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Everything posted by Jamba

  1. Going to be disappointed. I expect E3 to have a lot of extremely ambiguous "Coming 2012" in it.
  2. Jamba

    Crush 3D

    Confirmation of Streetpass from Sega.com And Nando.... be generous about the screenshots and remember it's a port of a game that has amazing mechanics. And then remember who the publisher is.
  3. Wow... this is another no-buy for the 3DS for me. Jesus.... this is not looking good at the moment.
  4. So they will show off the update at E3 and then give it to us? Try and big it up and ignore the fact that it should have been on the machine at release?
  5. Jamba

    Crush 3D

    Jubilation! One of my favourite PSP games is being remade for the 3DS. Now I know that people will moan about remakes but I don't care cos the 3D is going to be awesome with this AND very few people have played it. To top it off it's coming on September 9th! Watch the video and enjoy some platform puzzling goodness
  6. Laughed so hard. Ending is genius.
  7. I don't really care. Got rid of my Wii a while ago and have not missed it. The other platforms (including the DS) have a lot more to offer me and I think that the Store was pretty overpriced. I'm pretty disappointed with the games from Nintendo this gen tbh, that's why their platforms need the 3rd party support.
  8. I wish Nintendo would get a move on with FINISHING the 3DS features...
  9. I'm happy to think that some of the graphical changes have been made to make things look better in 3D. For instance, I'm happy to think that the day-glow water (in the intro as well!) will look better in that sense. Probably again going to go back to not watching anything to do with this game for a while, well until release now.
  10. The interpolation between keyframes would take very little extra calculations. We are talking about models that are sub 500 polys so the engine actually has very little to do. As far as adding extra information, animations use keyframe poses and then the engine interprets where the vertices should be between those poses. Because of this, no changes will need to be made to the animations themselves.
  11. Ad I wouldn't say that it is similar to Smash Bros but it is very different to SF and Dead or Alive in a lot of ways. I found the variety of moves very refreshing and many of them can be executed with a combination of a direction and pressing an attack. There are no clone characters and everyone has a completely distinct style and move set. The animation is astounding. And despite the seriousness of the trailer, it's damn funny!
  12. Right so they have announced that the release date in the US is May 24, 2011. Hopefully it won't take the 5 months that the last one did to come to Europe but here's hoping! From what I have seen the game will include all of the content from the original including all of the storyline, so I'd guess that the title will feel just like the console versions that have installed the CSII update. One of the biggest new features is the "Abyss" mode but I'll have to read up more to give you any more details. Would anyone be interested in me doing a full write up of the features? I would think that a lot of folks don't know much about the series generally.
  13. In the tablet sphere of things, I think that they are pretty unchallenged, especially as they are 1 generation of hardware ahead of almost everyone. Google haven't got Honeycomb sorted properly from what people tell me and we are STILL waiting to see reasonably priced hardware from the competing manufacturers. Phone wise and computer wise, I totally get ya. Although you could argue that a tablet would fit most people's needs to replace a laptop/PC.
  14. According to Kotaku, they have changed the shooting design so you can run and gun now. They said that they wanted the Mercenaries games to feel more fast paced and actiony so they know full that it's important not to do it on the full fledged horror titles.
  15. Castlevania wasn't that high res was it?
  16. Actions speak quite loudly don't they? If this is as good as you say all it would take is for SEGA to agree on a price (most likely not suing them) and then publish it on XBLA and PSN. It's a fully fledged game, it would be insane not to. It's not like they could damage the IP at this point.
  17. But how long were they developing phantom hourglass for though? Spirit tracks was simply a tweaked engine and that's why the development time was shorter (just like Majora's Mask).
  18. Does anyone know the official release date for the store and the browser yet? I remember dates being chucked around before but I don't remember anything being confirmed.
  19. I feel exactly the same. As important as seeing far into the distance will be for the 3D, that fog was integral to many places in the game and the atmosphere. I'm looking forward to potentially enhanced audio for Forbidden Forest.
  20. A release date would good! I'd be happy to play this as I didn't get to explore.thosode much at all. And multiplayer makes me happy
  21. It's something that the 3DS sits on to charge. You plug the normal charge cable into the back of it:
  22. My charger cable doesn't seem to fit my console but it does nicely into the cradle so I'm sorted.
  23. Yeah i did you cheeky bastard :p
  24. I went into Soho in central London last night and didn't StreetPass with anyone. Am slightly sad about it but I guess most of the people that bought one weren't out on Friday night
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