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Everything posted by Jamba

  1. I'm pretty invigorated but I do have 1 worry. With the Wii U ready to kick arse all over the shop for the time being, what happens when the new consoles come out? Will we still be getting good and fully featured versions of the game? I know that the GPU chip is next gen enough to handle the shaders but 1Gig of RAM isn't going to be an awful by lot by comparison and there is a good chance that these kind of limitations could lead to a compromised Wii U edition. As for Bayonetta 2, I think it's an excellent example of an adult game. MH3U is a great hardcore game (with massive appeal) in Japan. With these and the support from BLOPS2 and to some extent ZombiU, not to mention to top tier sports games, it's pretty hard to argue that around launch Wii U has something for everyone.
  2. Should be here mate: http://www.nintendo.co.uk/NOE/en_GB/news/nintendo_direct_47764.html Or is it not loading or something?
  3. Well mostly it's because the creativity builds a platform for promoting new LEGO products based on new film franchises, which again receive publicity. Three tiered publicity chain? A bit of marketing genius if you ask me. It's a bit of an irrelevant "why" game though surely? I think the whimsy attached to LEGO should be enough to explain that.
  4. Dude can you shut up. I don't mind you having an opinion that is negative on all aspects Wii U but it would be nice if you didn't express it like a 7 year old on every thread in the Wii/Wii U boards. You don't have to buy it you know...
  5. It depends. It if it does ridiculously well then someone will have to pay Nintendo money to break their contract and go multiplatform. So it's a numbers game. Also from Nintendo's perspective they have to maintain a status quo with Platinum to not scare them away from working with them again.
  6. Probably a day 1 purchase for me... looks so silly and fun. It's basically the GTA that I want to play.
  7. Yeah it really ruins the fun looking gameplay
  8. I'm happy with the launch and it's the fact that the mix means that I'll get to play any of the type of games that I enjoy whenever I want. Be it something silly and fun (but still good) like LEGO, laid back multiplayer with my mates like Nintendo Land, some badass shooting or stabbing people with AC3 or BLOPS2, or something with a little more whimsical charm like Trine 2, Wonderful 101 or Rayman. The selection is delicious and it's topped off with MH for me personally.
  9. Does anyone think they will do a "double play" type pack?
  10. With voice chat this could be phenomenal.... I would happily quit WoW all together and force my friends to buy it.
  11. Exactly, it's about making it as affordable as possible so people can get the bolt ons that they need or want.
  12. Can someone explain why people are getting pissed about the lack of packed in Pro controller? It doesn't do anything that the tablet cant and is probably on a smidge lighter...
  13. Remember that you can just stick in an HDD by USB or an SD card...
  14. http://www.nintendo.co.uk/NOE/en_GB/news/nintendo_direct_47764.htmlhttp://www.nintendo.co.uk/NOE/en_GB/news/nintendo_direct_47764.html EDIT: I am a slow grasshopper....
  15. Was anyone else surprised at how little there was about the experience of using the Wii U? I was expecting more lifestyle type videos to demonstrate what was going to be in the box, what the peripherals were going to be (maybe missing out the cradle what DOESN'T charge the tablet) and so on. No wireless sensor bar then.... shame.
  16. Yeah the premium one is more like £250 directly translated. Stick another 20% on that for UK I recon. Did anyone glean what the Premium Network service was? EDIT: THanks DC
  17. Hey man, sorry for the late reply on this. Honestly, I'm just kinda getting to know how Linux works at the moment as there is a distinct logic difference in the file structure. Also, you have to get to know a lot about the stuff that Windows or Mac OSX does for you automatically although there are somethings that Linux can do more easily, like downloading files: it knows where to go on the internet to get them so you just say "download this pls" and it does it. @Ike - I got mine from RS Components with a CF card and an HDMI cable. Really want to make a case for it at the moment though as it all seems a bit precious without it :/
  18. Ok so apparently some weird advertising campaign for the game came out recently. Great idea is a bit ropey graphically but definitely worth checking out: http://transformersonyourstreet.com/ I don't want to give any more details or it might spoil it :p
  19. Probably this. It's an amazing book and although a little slow I learnt so much from it about how we view other people. Atticus is one of the only characters that I would actually classify as my hero. Best father ever. And then there's the book I've read more than once. 3 times probably, which for someone that doesn't really read is epic. Makes me laugh from the first page and right the way through and although not as good, the film is amazingly charming.
  20. On average though, they do a Direct every 3 months. I'm with Dcubed, there's a LOT for them to show. There was also all this stuff about allowing 3rd parties to be more liberal with their online systems so I'd like to see some evidence of that.
  21. Because of the Microsoft agreement? What a stupidly weird situation... surely they must be able to after release?
  22. Jamba

    Spy Hunter

    It was and still is. The new version reminds me more of Stuntman if anything.
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