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Everything posted by Jamba

  1. I am but my 3DS is going nowhere! :p All sounding pretty good. I think now will be a good time to give this a bash before I look at 4 as at least I won't be forking out a lot to find out whether I like it or not. And there's always the slightest glimmer that @bluey might be up for some multiplayer but it's probably a bit hardcore for her.
  2. So, I've tried the demos of MH3 on both 3DS and Wii U and as beautiful as both were and exciting as the setting was, I genuinely found it extremely difficult. Not necessarily in a fun kind of way though... I definitely found the controls a struggle if not a total barrier to entry. It all seems overly complex and although it gives you a bit of a tutorial I think that if I played the game properly then I'd definitely need a bit of hand holding and more info on how some of the bloody items worked. For instance, I felt like I had absolutely no chance of using some of those mines/bombs because of how fast the monsters were moving around and how difficult it was to keep a sense of where they were. It definitely seems like my kind of game as I do like WoW a lot but I always wanted something a bit more actiony. Would anyone give me an idea as to whether the demo was representative of the game and how much there is to do outside of hunting in the field (like cool little villages with silly side missions). Would really appreciate any input from anyone that is very new to the series as well, particularly if it's anyone like me that wasn't thrilled with the demo.
  3. No release date on this yet then? That sounds like it's going to be slipping into the post Xmas window then...
  4. No... the sea was a mystery to be explored with plenty of stuff kicking around try and attack you optional paths to explore. It's a much better balance of the concept of an open play ground rather than Wind Waker where you could hardly ever see anything to get tempted by. Can you really not see how the Wind Waker "mechanic" was little more than a way of either controlling where you went in the early parts of the game or later an irritating barrier to going where you needed to. I don't mind there being mechanics that present an obstacle that I need to overcome. But changing the fucking wind direction? What, as a player do I get out of doing that? It's whimsically fun the first couple of times but you get no sense of achievement out of it and you don't get to feel like a badass wind master because there are hardly and times in the game where you actually use that mechanic outside of sailing. It's not clever, it's almost functionless from a game design point of view and stops people from enjoying the game by wasting their time. I don't have the attention span of an 8 year old (but thanks for the petty inference) but I do prefer to not have to pay penance to a game before I can get to the bits we all enjoyed.
  5. Unlikely that there will be staff discount for items that are already on promotion. No place I've ever worked has allowed you to do that.
  6. The density of things to explore in Majora's Mask is what make it my favourite Zelda. The way almost every area is reused constantly make it brilliant.
  7. Did I mention in the thread that it comes with the extended life battery for the pad? You don't get that new... plus it'll be in perfect condition with all box contents manual etc. Which game did you want?
  8. I just think about how much better the sea was handled in Phantom Hourglass and I shudder at the idea of going out into a sea that is more blank that TP's world map.
  9. I love how the thing that was meant to be the big "thing" in the game (Wind Waker *cough cough*) has now been almost entirely ret-conned. Still can't believe that they didn't spot it as a bad idea originally.
  10. If you look at the Wii as the exception to the rule, then yes. Apart from that I totally agree with you, it's like they are completely ignoring what victories they have gained so far.
  11. Agreed although I think that interest is shrinking by the way they are treating their IPs. Okidokey! As some people are already doing, I wanted to explore and analyse: a) What about the Wii separated it from what Nintendo have done previously? b) Why do Nintendo's consoles generally speaking seem to be losing interest over time c) Explore why Nintendo's inability to recreate the Wii situation is occurring (of which I think there are still a myriad of reasons) I don't want this to be a Wii U bashing thread but more of a "Didn't the Wii do well?" And what can Nintendo take from their previous successes.
  12. The Wii was fantastically successful for lots of reasons and everyone has been asking whether the Nintendo could bottle lightening for a second time with the Wii U. However if you look at the Wii as an anomaly, what has been Nintendo's general trajectory in terms of consoles (rather than handhelds)? Are we looking at consumer and publisher interest in the big N gradually slipping further and further away?
  13. Don't get me wrong. Now that all interest in the console has completely tanked, yes you can find cheap games around. I was going to say that it's hard to find games cheap when they first come out but Lego City is the only game I've bought since launch as nothing else interested me. What I was getting at was that even if you do shop online, these are still generally more expensive than previous generations. The 3DS was awful for game prices at first as well. I don't see the situation getting any better with the PS4 and XBon eand yes, it is still a piss take when you compare it to things like the PC market. I might spend more on a PC initially but it pays in spades game cost wise. Anyway, this is really getting away from what I was really saying originally (and you so artfully dodged) which was that for a massive group of people the current generation consoles will serve them just fine.
  14. You're underestimating how long the PS3 and the X360 are going to keep selling for. Developers and publishers may have wanted the new generation but the average Joe consumer doesn't want to buy a new piece of hardware. And as long as games keep getting published on both generations then I don't see why the vast majority would move over. Don't even get me started in the escalation of game prices. Wii U game prices are for the best part an absolute piss take.
  15. Not PC then? There's all the "Xbox exclusive" being chucked around as a reason to get the xb1 but honestly I see most high def seekers hitting a good PC rig for this. Price is comparable, games are easy to port so likely to turn up. Also going to be £10 cheaper on average.
  16. Which SKU of this do you guys see selling the best?
  17. Yes, over 2 years is such a short space of time to implement this and I agree with liger that we shouldn't even be having this discussion. And multiple systems? Why does that even need to be happening with the Wii U?
  18. Glad to see Nintendo getting their hardware development team to redesign a system that is doing well rather than overhauling the Wii U design to relaunch the thing like they did with the original DS. I hate that Nintendo gets tarred with the Fisher Price brush all of the time but this justifies that. It's a cynical money making move.
  19. Hmmm... finally got a new PC so it's back to the 3D board of things. Been ages and @Tissue Town is making me silly jealous! Excellent anatomical tone in in your Poké Girl TT, think you need to look into the material settings on her face though as she's looking a bit plasticky and manic! :p I'm starting back with some UDK to get myself back into things. I don't class myself and naturally artistic in the conventional sense so I'm hoping that I'll be able to get some design on.
  20. Maybe adding Wii U support is their way of saying "fuck you Unreal"? Lucky move for Nintendo and the Wii U. Still wouldn't surprise me if no-one outside of Crytek bothered porting though. It wouldn't surprise me if the cost of testing the different SKU alone counters any justification of release aside from maybe a digital one. For now anyway.
  21. I don't understand. The Wii U has some great things going for it, first of which is an online community that is actually a nice place to be. There's a great article on gamesindustry.biz by Rob Fahey about how Nintendo might actually be looking to essentially ignore the Wii U until they can lower the production costs and start trying to sell it properly then. It's a bizarre article but it does kind of make some Nintendo sense. Frankly I'm tired of the rhetoric.
  22. BTW, @Debug_Mode and @Mr\-Paul , I haven't heard from either of you and I have a Wii U for sale!
  23. Haven't Murr and his missus got wedded yet then?
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