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Everything posted by Jamba

  1. Chrome on Mac with Snow Leopard. Not sure if it's since the countdown but I have only just noticed it. EDIT: Only happening on the main page, not on the forums. Also my cursor does change when it mouses over it but as nothing is showing about where it links to in the status bar then I would think that the information for the link cannot be accessed.
  2. Is anyone else having problems with the [Forum] [blog] etc... links on the main page? Have they been left off or covered over with the new count down?
  3. Or people who just don't find it funny....
  4. I shot those guys for a long time....
  5. Well.... I'm actually getting very excited about Doctor Who tomorrow :-) Although I hope I'm wrong about Rory. I like him more than Amy, easily. But not in a sexy way.
  6. Agreed. I've never understood some of the 3rd parties' loyalty to Sony. Is it just because they are Japanese and the companies try to forget the West exists?
  7. Possibly. I don't know that much about the wireless interface of the Wii but I don't think it's much of a factor as the wired version of the Dev Kits were still pretty slow. But this is where I disagree heavily. And it's not because Nintendo do anything incorrectly, they are simply behind on implementing things that allow gaming to be a fun and sociable experience online. I don't care how much of what game I have played each day shown in a pretty little chart. What would change my online experience is fully implemented VOIP, joining people mid-game, extra content to purchase (good for pubs/devs and customers!), and many other little things such as rich content friends status' (not just your stupid catchphrase). Eurgh I hope not... but it would explain a few things.
  8. I'm still very skeptical about this "new" Zelda game. All of this has been translated and the simple slip of an article could make all the difference in the meaning. For instance. The new Zelda game. A new Zelda game.
  9. Hopefully. Honestly though I think they will use it make themselves just sound better. "Coming to you TODAY"
  10. I understand what you mean here completely. It's difficult to be around people who are very different to you for many reasons. When someone essentially directs the humour or mood of a situation then that does have an effect on everyone involved. For instance, it's ok for a comedian to make jokes about Joseph Fritzle (sp?) to a large group of relatively anonymous people but it's another thing for a person to do that in a more dynamic social situation with less people.
  11. I was thinking about this from the view of the original post. Why was the person in the original post upset? There is a difference in their response to the material being shown. I would think that for someone who laughs as a defence mechanism/reflex, viewing it form the outside must look pretty messed up. Personally, I see no value in watching a film like Saw. It's not that I don't like scary films but I find the level of violence unnecessary and it's just nasty and horrible rather than scary. But you're right... what is it that people are laughing at? Is it the fact that the act in the context of the film is over the top? How graphic it is is over the top so much that it is out of context in the rest of the film? I think for those that would laugh as the guys in the original post did, it's obvious that someone without the context or mood and possibly the same sense of humour as them would find it worrying that they are laughing.
  12. I said that some people don't find you funny... That's not an insult, it's fact. Anyway, back on topic?
  13. Don't worry mate, you're still on my ignore list. I was really pointing out that one persons humour taste differs from another.
  14. That is interesting as a lot of people feel that way about your sense humour.
  15. I'm happy to see the changes in interface. The MGS system for handling weapons was very memory and definitely worked but it was definitely a solution to a problem.
  16. I'm not talking about Zelda ya mook! I mean c'mon... Even Alan Wake a decent collectors edition; House of the Dead OVERKILL had one. But not Zelda?
  17. I probably get a bit more offended and annoyed by things other people do than I should. That's mostly due to being annoyed and frustrated with other things but yeah... Anyway, the thing I find interesting is this: is the film meant to be funny? If you watch Evil Dead 2 then you are going to laugh because it is both jumpy and funny and purposefully plays on what is a classic human reflex to laugh at things we don't know how to deal with. But if you watch something like Dancer in the Dark and laugh the whole way through the film (not because you think the film is dumb) and you are still laughing when she bludgeons her friend to death with a metal toolbox then you have to look at yourself. You're not meant to laugh at some things. That's not the point of what the director is showing you in a lot of cases. Just as if you started crying during the opening of the Lion King, unless you have a phobia of sunrises of African singing! I think that a distinction needs to be made though. Laughing directly at something, such as farcical comedy, is very different to nervously laughing when something genuinely scares you. If I watch a horror movie I wants to be scared and if that comes out occasionally as laughter than fine but I do find it hard to understand the relatively new trend of watching overly gory movies for the purpose of laughing, not to be shocked.
  18. Surprised that so many people are getting hyped about a shiny box and let's face it a crappy poster. Considering the weight of the franchise, compared to other titles the "special edition" is pretty meh.
  19. The point about the game being "pretty much ready" and therefore will come out in November is garbage. The idea of a game being in Beta that long is frankly a waste of time and money. Contrary to what most people think, games are tested all throughout production, right from early alpha right through to gold and afterwards. As for the most of the other points, I'm extremely skeptical about the open world ending. It just doesn't seem very Nintendo.
  20. My answer in brief... I hope they don't but they probably will. But let's face it, if they release another Animal Crossing game then that will be an HD remake effectively as they probably add ver little in :p
  21. Wow... that trailer doesn't leave much to be uncovered! Shows you like the WHOLE game! :p
  22. There is a point in this season where she knows she's pregnant. Only after she forgets (or thinks that she isn't) does the Doctor's scan goes weird. This is where I think she gets nabbed.
  23. They didn't lock out online, they just made it fracking awful. And yes it is/was very bad. The connection speed to their servers is laughable. I couldn't even stream the videos on the Wii Channel and a measly update took a stupid amount of time considering they rarely exceeded 10MB. Having personal experience of testing online multiplayer on a cross-platform title which included the Wii and DS I can safely say that it's a joke next to the other 2. The match-making (which is likely to be a tool given to devs by Nintendo) is upsettingly bad and despite being relatively bug free was always the least enjoyable. Lets not mention that either the server or the system was incapable of handling the online so geometry, particles and gameplay from the single player had to be removed to allow the multiplayer to even cope. Absolutely horrific. And I put that about 70% down to server/infrastructure and 30% to machine.
  24. Very much looking forward to next episode:
  25. Mario Galaxy did kind of take Zelda slot this generation didn't it?
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