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Everything posted by Jamba

  1. Do you remember the thread for a game called sadness? Those guys had actually done some proper work and we still called bullshit. And we were right! Just trust us on this one mate, it's just someone being a jackass on the internet.
  2. canand, genuinely not trying to be mean but just like cube said, this screenshot shows about 10 worth of work on a free program called Unity. It shows nothing but someone's pet project on their home pc.
  3. This sums up my thoughts on the trilogy almost entirely. MP3 was a disappointment and I think it's due to the fact that it's lacking... soul? The addition of the different species felt pointless as I felt nothing for them due to a lack of any character depth or development. It was like they were put in only for design reasons so they could turn them into bosses. In the future, if they do want to go the whole "Metroid Universe" route with different characters and races then they need to step it up to Mass Effect level. If not, I'd rather Samus was on her own. On a side note, I love Metroid Prime. It is literally one of my favourite games of all time due to it's mix of different challenges and the fact that it is a genuine exploration game, something that is done rarely nowadays and done well even less so.
  4. Holy crap flink GET EEEET! I think I actually enjoy this more than MK Wii. The courses are fantastic.
  5. Keep making games with the production quality of Fire Emblem please. I know that we have Phoenix Wright coming up but more more more mystery games with inventive gameplay please. Ghost trick was a fantastic every moment I played it.
  6. Agreed. It's not one thing or the other that is going to mend the system's appeal.
  7. I agree with this. However I think there is a deep routed Japan-centric heart in Nintendo. It doesn't recognise the quality or craft in western development enough to court it properly. In fact I would say, aside from the poor sales, a lack of respect from Nintendo is a primary reason for publishers not to give a shit. Sure it may be a bit entitled of big publishers to expect to be able to demand things of Nintendo but the reality is they need 3rd parties on the system. From my information they have spent years making it a ball-ache for anyone that wasn't a Japanese square peg in a square hole to make anything for one of their systems. The real question for devs and pubs is, why would they want to put their games on a Nintendo console? The truthful answer is that at the moment everyone else is a better alternative.
  8. No. Each system has a different online infrastructure and just like developing for different rendering architectures in a graphics engine, each online system will require it's own development SKU and testing.
  9. "Please understand.... we have learnt many lessons from the launch of 3DS."
  10. Maybe it has a substantial amount to do with the support they receive or how accommodating those online systems are? Also I don't get why everyone is upset about this. It's standard business practice to cut where you have to if there are budget restrictions. The game is coming to Wii U because the engine has already been optimised for the Wii U (and I'm sure some kind of deal was made to get Arkham City on it in the first place). The multiplayer engine will need to be designed from the ground up and if there are budget restrictions then the Wii U version's development is going to be the first one to get axed.
  11. IMO the Wii U's appeal is being attacked on all sides. It needs to get some headway above the incoming new consoles and it needs to be competitively appealing against the current ones. To this extent, it needs to be cheap AND a great value proposition. £250 with SM3DL and a special edition Wiimote Plus would bring some great multiplayer fun to a house and land people with everything they need to start enjoying the system. Honestly, for this Christmas though, I don't think there is a good enough reason games wise for people to buy it yet. Summer next year seems like a better time.
  12. Stop being so selective in your examples. Just because Last of Us might be like that (for you). Mass Effect definitely isn't, Witcher isn't, WoW isn't. You can't simply go contrasting a point about the holes in the Wii U's line up because you're not interested. On top of that the consumer doesn't care about your opinion and has was voting with it's money on keeping Last of Us top of the charts for 5 weeks running in the UK. Look at the bloody data and stop being so myopic. Seriously Ash? Surely you mean jeu du jour. This obviously makes you're entire post irrelevant.
  13. I think that the story driven IPs that have been very popular on PS3 would beg to differ. I would also classify Mass Effect in with this because releasing it so late by comparison essentially means that it doesn't count. In short, games aimed at an adult (not man-child) Western audience.
  14. You are purposefully misunderstanding what he's saying and it's a poor excuse for not being able to argue against his point properly. daft is being reasonable, level headed and discussing point by point. You are already attempting to belittle his opinion by suggesting that his concept of all western games are FPS murder simulators. He clearly doesn't. Making that claim only makes you sound childish and biased. The clear truth is that the Wii U is the perfect platform to bringing some conventionally strong genres from PC back onto console. Why are the likes of Portal 2, Age of Empires, World of Warcraft, Total War and Football Manager not being dragged onto the platform?
  15. Thanks for bringing this up. I think it's important to point out that although not entirely their fault, Nintendo is massively responsible for their 3rd part situation. Anyway, back to the subject in hand. I have no qualms about hardware being loss leading in fact I think we should be moving more into a monthly payment model like mobile phones. It's how the hardware is going to have to win the perception war against other leisure electronics out there. Maybe tie it into the subscription of the services like PS+ and Live. In terms of the software development, fuck knows. The whole model is going Atari and it's entirely S-E and Ubi's faults for not reaping the rewards of their talent. There needs to be smarter business models and just smarter executives in terms of making long term decisions for visionary ongoing success. There is big issue though concerning teams and development in general. How can a developer grow, without having to eventually go AAA? And I mean grow in the business sense. There is a point, where the studio balance has to change. This is where the movie industry is working well, as teams of contract workers are formed for a particular project with a central team. There's none of this keeping on 200 man teams and the fluidity keep things dynamic.
  16. I categorically disagree with this statement. The Wii U is not selling because it presents a poor value proposition to the consumer based on several factors: 1) It does a poor job at presenting itself as a platform for new gaming experiences 2) It does nothing to cater for the PS3/Xbox crowd. 3) It is directly competing against established current gen platforms that have equal if not better services and an established catalogue of hundreds of games. 4) In the current climate, it's value does not approach it's cost. Power is simply the KSP that the new platforms have, which is easy to communicate to the consumer. The fact that they seem to have great services on top of that helps. Personally I think that Sony have nailed that value judgement and both Nintendo and Microsoft have heavily screwed the pooch.
  17. So I'm surprised that no one has posted this yet but Phil Fish, the maker of Fez has claimed to have quit making the sequel to his popular indie original. During a video Marcus Beer of Gametrailers fame made quite a personal attack on both Fish and (Jonathan?) Blow, the maker of Braid, for grabbing headlines rather than providing factual information to the press about Microsoft and their ever changing policies on Indie Development. Beer decided to get right down in the gutter and called them a slew horrible things in true high quality journalistic style. As a response Phil Fish launched an attack on Beer via twitter, including suggestions that Marcus should kill himself, which culminated in him rage quitting on Fez 2 and the games industry all together. There are plenty of articles all over the internet with a variety of views on the situations. What's the kneeeee take?
  18. Right so I owned this game about 9 months ago and tried to play it but something was really stopping me from enjoying it. Last night I watched the entire story on youtube: And do you know what occurred to me? There's very little game in this game! It may be that bits were missed out in this video but there's very little environment exploration and it's very point A to point B. Quite glad I didn't spend my time playing it now.
  19. The teaser? I thought the special effects were "turned off"! It's even worse than I thought!
  20. Does nobody else think that electro looks crap? Admittedly, it might look a lot better in movement as it's hard to see if his head is translucent and that glowing bit hovers around but from the stills, he looks like an advert for face painting.
  21. I'm actually giving it a break for a bit right now because I've got a lot on a work. Finished my first run on it and was very disappointed how suddenly it ended to the point where it's put me off my second run-through a little bit. But thanks to "skip-to-the-end" option on the dialogue I'm looking forward to getting back to it. Have already started run-through number 2 and thinking how I want to go through it. Completely missed the hidden file in the initial room first time around and was a little irked about finding it this time. It definitely wasn't something I earned more of a case of "oh... I just had to look there again" which didn't feel like it had the right puzzle logic at all. I do really like the game and the puzzles are excellent but the script really goes on. At first that was great when it was setting the scene and developing the characters but I couldn't go through a room and then a set of dialogue as I usually didn't have time! A slightly snappier script would have helped keep the pace. These are small gripes though really. I just need to build some sense of satisfaction again after a gold file another room : peace:
  22. My company is meeting with Tony Baldry, our local MP, tomorrow to talk about the travesty that is the rural broadband initiative. Hopefully if he works with us a bit more, then I can bend his ear about this issue. I can't explain how much it upsets me when governments interfere to create societies that encourage us not to think, not to make our own decisions and simply take all of the accountability away from the individual. It's like they're saying: "You can't look after yourself cos you're thick as shit. Let me do this for you". The internet is possibly the most exquisite creation of the last 50 years and it's getting poisoned by the fucking though police.
  23. I was hoping that it turned out to be a Grunty from .HACK:
  24. So just watched Justice League Flashpoint Paradox... not half bad. Not as good as Batman Year One or Under the Red Hood but yeah :-)
  25. Got quite a few of these at the Pokemon centre in Japan on Honeymoon. Love the toys but so far not a fan of the game itself. I really got them so I can take them to work and decode them, as we are doing quite a lot of RFID stuff atm. Just need to get and induction loop and we're ready to go. Could probably make some fake ones and see if there are any hidden numbers to unlock.
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