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Everything posted by Jamba

  1. I would have thought that TH:Ride would have served as a warning for any developer who ever got near the franchise ever again. Don't they understand that it's the gameplay that's broken?
  2. I'm super happy, dya get mi cuz?! Just been on a training course near the welsh boarder for 2 days. Brain hurts but I've learnt loads am feeling pretty good about myself. Also, OnLive have brought out their app for Android and shortly iOS so I'll be able to play more games with my cousin and friends on the super cheap.
  3. OnLive have announced today the release of their mobile apps so that you can play games via their service on Android and iOS tablets and phones. Some games have had special touchscreen controls made for them but i think a lot of them work with a virtual pad of sorts. From what I've read LA Noir has had a completely new control scheme added so might be worth checking out. So far, only the Android app is up but the iOS one should be coming very soon apparently. And for anyone who is concerned there is a controller (can't figure out whether it is a new one or the usual OnLive controller) which links up, so you get the best of both worlds there.
  4. Sounds like it's on it's way out to me Franklin. At 6 years old I would think about getting a new one anyway. Most home routers are complete crap anyway as they don't do things like clearing the log table for connections over WiFi, which leads to one of the biggest needs to restart out of everything. Personally, I would go look at something like Draytec (pretty sure they do routers) as they are a very good manufacturer. I'll have a look through some things today and see if I can find out anything else for you. Was it a WiFi one you needed?
  5. Anything from here please: I think Tiny-Huge Island would make for a fun level as well What would be interesting would be if Nintendo started harking back to some of the relatively recent games that people have started to forget about like Electroplankton.
  6. For the love of god can't they stop making the circle pad grey?!
  7. I like the metroidvania games a lot but I'd much rather that Nintendo got their act together and made a new Metroid. Or... shock horror... OR let Konami make the next 2D Metroid game cos, you know, it's not like that haven't proved that they can do beautifully animated 2D Metroid type games already, is it? I'd like to see something different from Castlevania on this gen of handhelds but they are in a tricky situation. The 3D games are well known (apart from the latest one) for being rubbish and I think that it will take some smart game designers to figure out how the series would work in 3D. Unless of course they want to do a Shadow Complex... but again, enough Metroid!
  8. New venture is paid :-) More so than my previous job too. After 6 months I get a review and my salary will go up dependent on the success of the ISP. Ball is totally in my court.
  9. So on the job hunting front for me, I have been working 1 day a week with an IT company for free. They are starting a new venture that I am going to head up which is a new ISP business. It's a bit in at the deep end but I'm super excited. Just finished my old job today and starting the new one on Monday. And yay! I get my weekends back.
  10. Sounds like everything is shaping up pretty well. Kinda wish I still had a PS3 or 360 to play it on... ... I can only hope 'thesda will bring it out on OnLive or WiiU
  11. I agree. Most of all though, above everything else the Wii u needs games that couldn't be on any other system. I want to see RTSs and other genres that have taken a bit of a back seat recently. On another point, I think that FPSs are a must but let the big 3rd parties do them properly. I also think that western RPGs/MMOs would fit very well on the system because of the touch interface plus the chance to de-clutter the HUD. Skyrim on Wii U please.
  12. I'm not hugely surprised. Running a high risk business strategy based on a hugely optimistic belief that their games will sell in the multiple millions. Some bad decisions being made at the top I feel.
  13. I wonder if "New Super Sonic Bros. Wii U" is going to be a launch title. I'm also loving it how the article suggests that SoJ basically need help from Nintendo as they've run out of ideas/talent.
  14. Yes Nintendo... Listen to the only 3rd party that is supporting you properly.
  15. So DLC and microtransactions are now going to be possible on the 3DS. Now we can all experience day 1 patches :-) I like this as it totally opens up the possibility of different types of games being available. I'd happily pay extra for say a map pack on MK.
  16. God dammit I wish I could play this... Stupid money...
  17. Ouch! Could have been phrased a little better! Where did you interview for?
  18. Kaytee I would say a lot of what you find will be dictated by how you meet guys. If you meet them in a more social situation then I think that people get to know you a bit better. If you meet someone in a club where it's hard to really interact properly then I think looks come into play a lot more (espeeeecially when Captain Alcohol is in town). Also I think if you are either very attractive as a woman or striking looking (say your style for instance) then I think that causes a distraction for a lot of people and you will get prejudged more so on that.
  19. I know I sound like I'm being petty but the use of the term "beta" in this thread is hugely inaccurate. When a game goes into beta it means that it had become feature locked and really the only changes are going to be fixes of bugs, tweaking gameplay and level design and generally just polishing. What are being described in this thread are early alpha if not prototype stages...
  20. Shaping up to be a pretty tight game indeed this. It's nice to hear DICE's approach to multiplayer being discussed again. I haven't played a huge amount of COD online but I never got that sense of teamwork that I did from the other BF games.
  21. Jamba

    Portal 2

    Having played a big section of the co-op I might do some level design for multiplayer on this. I've enjoyed it so much and would love to get into doing something like this. Plus it will be a good way to get back into Hammer quickly. Give me a shout if you're interested in checking out any of my custom levels btw.
  22. Agree with both of these. If we're being cynical as well, making the character more define-able surely makes selling toys easier. Personally I would like them to completely remove the military influence from the movies as well. I find them misplaced and overly American.
  23. Just when I thought that this season was picking up a little. Just get the hell on with ending the show already...
  24. Iun I think that's one of the things that makes the original movie pretty good. They do a whole bunch of things that you initially think: "You couldn't possibly..." @bryanee - Indeed the Autobot City fight is fantastic. Great music and in a matter of 10 mins they manage show off almost every transformer in the show (some as corpses...) I love the animation and the action of the entire film and it's still my favourite animated feature.
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