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Everything posted by Jamba

  1. Love that red outline drawing of the 3DS on the box. It reminds me of the illustrations on the boxes for the original Gameboy and the Virtual Boy.
  2. The fact that this silly peripheral is being released AND the fact that the game is CPP compatible is a strong indicator for me that a redesign is coming. Especially as this is a first party game.
  3. I'm pretty surprised about all this stand bollocks. There's no better way of confirming that your control method is badly designed when you feel the need to release a stand to reduce cramp. It makes it about as portable as the bloody Virtual Boy you buffoons!
  4. Maybe it's because I've been talking to td.... but I've got thinking about this again. Let's watch that Street Demo Video again shall we? Now imagine that you are playing a game in which you get to move around, possibly Animal Crossing. There's not a whole bunch of action going on but you really want to look around the place. Just as in Phantom Hourglass you use the touchscreen to make a path, allowing you to move around the environment. Whilst walking around you can look around properly by panning around with the Umote to say hi to KK Slider or look for bugs. Frankly I just want someone to stick the Street Demo camera control onto a game that is a combat sim-type game. Like Road Rash, but on a Motorbike, with an Uzi that you can aim behind or to the side of you by looking. Or possibly a Bi-plane dogfighting type game where you have to look around to find out where the enemy is.
  5. Could I be taken off the first post? I haven't had a 3DS for a while now and I should have really done something about this earlier. Sorry everyone :-(
  6. @Shorty Web page forwarding seems to have stopped. However I'm still getting the occasional pop-up or back ground audio happening. I assume it's part of what going on with ad.yieldmanager.
  7. It's based off the DS version which most of us at SEGA actually enjoyed more. So proud to see this game doing so well.
  8. I hate to say it but there are a lot of opinions that aren't based on any kind of experience of actually using or playing a Vita. Apart from one... the price. But that's just a value call.
  9. I was pretty annoyed at how it didn't really signal the end of the series properly. It was more like the series has just taken a break for god knows how long. Go watch transformers prime. That's how you end a season.
  10. Shorty this was the site that I've just been mentioning (in the questions thread). Possible that the forum code might be infected?
  11. So far only happens on your site. I've cleared my cache but now I actually get directed to different sites when I'm navigating around the forum. I'll try and get come URLs if pos. Just a little worried as I'd rather not discover that I have an improbable Mac virus :-( UPDATE: @Shorty Right so as Rez mentioned, he's getting this too now. So far, I've been forwarded to the following pages: http://www.bet365.com/en/ http://www.1sports.tv/ And although it's just a suspicion so far, this only seems to happen when I'm not logged in as my user. From what I can see going on in my status bar, it's linked to all of the google analytics type information that occurs after you load the main page. Can I suggest as a test that you log out of your user and then reload the main (should take less than 10 tries) and watch your status bar. NB I can only be sure that I've had it happen with the main root page so far, not the index page. The page should load and then a moment later, there should be that extra activity on the status bar and you should be redirected. I'll keep testing and hopefully I can find out more for you.
  12. What everyone else said. I'd suggest making the chicken and salsa mix, put it in the fridge and then assemble it all in the morning and wrap it in tin foil.
  13. I expect the 3rd party momentum to start to build but not really pick up any great amount of steam until 2013. By then, I might be able to buy a 3DS and enjoy a lot of handheld gaming whilst waiting for the Wii U to warm up. I'm totally over being an early adopter.
  14. Yeah... Am I missing something and being completely thick? Like we've got some weird advertising on the forum now?
  15. Yes because being more serious wasn't how Metal Gear disappeared up it's own arse in the first place.
  16. Just watched Bashcraft try and set up a Vita on Kotaku... PAINFUL. No preparation in making the video or even any editing afterwards, the muppet! He doesn't even know how to use a touch screen and it was like trying to introduce your parents to an iPhone. *headdesk*
  17. Heya, 2 little things. The HOME link at the top still goes to the forum rather than the main site home page. I'm randomly getting music and averts playing whilst on the forum (guessing last.fm or something). I'm on Chrome on OSX Lion.
  18. Most domestic routers are absolute crap. They have log tables of devices that recently connected to them which has a capacity of something stupid like 10 devices. The list doesn't clear itself so when it gets full the router just spazzes out. SHould explain your probs. Genius bit of design there...
  19. Kav, there is more than one type of WPA encryption as well. If you are still having probs, let me know and I'll do some research. On another point, who is your router made by?
  20. For God's sake.... The director of Rising at Platinum is having to fend off fans by posting on twitter apparently. It seems some fans are unimpressed with how actiony the game is looking. Some have even suggested that they aren't up to making the game. How about they get bent? It's a spin off, which Kojima went to lengths to explain was a completely different sub-franchise. Didn't he even give it a new subtitle like "lightining attack action" as apposed to "stealth espionage action"?
  21. Developer interviews over the top of the trailer:
  22. So! Monster Hunter 3G has just been released in Japan.. how well did it do? Well lets just say that the 3DS did quite well out of it as it sold 378,000 units in one week, making it the best selling week for the system ever. And to top that, it's now even passed the 3 millions units mark in the territory.
  23. FFS.... looks like the iOS one is going to take a while then
  24. That was such a good trailer with some nice giveaways. Bruticus is one of my favourite decepticons and the combaticons are such ruthless scumbags. Did anyone else notice a lack of hiyowge cannon on Megs btw?
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