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Everything posted by Jamba

  1. From my experience, I think that part of Nintendo's philosophy towards how they treat 3rd parties has major implications here. With Sony and MS there are much fewer restrictions in terms of online. If servers need to be hosted then it is in the hands of the publishers but Nintendo almost actively put barriers in the way of developers in terms of DLC, online and so on. Nintendo need a frightening amount of control over their platform but if they gave devs some freedom and particularly supported the ones that they wanted to champion then I think other companies could bring good things to the table. Believe me or not about Nintendo's attitude but I think that changing from a "you can only do that by doing it this way" to a "you can do what you want but you have to do it on your own" philosophy would have a major impact on 3rd parties.
  2. Do we think that people will see this as the swan song for the console?
  3. Do you recon that they will be all smug and say something along the lines of: "We would like to talk much more about our new platform and as I'm sure you are aware, we at Nintendo would be very excited to tell you. But unfortunately we find that our competitors are quick to copy when new and exciting ideas come forward. This not only damages the ideas itself but dilutes our message about how we want people to play." Aka.... I'M LOOKING AT YOU SONY!
  4. Yeah I'm looking to get the Sensation when it comes to 3 as my upgrade date isn't for a while. I prefer their contracts if I'm honest.... So I was having a look at the Asus EePad Transformer which is pretty sweet. It's a tablet laptop hybrid and you can actually detach the screen. The lower half works as more of a dock but it also has an extra battery in it. Might seem a little much for an oversized phone but it is rocking a Tegra chip and looks fun and easy to play with. Comes with the base station for £429 so comparable to the iPad2 and is £370ish without. Anyone else interested in this puppy? Could it be flashed with HTC sense?
  5. I am aware that Nintendo deliver on their promises in a very sideways way. For this reason I know that they are unpredictable, as they like to get the competition second guessing. Unfortunately that usually means that they don't satisfy anyone information wise!
  6. I actually agree... personally I think it works as a game. But I'll ask bluey as she saw the Opera.
  7. Oh god... I think this film might actual cure my liking of transformers as an entire franchise. They totally miss what it's about... in a way I can't even begin to explain. I would rather watch an 3 hour long episode of Transformers Prime.
  8. Awww bless. You think that SEGA Japan will actually develop anything that isn't a Sonic game! And why would Nintendo want to buy them? Surely that would be like buying rotten apples?
  9. Enjoyed that episode but a few niggles....
  10. I would put money on the fact that Capcom would have approached Nintendo about this issue and got told that voice chat either isn't happening on 3DS at all or that it's nowhere near ready. Another opportunity missed.
  11. I recently watched "The Extraordinary Adventures of Adèle Blanc-Sec" which felt very Tin Tin. I'm a bit worried that it might have spoilt this for me. Frankly I think Luc Besson's quirkiness suits the genre a little better.
  12. Does anyone else hope that they tell us only the most important info about Cafe and then spend the rest of the time on the 3DS? They could talk about Cafe more later in the year but now is definitely the time for the 3DS.
  13. What would actually impress me (and I originally thought that they would do this with the Wii) would be if Cafe was a console portable hybrid that worked with the 3DS, possibly closely. Make your data, config, store profile all portable to take to your friends and put into their base station or whatever. Like, make the 3DS a second controller for some games.
  14. - Real 3rd party support. - A decent social gaming experience. - Nintendo not to do a half baked job on implementing game features.
  15. I expect them to build on the types of franchises that have been successful on the Wii. Don't forget a lot of the newer types of games haven't had a proper sequel yet so expect to see WiiFit 2 and WiiSports 2 and so on... Hell there are some very smart things they could do that go around the games like making a very good social element involving online that is part of the OS, which integrates with everything but.... it's not very Nintendo to do things like that is it? Personally I would like to see high res textures, decent normal mapping and some better dynamic lighting please.
  16. Totally. It's a piss take and would take less than a day of 1 programmer's time make it happen.
  17. I agree with Falcon's comments about the release. If anything, the decreasing interest in the 3DS is going to give the NGP more of a window.
  18. BINGO... what's the problem with that? Cut out the crap. If I want quality games on an iOS device I just wait for them, just like I would have to on 3DS. And I would still pay less. At least on the App store there is a spectrum of prices not just £30 or £40 for everything.
  19. I'm not bitching, I'm stating my opinion on the matter. I'm not making a judgement for everyone else here, it's just how I feel about how I want to spend my money. As for industry, things need to change again, such as finally stepping on the digital train and stop making excuses for why games should be so expensive. For example Nintendo's business model for the DS required publishers to front well over £1.5m minimum for manufacturing costs which is one of the reasons why the games are so expensive. Console game budgets have exploded but they have found a way to make the model work and keep the prices down. Hell retailers were listing DS games for £35 even well after release, which is a joke frankly. And you regard this as a remake? I think again that is a matter of opinion as it means different things to everyone. And why should they reveal features of the game before release? I dunno... publicity maybe? Giving people a reason to buy it on release before it goes pre-owned? Take your pic.
  20. Majority of that 90% you tal about are free games. And you know what, those games are actually pretty fun. But I'm referring to the full fledged games, the fact that the UDK is supported on iOS and so on. And I'm sorry but after the Wii and the DS, Nintendo fans can not get all uppity about mini-game collections. That's just being hypocritical. It wasn't killing the industry when it was keeping those platforms profitable.
  21. I get the portable argument but as Jim mentioned, bar anything extremely different (which let's face it should have probably been announced by now), most of us have played this game many times. For me I've had my time with this game and I find it difficult to justify spending my money on old hat (especially from a gameplay point of view.) Also look at what you can get for £30 on something like the App Store. The most expensive game I have seen on there is £10 and almost all of them are £7 or less. They might be arcady but the games I'm finding feel like quality portable games not re-hashed console games. If you want an argument for why console type games shouldn't be on a handheld then look at the PSP.
  22. It looks good and sounds good but not £30 good enough for me I'm afraid.
  23. Couldn't agree more. So far even OOT isn't going to see my money. I'm not going to start buying games to justify my handheld purchase, especially at a suggested £40.
  24. I'm hoping for some good news at E3. Right now, I'm selling my 3DS until convinced otherwise. Frankly I've got better things to play and better things to spend my money on.
  25. What do you mean kick start? This isn't mobile gaming, this isn't 5 year ago. I can play a fully fledged FPS on multiplayer on an iPhone, WHY do we have to wait for Nintendo to get it together to have games that support online at launch? Online is not optional it should be inherent in all games and all functions of the system. And I know you think that this does not need online but it would push handheld sales massively. Nintendo make some of the best multiplayer games and I'm sure they could do it with this. I don't want to play a prettier version of a game i've played to death.
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