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Everything posted by Jamba

  1. Did look extremely fun. More appealing to me than GTA certainly.
  2. I love the idea of putting rhythm mechanics into the game. Hopefully there will be more quirky weird crap all through it like that. Come on Rayman, it's what you're good at... weird stuff.
  3. I would argue that it is very early in Wii U's life and everyone has been working on constantly changing dev kits and specs but there is evidence to suggest that 3rd parties should be able to achieve parity graphics. That being ACIII, Aliens, ME3 and Batman. I'm just surprised that ZombiU looks as bad as it does.
  4. I've got to admit that this is a brave little piece of game design. Rarely to devs break out of the mould when it comes to this kind of game and I think the "1 Bite" mechanic is really going to keep you on your toes. I hope there is plenty to do in the game and some of the lighting is very nice. Some quick cons: 1. I think the graphics are pretty average but if you compare it with release 360 stuff (which we should considering this is a new console to everyone) then its not that bad. 2. The audio sounded pretty... generic. I dunno, I just think they could with making the zombies sound different. 3. Collision animations / animation generally was a pretty janky. But hey this is a release game and I'm happy they are putting effort in to the design to make it really feel like a survival game.
  5. Initially I was very unhappy about the conference and now I'm just really confused. What is coming out or not and when is very unclear, 3rd parties are being very cryptic in an unhelpful way (most likely due to Nintendo) and I just don't understand how it's managed to get like this. I can understand that the CoDs and Medal of Honours of this world might not be that original but it's important to know that they are going to be on Wii U. Nintendo seem to just be confusing people by spending 10s of minutes explaining features of the system that don't need to be, showing off games like Arkham City and generally missing the point. Frankly, the whole thing sets alarm bells ringing for me, including Reggie not believing that people shouldn't pay the full amount for what will be a 1 year old game. I'm going to be leaving the system WELL alone til a good year after release and see how it's looking then.
  6. Not if it's going to get people to buy your system :/
  7. Invisible walls breakdown of Microsoft, Ubisoft and Sony press conferences now online. Must say I agree with most of what they had to say:
  8. Wow.... that's a pretty big hint. I'm totally conflicted about what that might mean.
  9. Quoted from where? I think people might need to just chill and stop reacting to each other's opinions. They are other people's personal thoughts, treat them as such.
  10. Oh look... an E3 trailer!
  11. WHAT?! You mean you don't trust in Pikmin stealing the show?! You are dead to me.
  12. WHAT?! You mean you don't trust in Pikmin stealing the show?! You are dead to me.
  13. Is anyone else getting a little happy about Pikmin? I'm particularly interested to see what they do with the art style and progressing the gameplay. Could it look like this with the Wii U's power?
  14. So is anyone else feeling that Nintendo didn't really do so well to bring the 3rd parties to the yard or are we still waiting for the dropping of bombs tonight?
  15. Confirmed to be PS360 apparently.... sigh
  16. Confirmed to be PS360 apparently.... sigh
  17. Fantastic! Doubt this will work online but hey I can dream. The news has slightly boyed my feelings about Wii U.
  18. Here's some gameplay but I apologise for the annoying presenters have to gabble over it: EDIT: Everything in one video with an interview by Geoff Keighley. Looks very ambitious!
  19. New interview and trailer combined! Has some interesting tit-bits about street pass and other things. Not sure if these have been known yet:
  20. Where is @Caris when you need that clapping gif? Despite the corny presentation style (girl wood, seriously? Are we like 8 years old now?) the conference was pretty damn good. The Rayman showing was pretty cool but was anyone else expecting to see more Wii U?
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