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Everything posted by Jamba

  1. I pretty much agree with what Sam has said. But the only question left here is what will be in the box? Wii remote or no? My thoughts on the "secret" reveal would be BLOPS2. Nintendo will think it's a MASSIVE deal despite the fact that everyone assumed it was going to happen anyway.
  2. Jamba

    Spy Hunter

    Hope they didn't spend a lot of money developing that
  3. Jamba

    Red Dwarf

    Because it will have a good ending rather than a bad one?
  4. I never understand why Rory is with her. She's such a miserable, pouty self obsessed cow. Amy is positively cruel to him on a regular basis and yet the Doctor and everyone else around them seems to totally ignore that. Where's Rory's real friend who pops up and go "tell he to fuck off! She treats you like CRAP!"
  5. Wow, nice browser support :/ Can't open the Abbey Road or Cube's one without it shagging Chrome.
  6. FFS... this actually had some great uses for the controller too. Thought all had been too quiet about this. Reminds me of when I got excited about a decent 3D Gundam game peeking it's head out around the release of the DS... that vaporised too.
  7. I also caved and got this (PC version on my MAC running Windows). Been hitting the first few chapters of the campaign and almost wet myself at the end of "Metroplex Heads the Call". That final interactive sequence was brilliant. I've been hammering the multiplayer as well with my favourite class: Scout. Is it just me or does it seem like the Scout's melee attack has been nerfed? I literally can't play as that class in team death match at all as I get ripped up like paper. Been having to try to attack from afar and leg it generally but not able to cloaking for long enough to get away and not seeming to be able to lay down the damage hard enough. Going to have to fight my way to level 15 to get the sniper rifle too :/ Conquest on the other hand is perfect for Scout. It's taking some serious time to get to know the maps as well... they're HUGE!
  8. The graphics seem to be getting better all of the time. The amounts of squelchy blood that was coming off of the motorbike zombies head was fantastic. Also (and I've been thinking this already) but did that environment analyser tool remind anyone else of Condemned? I loved that game, even if the second one was a bit poo.
  9. I love how one of the charging stations uses the Wii not the WiiU. How completely stupid. Also isn't that stand a complete waste as well? I thought you got one included? EDIT: my bad, it is a Wii U. Stupid pictures and stupid Nintendo design.
  10. So have Kojima's team just hired the people to find the worst names for things that they could? It just sounds like proper Jinglish.
  11. Ah god, I know it's never going to happen but you know who needs to be in this game? These guys:
  12. I think that it's a security thing. Most girls don't behave like themselves in front of men and so they wouldn't do this kind of thing unless in a girl-only crowd. Plus there is the whole psychological slant of women assessing other women from a mating rights and competition point of view. There's also the fact that modern media completely idolises women to the point where even women's magazines have almost no pictures of half naked men but do have lots of pictures of women.
  13. OOOOOOOOOh YES. It's a fantastic part of the game. I find it very dynamic and there is a great horde mode, with all modes taking good advantage of the different class types. Transforming and zipping around the map is the name of the game meaning the tables can turn very quickly. I spent more time playing this game online than anything else i've owned in the past 5 years or so.
  14. Genuinely want to have a bit of a tantrum that I can't play this game Maybe I should beat one of my friends do I can borrow their unused 360 and give it a rental. I'm cool to not do anything with my free time for a week.
  15. Don't think I care in the slightest. It was the most pathetic excuse for a flagship store that I've ever seen. No different to any of their other stores and all of the midnight releases were just dull. A gaming flagship store needs some serious wow factor displaying a true love for games. It needs to have somebody on the shop floor playing demo games against the customers, more signings and events that have some true value to attend. Stuff like the opportunity against Jabba the Gabe Newell or Mr Moore from EA. Fuck I mean c'mon it doesn't take a heap of imagination to have crazy and fun things going on like games themed face painting going on or a real fan art wall. These people need to pull their damn finger out!
  16. Such a fantastic studio and I'm actually horrified that Sony is shutting them down. Sony actually owe those guys big time for creating some of the most recognised franchises on the PS1 and this is a shitty way of repaying them. This gives me a very bad feeling about the future of people at Sony, they have been shutting down studios that have done them some excellent service but seem to have been badly managed into positions where they aren't releasing that many products. So here's looking at you Naughty Dog and Media Molecule...
  17. Yeah, unfortunately LBP kinda stole that thunder years ago :-(
  18. The general storyline might be ok but it's painfully delivered with a terrible script. It was like being stuck next to someone who constantly talks about themselves incessantly, even when you try to change the subject. Also, she came across as being emotionally weak and simpering. And the matter of fact tone of it all made it BORING.
  19. I'd say Starfox. I think they have the most to improve on with the franchise, with it requiring a reinvention ala Metroid Prime. F-Zero works and if they did finally bring one out again I think that it would stick to the formula and stay safe. And Metroid has been explored in several directions recently.
  20. Interesting, I didn't know that was the state of affairs and it explains a lot. Stupid thing is that hardly anyone sells stuff at RRP so Nintendo doing it well... weird. I hope the cards for DD do come out. I was hoping to AC digitally but for full, full price they can swivel.
  21. I know that people have probably already covered this but doesn't anyone else think the digital download price is a fucking piss take?
  22. Ah I forgot it was him. That makes it even MORE annoying. Oh yeah, there we go. Problem solved.
  23. If they do get to make another one, can the person who wrote the script and the story get fired and replaced?
  24. Would be wonderful but Cing are now out of business. Cataclysmic shame :-( I'd love some of the games that were successful on the DS make their way into the living room. I'd like to see EPIC Layton and a full standalone Ace Attorney. And put something into their design to make them have more replay value (not necessarily online or multiplayer, this isn't 2002 you know!) I truly think that Nintendo should be going necromancer on some older genres. The RTS is screaming to have a totally new life on the Wii U. We thought the Wii might have been the place but surely the multiple screens and touch screen just say: do it now. Hell it could even be a port of some currently successful if not highly popular franchises. I hear great stuff about Command and Conquer Alliances all of the time and in a way, that's free to play! And let's face it, for the money whores like EA, the DLC pack opportunity is yuuuuuummy. I'd like the guys from Zack n Wiki to come back and make something similar. I think they seriously mis-pitched the franchise with it being so kiddy in its humour but adult in its difficulty. Was a game I truly loved. Agree with the calls for something ala Starfox or Rogue Squadron. And just Metroid. Metroid, metroid METROID.
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