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Everything posted by Jamba

  1. Wow... I'm seeing a pattern here.
  2. Too many factors about the new movies that stop it being Transformers as it should be. Storytelling is all wrong, they've only just started getting the action right and generally, it's always felt like they are trying to jam the Transformers franchise into a "modern action movie" genre. Back me up here bryanee
  3. Jamba

    Portal 2

    Was playing this with my cousin last night and haven't laughed so hard in ages. He killed me at least 4 times... the monster.
  4. Hmm... not sure about the whole thing frankly. I just get the inkling that it will be more of the same just rendered better.
  5. Yeah war for cybertron was excellent. In fact, it was so good that elements of the game got incorporated into the current show. But yeah... not too sure about Grimlock atm. I expect that he won't be playable but a character you watch like Trypticon.
  6. The first robin became Nightwing. One of the other robins became red robin.
  7. It's just Jamba. You should have a friends request from me though.
  8. Just got my micro console today and I'm super happy. Arkham Asylum rocks the Casbah (sp?) and I've got 9 cheers so far. I feel special! And FB.... you no addy?
  9. Got my copy all nicely saved away in OnLive for the moment. Just finishing off Arkham Asylum for the first time as well so I should be able to 100% that and slip straight into City. Gonna be sweet.
  10. Hiya... not really a suggestion but more of a fix. The link for [Forums] up there next to [Home],[blogs] and so on is still pointing to the old domain but only on the forum webpages. Seems fine from the front page.
  11. My one with the iPhone4 is fine. I used it to tide me over when we didn't have internet in the new flat we are in.
  12. Screw it... lodge a complaint and get out of the payment. You can't argue with £40 = Arkham City + £70 kit (+ potentially another game).
  13. Interesting stuff there FB... sorry I haven't added you yet been a bit busy. Also I got an email this morning about my micro console being delayed due to high demand. Which I thought was crap.... .... until they gave me a free game to say sorry!
  14. Ahh cool, I've heard really good things about the US deals actually so I hope they keep it going. But in the mean time I'm going to be very happy. Oh and if anyone want to add me, my handle is the same as on here.
  15. Great news :-) Arkham City is up for pre-order and when you do, you get the Game pad and micro console for FREE. That's me sold considering I have no PC or PS360. They're going on eBay for like £50 already....
  16. Looking forward to having a try at this. Does anyone know how the iPad version is going to work? Just a quick note if people didn't know, the game bundle gives you 30% of all games and accessories. Which might include the controller gizmo. That would take it down from £69.99 to around £48.99. Instant savings!
  17. That looks like an amazing update on the original. I haven't spent much time with it but I really wanted to do some mod work on it but this new engine is Su-Weet.
  18. Nice work Shorty. Let us know if you need it stress testing at all mmmkae?
  19. Just read the interview about the lack of online for this. Not impressed really as I get the impression that there just aren't enough people experienced with online at Nintendo. And those that are interested in online are scared to prototype and explore. That's purely speculative but hey, it's my gut feeling.
  20. First half of that trailer was so painful... overly melodramatic music with totally nothing actually going on (ok.. the wizard could have said something but still). Combat system looks pretty good and although I'm a massive Disney fan this series has always looked a little too Japanese in style for me. Never know though.
  21. Judging by previous Monster Hunter games' promotional material and Capcom games in general, they usually use full blown FMV footage, no? This being rendered in-engine would suggest that it's representative, possibly even demonstrative of in game animations. One can only hope!
  22. Looks pretty good. Can't help feeling that it all looks a bit minimalist and stripped back like a lot of NSMB DS did. Hopefully that will all clear away with a playthrough.
  23. Bah.... already played Mario Tennis on my Virtual Boy :p
  24. Gah Every time I watch that video of that STUPID rhianna character, I get more annoyed.
  25. Well at least you put in a lot of effort though :-) To be honest, I'm surprised that they called you back to reject your application. Tis a rare thing in job finding to get that. Just out of interest, you sound like you are going for games industry related jobs. What are you after and where are you? I might be able to help you out a little.
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