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Everything posted by Jamba

  1. You've just made me think of something interesting. Would you want this controlled with gyros? Personally tilt would be a massive mistake with F-Zero so here's hoping to using analogue sticks!
  2. Just looked at the tech specs for the Wii U and everyone will be happy to know that this runs on 802.11n so you don't have to worry about throughput speed. You know... unless you put yours next to the microwave or something.
  3. That is a strange one! Probably the server being particularly picky about dst. addresses and doesn't like NAT or something. That or some strange TTL issue and having the router is just one too many hops. It could be tons of things but yeah, fingers crossed for the Wii U
  4. If you're still having probs, I might be able to help you out. PM me some details if you like, particularly if it's a 3DS problem too (we can't have the MK7 league going tits up!)
  5. Just in case anyone has any online/router or Wii U vs Firewall problems, I'm looking into doing a full traffic analysis from the Wii U as a bit of a pet project. Should be able to tell people about the ports they will need to free up and I'll be monitoring traffic over a period of time so might even be able to find out when updates tend to get rolled out how certain online functions are handled. Would anyone be interested in this?
  6. I was trying to have a little joke at Nintendo's expense but yeah I get ya.
  7. So there's been a lot of talk about the possibility of a new F-Zero on Wii U and shockingly Miyamoto has gone on record to say that he was surprised that anyone was all that bothered. Shows what he knows! :p So what would you want from it? How would you like them to use the Wii U features? Do you think that online would be a good thing? Plus which characters should make a return? Should we have less lycra? In this day and age do we need a Ms. Captain Falcon? Explode your brain all over this page! That's an order!
  8. It's a difficult one for Nintendo I recon. The last time they did such an overhaul was Kid Ic and that hasn't been a massive seller. I think it's a great game with some unfortunate flaws but yeah, money talks. What I want is for someone to remind Nintendo about Metroid Prime. That is a reboot done successfully. If they were to do F-Zero again, I'd prefer them to make reboot it as they obviously don't feel that creatively compelled to do more of the same. Plus the Wii U has more to offer it than that. But hey, we could (and SHOULD) start a whole new thread about this eh?
  9. Just in terms of addressing the racing games, couldn't you use the analogue stick for progressive acceleration and break (like in some F1 games) and using the tilt controls for steering?
  10. dazzy's right about the streaming. All of the computation for the rendering would be happening on the Wii U itself so the amount of data being streamed to display on the screen is going to be comparable no matter what game you are playing as the resolution will always (hopefully!) stay the same. Good work!
  11. Dude, relax. If someone else's opinion bothers you that much and you're convinced that every post of theirs is going to annoy you then either: 1) Don't read what they post, no one is holding a gun to your head 2) If you really feel that offended by what they post even being on your screen then add them to your ignore list.
  12. Whilst developing a game, you almost always put the version number somewhere in the opening menu. From reports from other previews, press are playing games without the day 1 patch so it could still get removed then (as it tends to be for when most games go gold if not earlier).
  13. Yep. Probably a key difference as to why I had a blast with Skyward Sword (media blackout for me) but was completely ambivalent to Twighlight Princess (looked into every detail). It obviously was not influenced in any way by both visual and game deisgn
  14. I'm glad they don't make them like they used to. I remember getting OOT for Christmas and going absolutely mental because I was so excited about the game. My cousin and I played it so much that my entire family got genuinely angry. So in the time between plays we pawed over every details in the manual... including the bit that spoilt every weapon you would get and the fact that you became adult link.
  15. Fuck, really? Dammit... I was counting on that for release. Wii U can officially go ram it now
  16. Wicked! Looking great and it and its great to hear about the extra modes! Will have to keep an eye out for the details but I'm hoping that this becomes a bit more of the norm for Wii U versions of games.
  17. That was meant to be a bit of a joke but I guess owning an Japanese system requires some compromise
  18. Why costly? We have forumites in Japan!
  19. I suppose if you tried really hard you could get an IP routed from Japan. Oh hey, why not get someone to set you up a VPN tunnel in Japan and use their public facing IP as the gateway. Problem solved?
  20. The person playing this was sooooo annoying!
  21. Two things I think factor in to the healthcare stuff. Firstly the classic Republican voter (usually quite well off, middle to upper class and white or depressingly uneducated) have been happy with their health system as it has been. They don't see the problem of people on the poverty line not being able to afford surgery or treatment as a problem because it's outside of their view. Another and probably more important thing is that American is completely founded on capitalism. If you earn more money, you have the right to better stuff. Healthcare companies should be like businesses that thrive through competition and offering better to the customer. To fund Obama's healthcare system costs tax money and the classic red voter feels that they have earned their money and they should get to spend it how they like. You know... by NOT investing it in a altruistic healthcare system.
  22. True :p I'd go for a drink with that man any day of the week. There's no one else in the industry who I listen to that is as frank as him. Yes he goes off the handle regularly but you can guarantee that what he says is not tailing the line bullshit or self indulgent navel gazing like Pachter (TWAT).
  23. Interesting, that's not what Marcus from Gametrailers said and he's English.
  24. Really? It's hard to believe that very easily when he frequently gets type cast as one (see Prince of Persia movie). Maybe they realised this an changed the PR tack?
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