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Everything posted by Dan_Dare

  1. Dude, your attitude is such bullshit. dammit Frank, move!
  2. I think I'm quite adaptive like that. I quickly pick up slang and stuff from friends and my accent has been known to change from living with a bunch of southerners at uni! Hopefully that means I'm empathetic rather than a hollow, soulless shell merely pretending to be human
  3. Think that's bad, I've not had any for...a day! an entire day! and a bit!
  4. aye! Yeah, looks boss. In fact, is boss. Beta had giant swinging hairy balls full of testosterone and biceps. New Horde looks suitably meaty (Firefight in Halo raised the bar after gears 2, so it's nice to see Epic respond in style) I really wasn't planning on buying this game but it's looking really substantial and headed in the right direction from launch. Looking forward to it.
  5. I actually have a web cam. I should probably test it before I demand goods and services like a shit.
  6. Rz, buy me a decent camera and I'll join your gang of internet rogues.
  7. My brother was vegie and then vegan. He eventually went back to meat though. The thing that most vegans gloss over is that it's an incredibly imbalanced diet. My brother was constantly compensating every time he made a meal, always finding alternatives that, at the end of the day, sought to emulate an omnivorous diet. And on top of that, it was socially disastrous. Everywhere we went, his diet was a cause of annoyance and shit food. It was unhealthy, too. Despite his best efforts, he only ever lost weight and never looked healthy. Pale skin and so on. And the thing is that he was good at it too. Everything my brother does he takes very, very seriously so despite all the research and supplements and discipline it was essentially a failure. The truth is that we're omnivores. We have the teeth to eat meat and the eyes to hunt it. Obviously, a heavy meat diet with not enough veg is shit - it's a consequence of easy living and most people just don't understand where food comes from. But take a hint from nature and eat meat in moderation as part of a balanced, vegetable centred diet and you'll be fine. There's nothing wrong with eating meat, and there's ethical means of sourcing your food if you want. Respect your food and nature and you're ok.
  8. ...Because I need questions! Really short notice assignment and I'm not that familiar with them. Go go, internet!
  9. Absolutely unbelievable. That society still acts this way with rape is just...It just leaves you hollow, it really does.
  10. the article or his full name?
  11. but hackers are cult heroes sticking it to the man, man! oh, wait...
  12. On the contrary, I was expecting it to be very different. Or at least more 'omg!' As it stands, it feels like an epilogue to the drama of episode 9, which is actually fine. Waiting for season 2 is going to be frankly brutal.
  13. It was so awesome
  14. ...not helping.
  15. Alright, alright! Will everyone please calm down before I actually have to moderate this goddamn forum for once? Jesus Fuck!
  16. I'm not sure there's actually an up to date GL thread. Pretty sure someone only posted Vol. 2 (Silver Age Hal)
  17. John's lantern run has been spectacular, Paj. I really think you'd like it as it hits some pretty awesome vibes with massive scale science fiction themes. It's very cool, very unusual stuff. --- I'm reading Identity Crisis tonight. Fuck me rigid it's good. It's just bloody magnificent is what it is.
  18. Hang on. They killed Cyclops? Jesus, that's stupid as shit.
  19. I got my transfer cable from Cube! Hoorray!
  20. You can see a load of delay/ weird animation though. which is why motion control is, and always will be, total ass.
  21. This game will suck. True story.
  22. I love AoA so very much. It's fucking brilliant stuff, Paj. You'd love it.
  23. Yeah, they've lost that international feel. They need to represent more than 200 people on a little rock in the sea.
  24. Family and ideology. There's little room for either when you're under siege.
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