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Everything posted by Dan_Dare

  1. ....not do it? online gaming is full of the most purile and offensively stupid people I think I've ever encountered. It's remarkable. The least you can do is not stoop to their level. Unless, of course, you assassinate some little prick on Halo who thinks he's the nuts with a sniper. He's clearly getting teabagged
  2. There's a movement online that's trying to deny him a platform - he's obviously a political extremist and not mentally ill so they want him ignored during his trial when he'll obviously want to express his views. On one hand, I agree. He's got nothing to say, really. His ideas expressed thus far are delusional and ridiculous. On the other hand- how many of these guys ever get arrested? It usually ends with suicide or being shot to death. I'm kind of curious to see what makes him tick. It's like the war crimes trials in a way- when you're confronted by pure hate like this, don't declare them a nut and hide; stare in to it, examine it and at least try and understand it because you might be able to learn from it and stop it happening again.
  3. Hi! You're a fucking ignoramus!
  4. As long as Andrea gets her rifle, I'm good. They're currently throwing away the fact that she's a fucking hard-ass.
  5. Anyone know a workaround for the Desire limited memory? Seems most of my apps are phone only and it's becoming a right pain in the arse. I don't even know what's taking up a bunch of the space- the apps alone don't add up.
  6. That looks great. very Mirror's Edge, oui? I like.
  7. Woop! they have a demo out on Bandcamp for free. Get a copy fo sho. And yeah, great shame about Buckley. Sketches for My Sweetheart the Drunk is really interesting- the second album he nearly finished. Really worth a listen.
  8. I'm not watching it till I get either HD yt or I just see it at the cinema.
  9. Hahaahahahahahaha that's ace
  10. lol, 80s colossus. Loki is great there though.
  11. Exactly. It's bloody amazing - you can literally track the series of events start to finish as they walk end to end through the base too. Fiendishly clever bit of film, it is. So yeah- the trailer actually looks pretty good. Potentially decent thriller in the make there but the story has already been told to perfection. Without even being told, really.
  12. I just...argh. Even if it's good, it'll be shit. To me, the sequence at the Norwegian base in the original is perfect - without a word it tells you everything you'll ever want or need to know about what happened there. a prequel is essentially pointless.
  13. d'aawwwwww
  14. I have, yeah. That was totally awesome. Don't get me wrong- Morrison is a great choice for Supes but I just don't think Superman as a 'street level' guy catching purse snatchers is true to the character at all. I understand that it's retro - looking to the very, very early portrayals of the character (basically a square jawed hunk for the funny pages) but going back to that is pointless and, more to the point, damaging to the character mythos.
  15. Yeah I played a guy with poison recently and he got me 2-3 times with 1000 + the scoring is weird. I wish it told me how other players got what they did because some of the ones I've seen make no sense at all.
  16. NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO. NO. Read Birthright, baldie. Then we'll talk.
  17. This is a little shameless, but never mind: My friend (and former forumite) plays bass in a new band called The Switch. Happily, they're awesome.
  18. and the fact that he doesn't shatter his hand and bleed everywhere.
  19. cool, thanks dudes you both up for a game later? You knows it.
  20. Have you seen The Social Network? Or, like, any of Garfield's other stuff? He's a great actor. Can't wait to see him in this.
  21. Okay, spent some time with this online. Verdict: awesome. There's a bit of a sour taste left by idiots playing and having no idea what to do (despite a really informative and decent guide / UI going on) but overall it's excellent. Can someone explain stuns to me though? I'm confused by when I can and can't use it.
  22. Bitch, please. I read Weapon X.
  23. Handily, I just bought this. Lets get a game together
  24. maaan, Schism just made me wish Uncanny had been this good. So much personality and family to it that I'm already looking forward to the new #1 from Aaron. Top stuff. The issue really set up a nice event too - though I'm still totally at a loss as to what the Schism will be over, exactly. It's something Cyclops does, not the event itself.
  25. Who said I don't already? We don't play games all that much, it's just something to pass the time - especially while we're skint and you can get a lot of mileage out of a cheap sofa co-op pick up.
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