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Everything posted by Dan_Dare

  1. zing! Last night I tuned in for some pretty out there instrumental folk prog (!?) shortly before a documentary on The Sex Pistols. It's an amazing station- their daytime weekday stuff is miles better than any other station I've ever heard and that's before you even get to the evening and weekend material: every minute of which is invigoratingly wide ranging, educational and hugely invested in the culture of great popular music and its history. It's absolutely remarkable.
  2. yeah Cyclops looked weird (though I get the idea- he's supposed to be 'slim') otherwise the issue was amazing. Schism is shaping up way better than Fear Itself, to be honest.
  3. I'm actually enjoying the interviews. The first one in Avengers was a bit '...' but the one about Spider-Woman is one of my favourite books in the event so far.
  4. Haters gon' hate but I really liked the last two issues of New Avengers. The 50s Avengers story was an absolute car crash but it actually had a decent payoff hidden in there somewhere. The present day stuff was excellently done, espcially
  5. Radio 6Music is probably the finest music radio station this country has ever produced. If you're not following it regularly, you're missing out hugely.
  6. Don't worry, be happy.
  7. ummm...right there. at the back.
  8. except Ashley's post
  9. elaborate and provide links!
  10. Emma can't post pictures yet so:
  11. Just heard that a really good friend of mine just her baby this morning. Amazing news
  12. straight up. Word is they changed Iago's last line to "the fuck did I do?"
  13. Shorty, you bought The Star? Consider yourself judged, sir!
  14. Dunno if anyone cares or not but Dominic West (McNulty) and Clarke Peters (Freemon) are in a production of Othello in Sheffield next month. Can't wait!
  15. lol, you don't ha - oh.... I has interview! Only for a casual job, like, but it sounds fun. Writing a newsletter for Sheffield Students Union 2 afternoons a week.
  16. As comic deaths go, Carbage's at the hands of The Sentry was both long overdue and AWESOME. do not want
  17. Quite..want..must not...pay Jamieson...may...result in...Comedy Rainbow budget...
  18. Yeah, he nailed it. Just a shame about...most of the rest of the film
  19. I'm going to try and video my cat on the garden bench soon. She loves it deeply and is prone to rolling around on it like a mental. More soon.
  20. Tell you what I really liked about Routh - he wasn't that ripped. He's a big guy naturally but he wasn't that muscular in the movie which gave him a sense of even more disproportionate strength when he did super stuff. Made him seem more alien, I thought.
  21. an actual spandex look would look absurd though - no super hero costume has ever looked as smooth as they do in the books. Routh was always a good supes I thought, but it's hard to judge these things without seeing them in motion because that's what they're designed for.
  22. Yeah it's awesome. Lots of good ideas, none of which outstay their welcome or feel shoehorned at all. Perfect little slice of inventiveness.
  23. Had a dabble with Shadow Planet today. Maybe after a price drop but 1200 is too much for it. I know it's not much cash either way but it didn't quite feel right. For a game that, at a glance, looks very attractive, the whole game felt extremely cold and didn't evoke any kind of response from me. Add to that a paltry 5 hour span and I don't think I'll invest. I love Metoridvania but I laready have Symphony and Shadow Complex on my 360.
  24. I can't buy this just yet. The price tag just gave me an absolutely crippling boner so I can't move to find my wallet.
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