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Everything posted by Jamba

  1. Nice work dude! My suggestion whilst you're hunting for jobs is to get your teeth around a brand of router and get to know it. Try and live and breathe their forums and stuff. Once you get to know one brand you're 3/4 of the way to knowing the others ;-) I know a fair amount about the Mikrotik routers so if you wanna give me a shout about it anytime go for it. Should be hosting a training course for them in January actually And Ashley, my honour only lets my insult you once per jealousy issue so I shall leave it as this. >_>
  2. Loved how this avoided probably the two best examples of a Wii U from a technical point of view. Also was it just me or did they not really compare them all that much?
  3. Yeah I doubt it would either. Don't those things need power from the USB? I'm happy that this seems to use some standard inputs but I do have a half decent set of Sennheiser headphones but no mic... don't want to fork out for a new pair. Although, it would stop bluey from stealing them. And by that I mean sacrifice the Sennheisers and get another pair.
  4. DUDE! That sucks ballz Make sure a store keeps one toasty for you.
  5. Kotaku's review is up (not Wii U specific details unfortunately) but they complained that it was too hard.
  6. Gametrailers are starting a new feature called Re-Port (gettit?) that compares ports of multiplatform games. I think they were saving it so they could compare some of the Wii U games on release but I thought it was being published soon :/
  7. True stuffs. Weird that so many people wanna buy Batman though. I thought everyone had played this already!
  8. Nintendoland and ZombiU for launch... going to have to get some cash together but really hoping that I'll get some vouchers for xmas. If I do, then it's COD and AC3 all the way. And by launch, you guys mean launch right? Not launch window...
  9. https://leapmotion.com/ More convenient and probably cheaper? Any hoo, I think the gaming landscape could look very different in a few years. I'm genuinely worried for Sony's continued existence as a company and I'm not sure how that's going to pick up any time soon.
  10. Oh god, they're awful!
  11. Just thought about something a bit weird. Do you think that people in the US don't understand that there a lot of guns kicking around in the UK. Certainly not as much as in the land of "Guns don't kill people"...
  12. Droooool... I think I see ideas for my tattoo
  13. Yeah it is good news... not sure I want to spend a load on a big headset. If I can use something that's kicking around then awesome.
  14. You sure man? iPhone headphones have a mic....
  15. Cmon dude, this is Ubisoft we're talking about. The original is always the test run for the sequel next year
  16. I've been reading some of the comments on IGN and some of the readers are actually calling Greggy out on the fact that the previews were super hyped and everything. His reply is basically that they only get small snippets and short clips for previews blah blah blah. Such bullshit especially considering how they've been hyping it previously. I want to pick this up so I'm going to but some of the comments in the reviews are just ridiculous.
  17. You do realise that game like Professor Layton is just a minigame compilation too but in a linear fashion.
  18. Indeed but Gametrailers decided to put that in as a main comparison screen between the two versions. Fantastic journalism.
  19. My statements were about it being a unique and original game that you can't find anywhere else. But thanks for ignoring the bit where I explained that there's more to this than meets the eye initially. And everything else that you have posted is just purely speculation based on your own assumptions of what Nintendo might do or making judgements from watching videos on review sights. Why don't you actually get some first hand experience with an open mind attached before making such snap judgements? That or you have 2 choices: - Build a time machine and go back to 1996. - Don't buy it. No one is forcing you to.
  20. Apparently each of the games has a surprising amount of depth to offer and all of the games couldn't be done on another system.
  21. I was talking about Asylum really. You could play through it in the two weeks whilst waiting for Armoured Edition!
  22. Get Asylum, however your can. Even if it's through OnLive because it's a fantastic game. For me personally I preferred it to City but City is still an outstanding game with a ridiculous amount of substance. There's a Gametrailers graphics comparison out. It's not a very worthy comparison really and they have actually changes some of the art in it too which makes the comparison a bit weird. No a fan of catwoman's new outfit... less boob. EDIT: FFS... can someone help me stop being a spazz at linking GT vids?
  23. I don't know. To be honest, this is a difficult game to review as the caveat of "should you bother picking this up if you've played it already" still seems to answer NO. Whether that should effect the review score is an interesting debate. I'm interested to see if Gametrailers will give it a worse score as they seem pretty pissed about Reggie's attitude that tons of people are yet to play this.
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