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Everything posted by Jamba

  1. ^^^^ 3 posts up Dazzy.... 3 posts ^^^^
  2. Ah dude, you need to get on that. Call them back at every opportunity you get, don't let the chance of the job swim away. And leave a message with a good window to call you in! Make it like an appointment, it makes you sound organised
  3. Yeah it's not ideal is it. However Code Veronica had a sort of chapter system where you switched between Chris and Claire and that didn't seem to bother me too much. But yeah this seems a bit to regular and I don't really care for "Previously on X-Men" style bits. Only thing I can suggest is that maybe the storyline is more complex than usual?
  4. So I'm starting some work experience on a regular Monday slot with an IT support guy. He rang me today to say that the company he works for is looking for someone to step in for him as he moves into a different role. He's said I should meet the team... Yay me. That's kind if an interview!
  5. They said that about the Wii game as well though. Just give it some time and some bartering with Nintendo and it will happen.
  6. I think that you are still generalising. There are many breeds of dog that are bred to pedigree standard that are done so to be fitter stronger and healthier, even smarter. Gun dogs and most working dogs are bred like this and it's why you spend a decent amount of money like we did for our English Setter that had multiple champions in his bloodline. I think what you are really getting at here are dogs that are bred for show only. And I've never heard of people CULLING puppies. As far as I know, that violates animal cruelty laws in this country.
  7. I worry when they say "now featuring local wireless play". I'd be happier if they just straight confirm that it's online as well.
  8. Iwata suggesting being able to transfer your game from the Wii to the WiiU? Hmmm that certainly makes me want to ask a few questions...
  9. I wonder how many ships in a multiplayer battle this game could handle though Flink? Imagine the team based strategy you could have for almost fleet based warfare.
  10. Still not hugely fussed about this game. I haven't played the original but from the videos it seems really shallow on the gameplay front. Am I wrong?
  11. So you think it's a game then? Or some kind of functionality?
  12. If this had a sold, no sorry a GOOD online multiplayer mode it would make this title a significant system seller. It sounds like it really captures the 3D well and the new textures do it a lot of justice so it demonstrates what the platform can do very well. It having online would have inspired other people to have through the "friends" effect that Sony and Microsoft have done well to exploit.
  13. Is this why the Forum part of the site seems to be unavailable for short times quite a lot recently?
  14. I expect it to be hardware. Brian Ashcraft from Kotaku has been saying that he thinks it's a hardware change without really backing himself up, which to me suggests that he knows something. I wouldn't be surprised if there is a redesign that it falls in line a LOT more with the Wii U somehow, just in the same way that the DS Lite did with the Wii. My personal preference would be a huge functionality announcement. Something along the lines of a major development in online of friends system. A partnership with someone hopefully. Or something Nintendo-ish that is unexpected. Unfortunately those type of announcements always ring my pessimism alarm nowadays :-(
  15. Totally agree with you about immersion, however this is something that I feel has been getting worse and worse over the generations. Is that creativity lacking or is it because of the graphical fidelity? Dunno... I understand what you mean in the quoted section above and it definitely had been the case with most of the big 3rd parties this generation. But this coming generation, I'm not sure that is going to be the case. I'm not sure if publishers are going to be ready to fork out that level of money to develop a game with such a ridiculous budget. Companies are finding it tough at the moment and look how many big players got royally screwed at the beginning of this gen. The industry has never been at a point where they have had to consider the cost of development so carefully.
  16. I really wish they would stop screwing with the things that made the film cutting edge at the time. Puppet Yoda always seemed better to me and as someone mentioned, the absolute travesty that was cutting the original Anekin (sp?) out of the final scenes in RotJ.
  17. Ohhh interesting one. The top one looks like a regular ATX type PSU for a standard PC.... Is the second one a server PSU or a UPS? I'm just going by the huge amount of peripheral ports that it has. If I'm wrong let me know and I'll have another shot! EDIT: Aha! I was indeed wrong, the second one is an ATX-2 form factor isn't it because of the 24-pin connector :-) This is the bi where you tell me that the first isn't an ATX one
  18. So do you think that the next gen of the HD platforms will be totally backwards compatible then? I agree with you on the definition of console though... but what can they offer to get people to buy them?
  19. No not medically or scientifically! I've decided in my attempts to gain an IT support job and just for my general interest that I should start studying to pass the CompTIA A+ exam (which wasn't as vanilla as I was expecting!) The first exam requires me to have a general knowledge of hardware and some other things. What I thought might be fun was if you challenged me with some questions I'll post a topic every now and then so people know what I have been studying recently and the whole thing has a little structure. So this week's category can be identifying and categorising PC HARDWARE!!!
  20. The next generation of hardware presents an interesting conundrum that I think deserves discussing. What can each company do to sell their platforms? The Wii U seems obvious, their controller right? But is that enough? Also (and this is what I see as pretty interesting) what can the other 2 do? With massive numbers of consoles already sold, a new generation shrinks the number incredibly. So publishers and developers don't even want it to happen I recon. What can they do? Better graphics? More power? Do publishers want to make games with budgets like that? Do developers? Is there any reason for a consumer to even bother upgrading?
  21. Good for you. It's very hard to keep up the fight when you've got nothing keeping you busy. Have you thought about a second part time job?
  22. Got an empty email from an agency that I'm in contact with today :/ Turns out they are having IT issues (oh the irony considering they are an IT specialist recruitment agency!) but it was about a job. Hopefully it's not a recommended position but an actual interview or at least some goddamn feedback.
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