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Everything posted by Jamba

  1. Exciting! I've just read a review by Digital Foundry over on Eurogamer. It's a good review but they totally miss the point of the device which is surprising for them. It's here. The most hilarious thing is how many people in the comments are saying: "God someone needs to get [insert software/system] running on this thing.... only then will I buy it". FFS people, buy it and get the software working yourself! It's developed and made by a charity to help schmucks like you get programming and developing.
  2. Whilst the exact details here are NEVER going to happen, I would love for ME to come to Wii U. I can't think of a another popular AAA game that suffers so badly from barrier to entry because of the control scheme. Touch screen would solve so much of that.
  3. Someone being realistic I see! On a completely different note: What do people think the chances are that Steam comes to Wii U or at least Gab states an intention to?
  4. I'm going to be more conservative (and probably boring): Wii U - Wii U gets a redesign which everyone is still pretty luke warm about - Online gets talked about like it has just been invented but it does very little if anything that XBL doesn't do already but we get digital downloads right? - Activision still show limited support for the system. - A raft of great looking 1st party games, almost all without release dates. - Retro's new project is a release title but is actually new IP. - Ubisoft's new IP look good on the surface but are pretty shallow, suggesting a rushed production. - Darksiders II is heavily playable at the show but played down in the meeting. - Nobody says anything about Unreal engine. - Nintendo rub their own genie lamp, tell everyone how they see the industry differently to everyone else before a short lecture on changing gameplay, finished off by a reveal of easily accessible games which will become the new Wii Sports. My outside bet: GTA V is on the system. 3DS - "Look how we didn't screw up!" - Blarg about sales and plenty of talk about services that people don't really care about. - Zelda gets its reveal. Coming next year. - Very little time to show much more than a teaser montage of lots of games, concluding with Reggie saying "which will all be playable on the floor". Outside bet: Phoenix Wright vs. Layton actually gets mentioned at E3. EDIT: Totally didn't read the first post...
  5. Wow, banned already... efficient mods! With the announcement of the digital editions of games I think that a unified account is looking more likely. As with others I wonder how they will handle multiple accounts on one system (if they don't do it for the 3DS they are going to have to do it for the Wii U). I'm guessing it will just work like the 360 where you don't have access to content that you haven't paid for. Just as if you were using you Steam account on someone else's computer I guess.
  6. Errrrr... you wanna give me the money for it? And hey, I was expecting a bit more than "it's good" as a pitch. Be a bit more descriptive!
  7. This game epitomises exactly what Sony lacks compared to Nintendo. The lack of basically any charm towards any of the characters is pretty depressing.
  8. I've never played any Dragon's Quest apart from a bit of one of the slime adventures on the DS. Sell the game to me!
  9. Would be cool if this had some of the more strategic elements surrounding pit management and race direction. Would laugh my ass off if you could change tires like they suggested you would on Kinnect.
  10. Oh you're so innocent. You actually believe Ubi when they say that. It's called "covering your arse".
  11. In case it's not what everyone is assuming it is. On reflection though, the connectors between the white box and the lead do look very like the ones that the Wii dev kits originally came with. Quite surprised that Ubi showed the dev kit though, unless this was meant to be at E3 last year?
  12. Is no one worried by this? It seems like one of those horrible Nintendo surprises. And there's a little notch that seems to be sticking out as well.
  13. Jamba

    Red Dwarf

    The later series were pretty rubbish compared to the earlier ones but they did spawn the occasional gem:
  14. I thought Minish Cap was brilliant. Personally I found it more charming (from a writing and characters point of view but not visually) than Wind Waker and it certainly freshened up the Zelda weapons palate that was getting overused and dull. I liked it being a high density game. They made you remember almost every screen in the entire game because you would have explored it thoroughly rather than sticking a whole bunch of filler in which frankly makes Zeldas a bit dull. The inclusion of the wind jar (basically) in Skyward Sword made me super happy as it was fantastically used in MC from a mechanics and gameplay point of view.
  15. Fair point. But he's a cock about it.
  16. I love how the normal humans that have gotten into the Avengers due to their fantastic amount of skill get completely missed out here. Nice...
  17. Hope this isn't the case. I don't really think that GAME deserve an exclusive if I'm honest and surely with it's relatively low media exposure it's going to need to get out to the online retailers as well.
  18. My thoughts exactly :-) Guess we'll be finding out in June if I should be keeping my normal remotes.
  19. Watched the first episode of Ultimate Spidey.... did not like. Not funny, not emotive, full of characters that presented no premise for me to get interested in them whatsoever. It felt like it was taking the piss out of itself (and still not being funny) whilst spidey wildly pendulum swung from being a badass to being totally incompetent. Like "don't let him near the can opener because he might accidentally commit suicide with it" incompetent.
  20. This was a thought provoking article. As he says not popular or particularly compassionate but he raises some good points. I wonder about the effects of education though really. Take South Africa for instance: a country that has massively benefitted from investment in infrastructure, education, industry and (from what I am told) healthcare from European cultures some of whom have moved there to benefit first hand from being involved. Now we see a situation where attitudes, religion, corruption, dictatorship and retaliation lead to this country slowly tearing itself apart and ruining much of the good work done. My point being that education from an outside culture seems to become resented quickly and even thrown out. Surely the education has to come from within, a slow learning process that changes a societies inherent attitudes and culture over long periods of time.
  21. So I got an email from Nintendo today. To fix my WMP would cost.... (drumroll) £29.99!!!! And with that information I went here: http://uk.webuy.com/product.php?sku=045496890629 So for less money (including delivery) I got a nice controller with the WM+ built in. No more bulky controller
  22. Been watching the new Green Lantern series from Cartoon Network. Was surprised that they have actually tried to tackle the emotional complexity of the (what little I know about) the comics. Quite tempted by picked up a graphic novel. What would people recommend as a starter? Jump straight in with Blackest Night?
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