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Everything posted by Jamba

  1. I'm just waiting for the next one... goddamn.
  2. Which is why this is likely to be the first AC I will give a miss.
  3. I've put myself into learning Java as well. It's my first programming language but I'm relatively logical so I think I'll be sound. Been trying out some interactive lessons online but I'm not sure how useful I'll find them in terms of really playing around. One of the guys from work is building a game in Java so I might be able to learn by doing a little bit.
  4. I think it has tremendous value in terms of being able to be used in practically any classroom. Being amazingly compact and giving students the ability to program for mobile-like devices which they will understand the real world uses of. Also don't undersell how important it is to say to a student "you can make this do anything" with very few limits of where it might be deployed. For instance, this little board itself could hold a large section of the code for the workings of a car, in terms of the dashboard display, audio for built in bluetooth, storage of logs for monitoring and so on. There is nothing that should stop a student from potentially making a prototype using the actual board itself and going through the full development process. On a completely different note, thanks to @Rowan, I started to learn how to program in Java today. Thanks dude.
  5. Well it depends how you look at it. Personally I don't think this will hurt EA's sales in the slightest because let's face it, everyone who wants ME3 will find a way to buy it. And no one who wants it would blink at buying online and those that would will still see it in Tescos. @Cube - Very interesting and potentially important point. Can a customer who has been let down buy this ever trust Game to have the stock in? I've never trusted them to have enough stock in as soon as their preorders stopped really being preorders.
  6. @Serebii - Yeah that's a pretty good arguement not to however I think it will be down to how Nintendo is responding to 3rd party requests and what their plans are for Wii U. @Dcubed - I wasn't thinking smaller, just a version with the CPP built-in in away that doesn't look like a full body tumor.
  7. Guardian are predicting that Game will lose profits of £2-2.5m by not stocking ME3. http://www.guardian.co.uk/business/marketforceslive/2012/mar/01/game-falls-further-mass-effect-dispute
  8. Err so about that HOME link Shorty....
  9. He just mocked my iPhone Steve would never do that...
  10. Come on E3... I need to know whether I should be waiting of for a remodel
  11. *big fat raspberry* I really am not feeling this setting at all. War of Independence is over covered in my opinion and as I have mentioned in another thread, if this stays in the States, the architecture will be dull. India would have been a lot more of an edutainmenty choice.
  12. Can I take it that there isn't any multiplayer element to this at all?
  13. It's interesting, to me this is Nintendo's first really new hardcore multiplayer experience since Smash Bros 64.
  14. Yay crazy multiplayer that actually makes me VERY interested in this game now. And it was nice to see how the weapons classes work with a good video that really spells it out. You know... for people like me who havne't been following very closely.
  15. It looks fantastic. It's great to see Nintendo carving a completely new multiplayer experience. Reminds me of Lylat wars multiplayer for some reason.
  16. There are two things that I find incredibly (sexually) attractive in a woman. 1) Eye contact. If you've ever had this happen before, you'll know what I mean. You can build up a truly palpable chemistry with someone by doing this, as if you are playing some kind of chicken but in small little instances. 2) Singing voice. A soft elegant and usually alto voice absolutely kill me. They are sound damn sexy and attractive in real life. I have full permission to try and wed Norah Jones if I get the chance.
  17. I'd be quite happy if it was a new 3DS SKU.
  18. It really just depends what Nintendo's strategy is behind doing the conference. I can see plenty of merit in putting in a little Wii U tease.
  19. I'm starting to think that Nintendo will have too much information to save til E3. They are in a difficult position as I think that it's important that they really deliver their message properly in June so some stuff is going to have to get shown off before. So what do they show? Everything about the 3DS that was going to be in E3? Start trickling the information about the Wii U?
  20. After the 3DS I'm not buying another system again at launch period. Completely stupid on my part and honestly, most of the platforms console or handheld need at least a year for their full feature set to get going and for some decent games to even vaguely emerge.
  21. RIGHT! Well as GT seem to refuse to put out any proper videos I'll have to suffice with the one from Kotaku instead: http://kotaku.com/5886376/im-not-excited-about-transformers-fall-of-cybertron-just-because-of-metroplex
  22. HA! I'm such a retard, totally forgot where he worked. Although to be fair I don't think that it would be a bad call for him to get it delivered there still. Are they so stupid that they think he ONLY plays MS products?
  23. Haha :-) I was only being silly really. Nintendo's marketing department (for the UK particularly) have been excellent over the past, what? 10 years. All joking aside though, the localisation team still need a bit of a boot up the arse and I can't help but take a bit of a dig at them.
  24. Wahoo! First gameplay footage! It's only available on GTV at the moment but I'll edit this when the individual vids pop up.
  25. So something else for NE to do apart from localise games at a decent speed?
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