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Everything posted by Jamba

  1. Hey everyone! Thank you so much for all of your lovely comments. I have the biggest cat-bus style grin on my face almost all of the time at the moment! As Becky mentioned, we sat and watched the sunset overlooking the city's old town (which was at 10:30PM we were so far north!). After having a little mozy, I stopped Becky and asked her the important question We were just outside of the cathedral, just where the lady in black is at the bottom of this pic:
  2. Seems that Eurogamer are now reporting that this is being ported to the Wii U: http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2012-05-22-castlevania-lords-of-shadow-2-to-launch-on-wii-u-ps3-vita-and-xbox-360 Discuss
  3. This is unlikely to happen. As with most companies, SEGA doesn't mind if timing slips a little bit (or if your Empire Total War as shit load) but it will almost never fall out of the financial year, especially out of the window for it to sell in the the financial year. But I understand your pain. The delay is pretty long for a game that seems pretty far along.
  4. I'm a bit up and down about whether this is Nintendo's work. On one hand I think the game would actually sell more in total if it were a timed exclusive. But then again, they might not be able to mention anything Wii U related until E3.
  5. I would recommend this: https://www.msdist.co.uk/product_AirRouter.php Easy to use, great web interface and many of the built in tools are really handy. I could tell you how to configure it in my sleep.
  6. I saw this... weirdly the version with the stand is going cheaper than the solus edition.
  7. Can I just make the point that all of this stuff about the interface that's designed for Apps is bullshit. The Wii had an App style interface in 2006 and the iPhone wasn't released until the next year. Also just because something has an App style interface doesn't not mean that it has to have apps. And, being frank and not particularly diplomatic, if you feel totally compelled to be able to check facebook, MSN and be connected constantly, fork out for a decent piece of kit rather than a £100 quid console. Want decent gaming AND apps, go get yourself a Nexus 2 and play OnLive with a controller. OnLive will post all of your achievements to facebook and you can have a 360 style friends list and community. The fact that you have a tablet and can't be bothered to go on that to check the net and MSN on that honestly depresses me. If you don't want to use the tech why buy it?
  8. Cheers Ike. @madeinbeats: My answers for your questions were generally implied in what I wrote. I'll be completely honest, I couldn't be bothered to do a point by point break down.
  9. Dude, how do the games play?? Surely that the important thing? I also think that you totally misunderstand Nintendo's experience cultivation philosophy. They are a complete walled garden, even more so than Apple. They control what you use the platform for and how. Also your example situation is so specific that it hardly qualifies as a complaint. Compare your situation to that of the average Japanese person in Tokyo that has a 4G (or equivalent) phone that streams TV. Why would the 3DS need to be doing that when you can use the device in your pocket? The 3DS isn't out to do the things that other platforms do. Nintendo didn't go out and make the Vita.
  10. Couldn't agree more. What a waste of time for Retro. At most, ME1 needs the controls remade to be remade for Wii U. The idea of graphically improving a game that, to 90% of the people play games, looks amazing already is just money down the drain.
  11. *head desk* Not that it's a huge deal but it would be nice. Even Monster Hunter? :/
  12. Right so I've completely lost track. Which 3DS games support online multiplayer chat?
  13. Make sure you post some pics guys. I would love to go but very busy this weekend. Plus I'm too crap to play online quite yet. Only finished Chapter 4 this morning :-( One thing I'm really liking about the game generally is that it makes me want to play it in short bursts. I'm not getting that "JUST 5 MORE MINUTES >_<" addiction. It stops me overplaying it and burning out (no pun intended).
  14. Of course ;-) I actually have some games to play on it now! Rather than a 6 month window of nothing, not even virtual console games. Would be just my luck though that Nintendo would do a re-design.
  15. Hmmm... I'm a bit half-a-dozen of one and six of the other about this delay. In a nutshell though, I hope it's all for good reasons though, not for disaster reasons (e.g. cannot get game running on current tech).
  16. Yes no reasonable explanation to people who are well read on the franchise. Dude... seriously.
  17. Good point, no need to get whooped on in the early days. Will only put me off in the long run. I'm really liking how dynamic this game is sounding. The idea of just trying to play through with really different weapon sets is pretty nice.
  18. Christian Bale's wife. The one who hangs herself.
  19. Right so I have this turning up later this week. What are people's tips? How long should I wait to play online, or just go for it as soon as I feel comfortable with the mechanics?
  20. Yeah I was just thinking the same... Going to take a while to switch over, whatever happens. And @\-Dem0\- : Yeah, I was surprised at how good the GBA'S selection is. Got Metroid Fusion for free and some Mario/Wario games too so I'm a smug git.
  21. Its strange that you wanted these things because I don't think that anyone was expecting them. Not every feel has to have depth and I think that the things that it set out to do it did very well. Also, fitting all of that in would have have screwed the pace and made the film 20 hours long. There's plenty of other films to watch which cover this material but very few where a single act of physical violence leads to the entire cinema wetting themselves. Also you do realise they made it that way to make money right?
  22. Ahah! So I have returned to the 3DS realm and got myself a new console and a new friends code: 1633-5197-0923 If @Mokong X\-C could edit me on the first page, that would be awesome.
  23. Sooooo.... a new CEX opened in Banbury on Friday, which gave me the opportunity to trade a whole bunch of stuff and get a 3DS again :-) Interesting side effect: Previous owner has the Ambassador program and the purchases are still locked onto the device despite it being formatted! Got a massive raft of digital games for FREE. Ah-yeah
  24. What he said It's been hypothesised that Nintendo will use this as a way of paying, to avoid them having to store any card details, given what happened to Sony recently (oh and Steam). I'm interested to see what they can do with it. Whether a game can be developed around it. I would LOVE a game where you had to figure out your own spells by combining runes that you actually had to place on the system. I like the idea of having to figure out what combinations would work and using them to problem solve in your own environment.
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