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Everything posted by Jamba

  1. Visually perhaps but that game reviewed like backside because it's a game. If that's what the crux that the PS4 or Durango have to offer then count me out.
  2. Totally agree with this. The only exception I've seen to my general "don't do remakes" has been Perfect Dark on XBLA and that's mostly because the game was ahead of it's time and online makes everything better.
  3. Does anyone think that there might be a time when we don't play as "the one and only Link". Maybe part of the hero collective instead or people just inspired by Link? I'm thinking through how, from a character perspective that Nintendo might make this multiplayer type of things work.
  4. When the big feature of your game needs to be completely overlooked, despite it being half of the game, to get to the good bit then you have a serious priority problem. Big the Cat levels were a silly (in a good way for me) departure that you could play at almost any point in the game. You can't avoid the Werebollox. Don't get me wrong about Generations and Colours. Not played them myself but meant to be great games and Sonic being back on form.
  5. Sonic has a serious issue constantly when it comes to gameplay balance. It's called unfair death syndrome and it was rife in Heroes. I've never played a Sonic game that I have refused to ever play again apart from Heroes and I hated after about 15 mins of playing it. Sloppy camera work, completely broken gameplay and just generally awful and cringe-worthy. I'm worried about this game, the fact that Unleashed has been linked to it does not bode well despite Colours and Generations being mentioned. Frankly the whole thing sounds like SEGA still not having a clue where to take this series. Everywhere from his duplicitous character writing to ridiculous inclusions of silly irrelevant gameplay. You know what everyone remembers from Unleashed? That the Werehog sections were complete crap on every level. Stop it with accessorising the experience and make a substantial and entertaining game. Adventure 1 is great with some important downfalls but the majority of the actual game bits of the game were excellent because they were distilled and focused. Can't believe they are still pulling this crap....
  6. You could just put the NFC tech in the card which would hardly raise the production cost at all. But yeah, I'm very surprised that they bothered to put the reader tech in (expensive!) and not be using it at this stage. I doubt the devs even have access to it yet.
  7. I find it difficult to talk about games that I'm bored of because I don't really feel that many games at all are much of a fresh idea any more. It's not that I don't enjoy them (hell I eat bolognese at least 1 every 2 weeks and it's always great) but I've only played 1 series in the past 5 years that has really made me say "Yes, that's how you do it!" which was Portal and it's sequel. Yes Uncharted was impressive and epic but frankly not that much of a game and at worst could be accused of simply doing the things that all generic action games have been trying to do ever since 3D showed up but doing them well. I think back to games that felt like they leapt forward and opened things up to the point where I wanted to explore the inner world of the game for hours. Like when I first played Goldeneye, I was intrigued by how much I could do and what the limits were. Today I just don't care because I know where those boundaries will be already. Within minutes of the games starting I can see how they are going to increase the difficulty or mix up the situations and I just don't care. Also, I find games rely far too much on defeating AI, which leads to feeling like you have just outwitted the computer rather than having mastered a puzzle. I know it's problem solving of a different kind but it's just not satisfying for me.
  8. Agree to this. I think a "proper" Pokemon console RPG would damage the franchise just as an MMO would (@Serebii - let's hope no one starts that thread up again!) If anything the Pokemon franchise needs to diversify, as Cube says, make a different kind of game. Fuck, why don't they just make a SimCuty clone for the Pokemon world. It would make a killing!
  9. Nice work Sam! That deserves respect indeed! And I think you can still get Alex Kidd... I got my copy on boxing day and only played it on the 28th and I still got it. Do it @Ashley ..... DO IT.
  10. It's brutal isn't it!? But honestly, I find the races and the sprint sessions the hardest by far. Can't even get 1st on the second racing event atm as I think I need to level up some other chars apart from Sonic. How is everyone doing for Stars? I'm up to 153 and last time I played I think blood came out of my nose
  11. Season 9... really. Can we bring back the horse flogging gif just for this?
  12. Excellent news! I've just downloaded this so I don't know if it has been patched yet. Who else has it?
  13. CEX are a shop that sells only second hand stuff so all of these controllers are pre-owned. They strip everything down so peripherals get separated from games and they even take the games out that come with the Wii U!
  14. All colours are the same price I think.
  15. Cex are selling them for £22. Just picked up a gold Zelda one today
  16. I am quite curious as to what is going to happen with the line-up between march and say.... september. With the amount of 1st party teams that are deep into projects there MUST be something of high quality if not more than one of those type of games coming in Q4 2013. But then again, could this announcement be 3rd party? Could it be GTAV with all the Miiverse support that you would want? Dreams are fun.
  17. Amazing! I thought it was fun getting just 12 but that's a proper display. These little extras look great in the park, especially when you get something huge like the entire of Kraid's head!
  18. Right @RedShell , 68 x [?] ! Shall we try and max it out?
  19. I fucking love this game! Going ape-shit for collectables! How is everyone doing with the [?] blocks? I think I'm in the mid 50s now but I goddam love making the pachinko machine explode and cough out like 10 blocks at a time. Been spending some time "mastering" some of the Zelda and Metroid levels which is adding some challenge. @bluey and I ripped Zelda apart today and fought the final boss. You'll be happy to know that there's more after that though ;-) How many special stars have people got so far? How many platinum trophies? I don't even have a GOLD one yet :p
  20. Yeah sure thing man. I'd recommend using one of these (I use them all the time and know them really well):



    If he gets this and sets the wireless mode to WDS repeater then it should repeat the signal. He might need to add the MAC address of his main wireless device so that it knows that this is where the internet is. Tell him to update the firmware from http://www.ubnt.com as well. Will be in the airMax group of products.


    I'm sure he's smart enough to do things like turn off the DHCP on this and to make sure that it has a static address that isn't going to conflict with the others. By default they come as

    If he has any questions then let me know and I'll see what I can dig up!


    Glad you came to me though. Wireless really is my business :-)

  21. I agree with what other people have said above, this really does feel more fun than Wii Sports. It's just got so much more substance and really is a full game. Will be interesting to see how much legs it has.
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