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Everything posted by Jamba

  1. The IGN review seems pretty scathing and by the way they talk about it, the 7.5 seems a little generous. It was weird reading the Wii U specific section too where they were listing stuff like "it takes a little time to get used to playing on the Gamepad cos of the layout". What the fuck does that mean? It's only the same layout that you've been using to play the game all the way through with so far! And why does their inability to use the controls need to even be in the review anyway?
  2. Havent they broken the embargo on it? I thought that Gametrailers said they weren't allowed to say ANYTHING until Sunday midday or something? Fuckem I say. Ubisoft probably didn't pay Gamespot enough money to get a good review score.
  3. Reggie pointed out something today when talking to people in the queue for Wii U in the New York. It's Metroid Prime's 10th birthday. Now the conspiracy theorist in me wants to see this as significant and I am very interested in what Retro have been working on. So what could happen? Has the 1st person Metroid genre grown stale or is there plenty of blood left in that stone? For me, Retro are very capable from a technical and visual point of view. If there is anyone outside of the core Nintendo studios who are going to show off what all of these fancy shaders can do, it's them. That and I have a sneaky suspicion that Nintendo are holding back the big guns for holiday 2013 makes me think we will see Metroid from Retro November next year.
  4. Agreed. It's a real shame as the content really just doesn't seem to be there. I know it's not a directly related game like Castle of Illusion but one of my favourite games on the SNES was Magical Quest. Loved the different outfit ideas and generally, it was a very solid platformer. There were a stellar last couple of levels and Pete was such an evil bastard. He stole Pluto, who DOES THAT!?
  5. How do you think that review reflects on the game? What do you think a 7 means from Edge? They're usually pretty harsh markers aren't they?
  6. Hey, why don't you just rent it? As others have said, singular reviews can be amazingly biased due to reviewers preference but at the end of the day, it's going to be about what you enjoy right?
  7. Hmmm I smell an xmas prezzie for bluey
  8. From reports from both Kotaku and Gametrailers, it seems that none of the press have a Wii U copy of BLOPS2 at all. They all seem really disappointed and have no clue what the fuck is going on. Nice work Activision.
  9. For those who missed it, the full recording of the stream is here:
  10. Well, I'm trying to be helpful by stopping you caring about his opinion but you seem to enjoy forcing your righteous fury upon someone rather than accepting that you disagree and leaving it at that. By reacting, you've reduced the thread to this: And by feeding the troll, you make most of us feel like this:
  11. For me, possibly. I'm realising that I despite my impulses sometimes, in the long run I much rather not know much about a game before purchase aside from a confirmation of the quality. I did this with Skyward Sword and was much happier with the result. And frankly, I want to spend less time on here.
  12. What's wrong with your brain?! You know where the "Add user to ignore list" button is. Use it and shut up.
  13. Spot the attention seeking review!
  14. Wahooo people playing this on live stream right now. It's the PS3 version but all fairly similar from what I know: http://www.twitch.tv/skyartgamers
  15. Astonishing sales! 800,000ish units in one week. I wonder what people will be playing on the underground this month on the Yamanote line?
  16. Haven't picked this up much since I started playing it near launch as a whole heap of real world stuff came up (you know... getting engaged etc :p ) Really want to hit it again but need to spend a decent amount of time adjusting my control sensitivity cos the default settings are complete wank! Really want to do more to take advantage of my street pass again as well :-)
  17. From what I've seen of it so far, I welcome the changes from the formula as it forces you to mix up the move set on a constant basis. So easy in the classic JRPG formula to sit there hammering the same attack patterns. Dunno though... I feel a bit burned by previous PM games. Not sure if it was anything to do with the gameplay itself but the style. I like the whimsy of the writing but I just felt like the pace was more frustratingly slow rather than relaxed. For some reason they don't seem to grab me and I get a bit resentful about that after laying down £35 and a massive block of my time. I'll see how the pre-owned price on this behaves. Might end up picking it up cheap as it does look to be a good game.
  18. Can't believe that it took until a matter of days before the US release for this video to get published One thing I'm still not clear on though is if each system can only handle 1 NN ID. Initially I would have assumed that each user would have had their own ID but from the video, it seems that everyone shares the same one? Surely in some instances, that's going to become and issue...
  19. No he said wired too. Probably some fucking evil UPnP in the router or something to do with address handling. As others have suggested, if you can grab a static, i'd go for it.
  20. @Jonnas and @darkjak , I agree with both of you actually. I think the entry level difficulty needs to be dropped down with a decent curve. I really like games where the end game sections are a genuine challenge as I think you should get rewarded for being genuinely good at the game. Having it hard from the get-go is a MASSIVE mistake though. This game needs to be accessible enough for mainstream people to fall in love with the franchise and persist from there. Nintendo need to build the value of the IP and they're not going to be able to do that by shutting out the newbs.
  21. So I'm starting to use a Galaxy Ace GTXwhatever and it's pretty smart for such an old phone. So far, feeling completely happy with my choice to trade my iPhone 4 for this + money.
  22. I'll see what I can do/find out. Shame cos I just sold my MK7 for Wii U funding. I'll have to use Kid Ic to compare but the servers and matching could always work differently.
  23. I was thinking about how huge the character rosters got in the series and one thing I always find is that it's a little hard to get a connection to them when there are so many to choose from. You just settle into your favourites and don't try and explore much. How about taking more of a career mode approach? What races you win, who you waste, what tournaments you choose all influence what kit is available for you and for how much. You get to customise your character and machine however you like. Hell I'd even go all out and add in some Mass Effect style sections to generate the story mode which could further modify that. You know... in case Nintendo are feeling ambitious.
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