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Everything posted by Jamba

  1. It might be a bit late now but get it delivered to work?
  2. You guys keep talking about Monster Hunter but if I was a developer I would put it on PSP not Vita! I've been looking back through the 3DS sales figures from when it was doing badly and in Japan it never dipped below 26k a week, mostly bubbling away between 30 and 40k even at the bad times. Maybe it's the case that when the 3DS came out it had no competition. Maybe currently given the choice of a 3DS and a Vita the Japanese don't see any reason to shed out the extra money.
  3. @Cookyman The cross play certainly is interesting but I think it's incredibly disappointing that you have to purchase more than 1 copy of the game for a lot of instances. @Agent Gibbs I heard about this today also. Whilst it may be a popularity race I think the same issue with the current gen holds that HD development is damn expensive and maybe 3DS is the right place for their budget. There may also be many factors about the development environment that are unknown. The points you raise obviously account for a lot but the PSV sales are still shocking. This week was 14k units compared to the Wii, a console that is very near to the end of it's life (plus everyone already has one!) that sold 8k.
  4. Honest question here: Why is the PSV selling quite so badly? I know a lot of the arguments but honestly I expected it to sell better than it is at the moment in Japan.
  5. Yeah maybe... can you DL the update to a USB key? They won't be able to get the update unless they can connect to the internet!
  6. True, the browser might be crap but it at least has a hard wired MAC address for both ethernet and wireless. The 360 has the inbuilt ability to spoof a MAC address, in fact it was suggested by xbox support for our customers to do that. Nice. They couldn't just have the wireless dongle actually producing a MAC address then?
  7. Hello chaps, need some help for work and I don't have a PS3 to tinker with myself. Our clients pay for internet access through a PayPal portal page, similar to the automatic page you get if you try to log onto BT Openzone. That payment is linked specifically to that device by MAC address. Now the PS3 browser does not seem to play with the PayPal webpage, kicking back an error message about not filling in all of the necessary information. This is complete rubbish as it only happens on PS3s and the information is being filled in properly. Can anyone think of particular security precautions that might be in place on the PS3? Does it not publish it's own MAC address? Is the browser a heap of garbage?
  8. Totally hate the idea of the American revolution. I get so tired with the lack of imagination that leads to people re-using the same historical events again and again. Give me something I don't know about, or that is rarely talked about anymore! That's what the AC series has been quite good at until now. And also there is a major possibility of the following: American Revolution + Templars = National Treasure
  9. Right so Nasdaq are threatening to delist THQ from the stockmarket because their company value is terrifyingly bad. There is a good chance that THQ will go under this year which leaves this title a bit in the shit. Fantastic shame :-(
  10. Yes everyone does. But think about where Pokemon would go from there... it would essentially Nintendo blowing their wod on their most profitable franchise (bar the Wii Something games). Plus MMOs are silly expensive and so on. But yeah, lets not get into this again. It only upset Serebii cos no one understands
  11. Well they do like their toys. I'm not sure it would be the "all-doom-and-end-of-pokemon" mistake that an MMO would be.
  12. Have they confirmed Edgeworth 2 ISN'T coming over? Or have they just not suggested that they ARE going to localise it?
  13. Ah yes but all current consoles will support DLC by the time it does. Which means... release day patch!
  14. I was just thinking, a big barrier with the AVP games were that you had to learn 3 different control schemes and only the marines one ever felt like it worked well. As it looks like this is only played from the marines point of view, this could have some major advantages. Here's hoping they implement a multiplayer mode that mimics the one from Killer Freaks eh?
  15. Yep you heard me, they have just announced another Ace Attorney game over in Japan and simultaneously announced that they are releasing all of the original 3 as an HD pack for iOS. Beware, platform is yet to be specified. Source: http://www.famitsu.com/news/201201/29009127.html
  16. I think the biggest problem for this game (and I'm judging purely by the in game footage) is that it will feel far too much like the past 5 spidey games. I'm completely uninspired to buy a new game from the franchise until someone completely re-imagines making the experience a bit more visceral again. I say that and it will turn out that this is a Move/Kinnect game
  17. I going to completely put off buying a 3DS again until we find out whether there is going to be a revision of the hardware. In my honest opinion Nintendo should do, because most if not all of the 3rd parties want them to. That's a good enough reason in itself. Expect it at E3? Probably.
  18. You see the funny thing is, Nintendo seems surprised at how popular the online and social elements are. I think the average Nintendo consumer is MORE likely to use social software due to it's family orientation and more likely to buy DLC cos, let's face it, we all love Nintendo franchises and can't get enough! But yes, bravo to them. The possibilities for NFC are really quite expansive (just think about a new generation of pokemon cards) and would easily be able to be used for say... contact purchases with a "connect card" or topping up Nintendo Network credit using a card bought from a store. Could you possibly have access to your account through a card, like a swipe key? That would be amazing as I could go to my friends house, take my key card with me and access all of my files to enjoy playing as well, rather than being a faceless Player 2. My only big question is about how the accounts really work. If you buy something digitally does it become registered on a single account that you could use on any Nintendo device, like Steam for instance? Also, those big new partnerships: I call Valve (and therefore a Steam portal) and some kind of partnership with Epic, which I think is likely to be the Infinity Blade series.
  19. Liking the look of this but I must admit that from a graphical point of view there are some strange omissions. Like when a car careers or skids over a bumpy corner or into a gravel trap, there are hardly any particle effects or catching on the bodywork.
  20. I find this entire subject pretty strange. Youtube do a fairly reasonable job of policing their content so I find it interesting that a company like MegaUpload should be any different. If there was another company that knowingly facilitated illegal activity then you would expect them to be held responsible surely? I expect this case to be like Al Capone, couldn't convict him of anything apart from tax fraud which was fine. The whole point was to just get him behind bars. I expect that the piracy stuff with MegaUpload won't stick but the money stuff will.
  21. RedShell, one thing for sure is that with all of the re-caps, you won't miss a lot! bluey got this for for Xmas and I finished it last weekend. A complete treat although at times I did feel like I was just reading a story. The ending was insane:
  22. Dude.... I love you and everything but dude....
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