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Everything posted by Jamba

  1. Humble bundle: Warner Bros. Edition!!!!!! Holy crap balls Batman! - Scribblenauts Unlimited - Arkham Asylum GOTY - Arkham City GOTY - FEAR 2 - FEAR 3 - LOTR: War in the North :yay: :yay: :yay: :yay:
  2. @MadDog - Seriously.... tell me that selfying in game isn't a thing now...
  3. AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! You do remember who's making this game right?
  4. It's a slow starter for sure but I really enjoyed it.
  5. Shit really? That would totally be like a great way to get people to pay an extra £10 for stuff.
  6. So who's actually getting this on only the 3DS? *raises hand*
  7. An informative GAME employee told me... ... so yeah my Wife.
  8. Whilst there has been a lot of great stuff this past generation and games that I've really enjoyed, only the Portal games have stood out for me as something truly different and a design achievement. Minecraft would probably go on that list as well if I'd played it simply because of how wide an appeal it has due to it's lack of reliance on gaming cliches. Honourable mentions for Ghost Trick, Uncharted 2 and Mario Galaxy.
  9. Was anyone not particularly impressed with The Binding of Isaac? It got a whole bunch of attention and everyone was saying how great it is but I'm finding it kind of boring and random. Suppose I should have looked into it a bit more to find out who it was made by... Also, does anyone seem to not be able to skip the bloody intro? Feels like the whole thing was put on to PC in some massive rush where they forgot to make it properly Steam compatible.
  10. You do know that you can get the chest from GAME by just preordering the normal version right?
  11. Does anyone else think that Black Canary needs new face expressions... her stupid face is annoying me.
  12. Oh god, just watched Aquaman..... Think I'm going to watch a DC animated movie now to make myself feel better!
  13. Disagree with you both. I don't think that picking the casual audience in itself was the key, it was creating experiences to fill a need that wasn't being addressed be it casual or female or whatever. There are different needs/markets/audiences to attract now and you can only do that by pushing the borders and breaking down boundaries not to mention demonstrating that well through awesome software. So far (for me) the only piece of software that has got even close to that is Nintendoland but most importantly Miiverse. Nintendo does best when it's changing the market. The Wii U simply isn't the engine to do that and I think the software lineup shows that they know that too.
  14. I think that the greatest lessons can be learnt from the DS. That handheld was the successor to a very popular handheld and Sony was clearly winning the "minds and hearts" war very early on with the PSP. However a combination of strong 3rd party support and unique offerings quickly turned it into a console that appealed to a broad range of customers. How did they achieve that how could they use that model for the Wii U?
  15. It is a brilliant show and one of the things that's great about it is that it's quite low budget. That and that Archer is the most repellent person ever.... but you still kinda like him.... Dick.
  16. Especially as she's learnt to act since X3! :p Nope... definitely meant SPLOOOOSH:
  17. I'm glad you understand why I'm asking the question! I'd say the figures are good for what is the 5th/6th version of this game now however you don't know if it bombed because some idjut could have overspent on marketting by $10million like with Tomb Raider.
  18. I don't understand, is this good? It's a bit hard to say without some qualifying statements about how much development time/cost went into it and how many Wii Us were sold by this time.
  19. So.... who wants a better Wii U controller battery: http://www.n-europe.com/forum/showthread.php?p=1632639#post1632639
  20. Like I said, whether it's expecting too much is entirely based on how they think it will sell.
  21. See this is the bit I disagree with. Considering how storyline based it is, you don't get any sense of closure and the only "ending" of sorts that you get is essentially the whole game whiting out from what I remember. Then to get the real ending (you know, keeping in mind that the basis of the entire game is it's storyline) then you have to retread through all of the dialogue just in case there's something important that you shouldn't miss. You may have enjoyed it but I have no interest in another playthrough if it's going to be like that.
  22. Almost word-for-word my feelings on things. I'm a SS fan for the same reasons and I think what you have explained about exploration goes a way to suggesting why I don't like TP very much. I think what you get out of the exploration has to be meaningful as well, such as some great views of a beautifully designed world ala World of Warcraft or keeping ahead of the curve game-wise ala Metroid. Big empty spaces =/= large worlds. One thing I'd add, that not a lot of people mention about SS is the relationship between Link and Zelda. For the first time in a while I've felt some genuine emotion for those characters. Zelda was a strong character as well rather than a classic helpless damsel and Link wanted to help/save her because he cared about her not because she was useless like she is in some of the early games. Link saves the world to help share her burden.
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