts something you want, shout out and it goes on first come first serve basis. Yeah? Yeah! edit: Should note that any swappage should ideally be negotiated by PM. For light stuff, I think P&P paid by the poster is fair game, but anything else should be up for paypal or whatever.
  4. Yeeesh! I have a lot of love for GL but this looks rotten. Ah well, at least Marvel know what the fuck they're doing.
  5. ok, clarification then.
  6. Banshee could have been the best. I don't know why they didn't make him Irish, I really don't. Anyway, I really liked it. Despite a few swings towards cheese (Shaw, basically) It was a confident, stylish take on classic X-Men. Far, far superior to the original movies I thought.
  7. Correction: He plays the wrong Private Ryan who they find mid way through the film. The titular Ryan is Matt Damon.
  8. Too good. X-Men: Roster: Storm Iceman Havok Kitty that telekenetic with no arms lol Beast Come on, san Fran.
  9. Nice one Paj. If we ever meet I'm buying you Emma's hat from First Class. x (Rez will get a poo, set on fire, on his doorstep)
  10. Yo guys help me out: Uncanny X-Men: What issue is it from the end of the last Messiah event? It's when Generation Hope launched too and Uncanny X-Force ta.
  11. If you actually read the reviews, they have plenty of reasons behind the scores. IGN gave it 55, which makes it about....3/10, 7/10 being the IGN average
  12. What's Gingerbread?
  13. 27% so far on RT. Uh oh.
  15. This is getting astoundingly poor reviews. Edge and Eurogamer both gave it 3/10. Ouch
  16. Rez, one of these days your computer is going to be seized by the police. Jus sayin.
  17. Aren't the Pyms to be in it? I might be confusing things
  18. Agreed Paj. It's wank.
  19. OMG, Minecraft doesn't have military grade firewa - oh wait it's a 4 man company run by some dude. Bunch of dicks, all of them.
  20. I actually really can't stand Anime. I've tried, I really have. I just don't like it at all. I find the characterisation annoying and childish, I find the art annoying, the stories boring and just...yeah. No. I dig the films, though. Akira, Ghost in the Shell, studio ghilbi stuff...It's great. I just can't deal with the Japanese TV stuff.
  21. I don't think I can discuss episode 9. Not sure I ever will be able to.
  22. That's probably my fav issue of X-Men ever. Outside of AoA, naturally.
  23. New direction for Batman. His new costume is that he's a cat.
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