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Everything posted by Jamba

  1. Ah GOOD! I was going to say... Ive almost finished world 4 already and was getting worried. Loving it though. The propellor blocks are brilliant and so are the viewing binoculars. One thing that I'm a little surprised about is that the worlds don't have much in the sense of a coherent theme. It's quit unmario especially as this takes so much from Mario 3.
  2. Wow, totally loving this! It's got all of that mario charm that I felt had been missing for a long time before Galaxy came out. Seem to be churning through this quite easily ATM and managing to 3 coin every level on the way through. From what I'm getting hints of from above, I'll be done with this quite quickly. Is the second play through good?
  3. Hey guys, now that this has been out for a while, what are people's impression? How does it fair with some time behind it?
  4. I got your back buddy! This is looking absolutely beautiful. Pants explodingly so! A lot of people are speculating about if this has gone multiplatform as there are no logos being shown for the 3DS and many people simply can't believe that it can be done on 3DS. But if anyone can do "pretty" on 3DS, it's:
  5. Shhhhh.....! Keep it down! It's "someone's" birthday at the end of July and I want to get this as a surprise ;-) Hopefully she's forgotten the release date : peace:
  6. Dazz, I totally get how you feel and have been in very much the same position with someone telling me that they KNEW I was gay even though I wasn't. Strange that I'm getting married next year then But honestly man, this guy is being a chump. Don't waste time with his "I know everything" attitude. I like you're thinking, you're you and you definitely know a hell of a lot more about that than he does. You should just treat him like a dumbass when he starts talking like that.
  7. Is it 20% on the stuff next week as well? Wanted to check out quite a few of those games...
  8. It's interesting that the team behind the UK advertising campaigns and market positioning are leaving (other key members have left already). Let's hope they get replaced with new enthusiastic blood.
  9. This does not fill me with hope either. I'm not a huge fan of Namco generally and the last thing Smash needs is Namco's special slant on making things too Japanese orientated and less accessible to the west.
  10. I suppose they could go down the Eddie having cancer route but I just don't know where it would end... I'm finding it hard to think of a narrative that they could do all on his own.
  11. Just going through all of my Letterbox inbox.... Trying so hard to get up to date but there are SO MANY!!
  12. Well let's hope it is a download only game. Cos I know some that should have been.... Yeah I'm looking at you JAMBO SAFARI!
  13. That actually worked better than the E3 press conference in my eyes. You need to have someone responding to what's been chucked at them (like how in films, to convey an emotion the camera always focuses on the reaction rather than the action itself so much). Can't they get Jimmy Falon to do E3? It might end up a bit more like the Ubisoft conference but that was pretty good this year if a little embarrassing.
  14. This will likely sell loads in Japan but the whole game just feels 2 generations old. I'd hope that this is an arcade game port because it just screams it, with the taking pictures of your own face etc.
  15. I sent an email directly to Cing after playing Another Code to tell them how much fun I had playing it. Was really nice to get a personal reply with genuine thanks. For me there are a lot of developers who still seem to be firmly rooted in their PS2 generation success. The biggest culprit of this is S-E I think, although there are some notable exceptions, as well such as Konami. Two companies with some very strong heritage and are just failing to wow me at all. I know Konami have been pretty good to the DS and seem to be lining it up for the 3DS as well but their refusal to do anything but print very small runs of any of those games has had an impact on growing popularity of their franchises and growing their sales. In term of under appreciated, I think I would have to give that to Capcom. Their teams have done great things with reinvigorating Street Fighter and seriously saved the PSP's bacon. Their treatment of their Retro catalogue has been fantastic with a Neo-Retro Megaman game, some serious fan service and franchise love being dealt out in the fighting games and so on. Personally I appreciate their work at trying to gain more of a global appeal and to think outside of Japan. They have some very talented people and I just think that they need to play it a little less safe. Also they need a MASSIVE round of applause for their hardcore support on the 3DS.
  16. Ah ok. Am I being dense though... it doesn't seem to show you which filter you have applied. Do you just have to remember what order they are in?
  17. Just a quick question for those who have the full version. Have they updated stuff concerning the filters on online play? They are meant to be: - Play with anyone - Play with friends - Play with people similar level In the demo, I can't see which one I have selected and also I didn't recognise anyone on any of the lists so I'm assuming that the friends list isn't working in the demo properly yet? EDIT: And has anyone tried chat yet?
  18. Only horrible horrible amounts of time will tell
  19. You know... or play OnLive. I have no doubt that the Wii U will develop into a console with a good catalogue of games. At the moment though there isn't enough promise for me to invest that kind of money. There is still far too much grey area in what 3rd parties are going to be releasing and concerning that subject particularly, I err on the side of extremely pessimistic...because it's Nintendo. The whole situation is frustrating. I completely believe in the console itself, controller, Miiverse and so on but for me the games aren't quite there yet. I expect the console to retail at £199.95
  20. Slightly more info? Most of that was him stalling because he's not allowed to talk about any of it. I would almost assume what he said was the case with an educated guess. And concerning 3rd parties, I don't buy what he's saying at all. It's so vague that he can't be quoted to contradict and yet seemingly teasing enough to try and get people to buy into the promise things yet to come.
  21. I was looking forward to this. It is the only proper shooter that the Wii U has, which is important in achieving what Nintendo set out to do with the system. I'm frankly shocked that we haven't had confirmation of more of them.
  22. They do say "posted to Miiverse" not messaged to your friends. In the video from Sunday, his cry for help was posted to his friends it would seem, which I expect wouldn't be modded. It's a little confusing as he then browses the Miiverse message board for help as well, which is the bit I'd expect to be moderated. *shrug* If it's messages from unknowns then I think I can wait 30 mins.
  23. They say it's 3DS focused but look what happened in the main conference!
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