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Everything posted by Jamba

  1. Just watched the new trailer. Really surprised how much of an anti-british sentiment it seems to have considering the fact that the developers have said how balanced it is from a story point of view. EDIT: I'm also worried that this is going to fall into the realms of really predictable revenge story telling. I've never liked revenge stories as the always fizzle out or have an unsatisfying finish.
  2. I don't really care enough to meticulously research it, particularly as if he's actually doing it, he's incredibly sad. I'm a little worried that you know so much about it though :p
  3. I'm pretty excited but apparently a guy in the states is already waiting in line for the Wii U! That's crazy talk: http://www.gametrailers.com/side-mission/35048/eager-wii-u-fan-is-already-in-line
  4. Still not happy about Kingsley being cast. Every performance i've seen him in in the past 10 years was mediocre at best. And he does NOT look asian in the fucking slightest no matter what wonky stick on beard you give him to turn him into cheap villain of the week.
  5. Is that ping to the server itself or just to where you are using speedtest.net to? If the later, you could possibly have better stats when linking to the server because you go through less hops to get to the EU servers, possibly closer to a better fibre run going across the channel or to the UK server or whatever. Everything is relative on the internet, despite everything that the telcos try and tell you.
  6. Agreed M_rock.... it looks as dodgy as the logo for Skyward Sword!
  7. I was having a little ponder earlier about little ways that Sony could change things to push their Vita business a bit and thought that the memory cards are a MAJOR complaint by practically everyone. Why do Sony insist on selling these at a profit? Surely if they stopped being short sighted, they could sell a lot more Vita by selling the cards at cost price and encouraging people to buy the games (once they come out).
  8. Righty, so I have £160 in credit with CEX now... I'm looking around my house and weighing up what I can trade in. Through various sales we have already got rid of most of my stuff! And it's a delicate balance too: sell bits and bobs for money for the wedding or for Wii U. Hoping to be able to drop less than £50 in cash on the system and a game but it's all going to depend on what rapey price they put on the system.
  9. Good point. When was the last time Nintendo did that with a 3rd party at launch? Street Fighter II on the SNES?
  10. I have mixed feelings in the fact that I know I want one. It goes without saying as it's a Nintendo system with an interesting premise and will have my favourite franchises pile onto it. I also don't have a 360 or a PS3 anymore so I'm not willing to drop the £450 it's going to cost me to get their new consoles with a game. In terms of games, ZombiU is sounding excellent and so does Rayman. Along with the multiplayer experience of Nintendo Land I think it's all going to be pretty tasty and as I don't have a billion hours a week spare on my hands to play games, I don't need many to keep my interest. In terms of money though that's a different kettle of pickled herring for me. With the wedding next year and debts to pay off, I can only afford the system if I trade in a ton of stuff and generate most of the money as credit with Cex then I should be able to. It might even end up being bluey and my Christmas present to ourselves :-) So yeah, I'd be excited if I knew I could afford one. But as I can't, I'll just say that it's looking fun and I hope that you lot with cash enjoy it lots
  11. I've heard from extremely reliable sources that the Wii U version is bar long and far the best. I understand how the graphics engine works based of having tested the previous game and I know for sure that this is going to look polished and slick as hell. Generally speaking, a test demo is at least a month and a half to 2 months behind normal development and considering the time that the majority of devs got the Nintendo kits, the framerate issues in the demo don't really surprise me, nor do they worry me. The people I know at SEGA and at Sumo have said that they are really happy with the Wii U version and they are extremely passionate about the game. I think people also need to keep in mind that this hasn't been developed with the biggest budget in the universe either so they can't be expecting groundbreaking material as: 1) It's a multiplatform game 2) It's a 3rd party game 3) It's first wave
  12. Does Dropbox have an individual file size limit? I use this as a cloud storage service all of the time and the more you use it and recommend it to people then the more space you get. Winner! But yeah, in terms of sharing the video it depends what you want people to do. If you want them to just view it easily then yeah Youtube is your best bet or something similar. Pretty sure Photobucket would also work and again you can set privacy settings. If you you want people to actually download the video though and keep it's original quality then some sort of cloud storage is going to be better.
  13. Snarfachu? He's genuine comedy gold frequently throughout. Watch out for the episode where they break into the tower of omens (it think that's it... it's behind a waterfall!) and they trigger a trap above a pit of spikes. Snarf's - Face - Is - Priceless
  14. Not a huge loss as it's still easily within the launch window. Anyone who has a Wii U will be looking for games to pick up and Rayman will be sitting there with open... space where his arms should be?
  15. Turtles was actually pretty ok. They've managed to separate how they look a bit more this time and there's lots of anime time expressions going on. I like the design but the animation of TMNT better.
  16. Slap yourself. No seriously. Online in Brotherhood was great fun and completely different to anything else I've played. If you've still got either of them then give it a go.
  17. I love my weekend cartoons and ever since I was a kid watching Transformers, Thundercats and the wonderful times that were 80s kids tv, I've never been able to kick the habit. So... whatcu watchin'? What are your favourite ghosts of 'toons past? Funny gif and clips welcomes Currently underway at the moment for me are: Oh yeah! Don't knock this cos of the crap movie. This is excellent and is happy to play around in the area of more complex emotions with some classic villains involved. Also features possibly the biggest green lantern in the galaxy and he's awesome. Give it a whirl! Fantastic show that never stops making me laugh. I've got lots to catch up on but I like just watching a 10 min episode with my breakfast. It makes everyday feel like Saturday morning :-) Moody, shouty, hormonal and completely exploding all over your living room with tons of action. The story gets really thrown around especially after season 1 where season 2 starts with a complete mind fuck. It's given me a chance to get to know some of the more minor characters in the DC universe but honestly, most of the villains still suck balls. I enjoy it for the action mostly and the toon girls in their very tight outfits Bit out of left field and considering it's sibling show is Ben10 my recommendation of the week is definitely this: Generator Rex! This show is tons of fun and the action literally never stops. It's totally the calibre of show that I grew up with in terms of animation and characters, despite the sense of humor which is usually hammy on purpose. For those of you who give it a go, keep in for the long haul because it does have a full story arc with an awesome (if slightly inconsistent) ending.
  18. Well Sonic does sell best on Nintendo platforms ;-) Glad to hear this is going so well as the original is very close to my heart. Glad to hear that they fixed a lot of the issues which were unavoidable due to the complicated development originally. They better have made the missions as fun as they were last time :p
  19. I'm really, REALLY not liking the writing at the moment. The last episode felt really clumsy to me and the script is driving me insane lately as some of the lines are complete cack. "He's you..." for example. I'm finding the characterisation to be so inconsistent that I've lost touch emotionally with any of the characters or their developments not to mention that the current Doctor seems to be so childish that he's bordering on being completely obnoxious. I liked the concept of the building and it's cyclical nature but the delivery has just been all over the place.
  20. So I'm genuinely up for turning this fully on EA and helping an effort to completely VITO this edition. Anyone who is buying a Wii U needs to understand who poor value for money this is going to be.
  21. It could simply be that Kirby sells badly in the EU? Maybe they need the sales in the US to be guaranteed before financing it can be signed off. Also why shouldn't it be released later? Is it any worse for being released later? The reality of the situation is likely to be that whether it was released earlier or later would have had a negligible effect on sales.
  22. There are legitimate, probably financial reasons why this would be the case with the examples that you have given. Pokemon is a huge guaranteed seller with massive merchandise business so it's natural that they would have more resources localise. A lot has to do with how the game is developed in terms of how connected the text it, how carefully it needs to be translated and so on. Another point about US > EU localisation. US localisation usually only has 2 languages English and Spanish, if not just English. EU however has the full EFIGS (English, French, Italian and Spanish) if not more. So you have twice as much translation work to do. So there are a lot of different reasons why the time varies. But let's face it, there are few times when you getting a game a bit later than you would like does little more than aggravate a gamer's need to have it now.
  23. My company deals with shipping goods in and out of the country as well as dealing with UK, EU and US laws and regulations on radio use and licensing the EM spectrum. From that point of view, I"m aware that every single territory has a myriad of different requirements that cannot all be met by one single product and so this leads to different products being produced for each territory. Thanks to the different tax laws, this also means that companies have to completely re-price products to balance value as well as profit/loss. It's a horrible and fucking difficult balance. To make sure that products meet the expectations of the customer and the laws of the territories different products have to be produced and the areas in which they are released contained. But hey, it's not like I can't sympathise with some customers that want to get games released in their territory. In some cases games might sell better if they were allowed to be purchased overseas, as I know that in particular fan-crazed cases people would happily play them in a language that they don't understand! But what I can't accept is people who complain about time differences of release. Harvest Moon on the GCN I get and that was stupid but people getting pissed about a game not coming out within 6 months of it's counterpart in a different territory? Get over it. EDIT: Oh and great and logical words from Jayseven.
  24. New news on the online front. Already posted by HOT by thought people might like to read it here as well. From Eurogamer (http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2012-09-25-how-monster-hunter-3-ultimate-wii-u-and-3ds-work-together)
  25. Also Nintendo are looking to use it themselves.
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