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Everything posted by Jamba

  1. Can't play any of it because of a problem with WM+ (see Wii General discussion for my woes in detail)... From what I'm now hearing I should have never bought a bolt on one and just stuck to a built in one
  2. This is going to be one of those games that I'm going to totally miss the boat on isn't it because by the time I get to buying it, everyone will have level 500 weapons online....
  3. Can't play this now due to major control issues.... totally pissed.
  4. I'd love it if I could just take it out and plug it back in again but that does nothing for me. In fact if I reboot the Wii when it does it, it completely freaks the pointer on the controller out and I can't use the Wii Menu until I unplug the WM+. If I boot up Zelda with the WM+ attached but not the nunchuck, it detects that it's missing and confirms when I plug it in. But then when I load up my save I still can't move and if I unplug the nunchuck mid-play it doesn't detect that it's missing. WTF?! I'm wondering if there's a power distribution issue, which would explain a few things. I would think that it's 1 wire within the connectors that become unstuck as that would cause the inconsistency (account for heat expanding parts etc) whilst still allowing for the hardware to be detected. EDIT: Right so no visible signs of connection wear from the inside. However I did a bit more testing and I can get this repeating 100% on the Wii Menu. 1) Turn on Wii with Wii remote and no add-ons. 2) Attach WM+. Pointer still working fine. 3) Attach Nunchuck. Pointer disappears. 4) Pointer will not come back unless controller is rebooted without nunchuck attached. The other thing I found was that the pointer momentarily disappears when the nunchuck is detected when plugging it into the remote (without WM+). It seems that I can unbreak the wiimote if I plug the nunchuck in directly and the pointer will re-appear. However at no point now can I have all 3 devices plug in together! So... the nunchuck through the WM+ is making the software in the remote crash? Goody....
  5. Cheers Burny, for some reason in my rage'd state I misead that stuff. Will be opening mine up over the weekend to see if I can get it sorted. Will update if I find out the issue.
  6. Have people had problems with their WM+ by the way? I'm deep into Zelda at the moment and mine died on me last night it seems. Intermittently gets detected being connected to the Wiimote and seems pretty sketchy detecting the nunchuck being attached. I found this out last night when doing the chopping challenge and suddenly all of the controls for the nunchuck died. Thought it was a software issue...
  7. You're mocking me aren't you...
  8. I don't have a 3DS and despite really wanting one, I'm going to wait until E3 just in case. I think that a redesign wouldn't get any smaller but would put the second analogue stick on, especially as the 3rd parties seem to like it.
  9. So is Kid Icarus the 3DS's greatest must have title? Will it push the units to the average public or will this become a hardcore gamers' cult classic?
  10. Transformers I can kinda get over... but this is fucking laughable. Why take a franchise and then ignore all of it's lore completely. It's like they literally only want the name (which as pointed out doesn't even make sense anymore).
  11. Been playing this whilst staving off a hangover and I absolutely love it. So many small things that just make it wonderful. They seem to have cured Zelda of the formulaic repeating that was going on in Twighlight Princess but I was thinking about it and it's been done in the most subtle of ways. For instance, in TP you KNEW that you were going to have to collect those tears of light every dungeon and although I've just got the bit where I'm going to have to do something similar, it's been turned into it's own different type of challenge. Each time I go somewhere, I don't actually know what's going to happen or what obstacles I'm going to face. Plus they have brought back one of my FAVOURITE Zelda weapon ever:
  12. For those employed by the Game Group I would recommend reading the article on Games Industry.biz which has some interesting bits about your rights: http://www.gamesindustry.biz/articles/2012-03-22-what-does-games-administration-mean-for-you
  13. Aside from the fact that that pretty much rules out the chat function entirely. Now if they hard coded a teamspeak function into the U-mote then that would have some potential but yeah totally unlikely.
  14. Err can some explain to me (someone who actually plays it if pos) how WoW would even work? Surely no keyboard = no dice?
  15. Dude, I know the company's in trouble but that's a bit harsh.
  16. Yeah does seem a little early to be making any kind of judgement on that trailer. The tv series is truly fantastic and feels like it took a lot of the best bits of previous series. Definitely going to be keeping an eye out.
  17. Mike are you playing with CPP or not? Glad you're enjoying it and it's nice to hear that it's such a meaty game :-)
  18. Think you'll find the prices are like this over most of the south and midlands of England.
  19. Bournemouth Uni run animation and other courses linked to gaming. I'd say it would likely do quite well. My heart honestly goes out to the people who are working on the ground at Game and Gamestation. They have always been my main reason for going in there (often staff putting something aside for me that they knew I wanted or just for a general gaming chat) and I know how disheartening it is when you really put your heart in to something and it doesn't work out. Especially when it's not under your control. on another note anybody going to invest in a Chips franchise store?
  20. You see I felt pretty jaded about Twighlight Princess but I'm liking this quite a lot. For one, it's been more challenging than TP and the dungeon design is a HELL of a lot better. Also combat is really quite hard! I wasn't expecting to have to concentrate so much and have just had my ass handed to me twice by the boss in the first dungeon! Might need to just recal the controller but seriously, getting beaten a bit in Zelda makes me happier than I'd thought it would
  21. Tempura Wizard an the Eggplant!!! Total crazy genius
  22. I'd wait until you see some reviews. AC might look and actually play better on the Wii U. Not to mention, who would you rather be stabbing in the face in multiplayer? People on Live or on NN?
  23. I love how everyone has jumped on everyone else's opinion here and extrapolated it to the extreme. C'mon people... I think that the article itself is full of bitching and moaning and full of the sort of passive aggressive rage that makes people actively misunderstand what others are trying to say; just like is happening in this thread.
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