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Everything posted by Jamba

  1. So they're going to start working on it after Mario Kart is out then? Wow.. late 2015/early 2016 surely can't come soon enough.
  2. Aha, thanks drahkon. Now all I have to do is wait until the servers stop getting chewed up.
  3. Can you guys tell me a little more about the ownership of this? Do you buy a license? I'm very interested in it but I'd be running it on the Windows partition of my Mac and am looking to go PC wards soonish. Will I be able to take it wid me?
  4. *shrug* but it's Nintendo dude... you know it makes far too much sense for them to actually make it.
  5. Dude, think bigger. You're totally missing out Gorons , the witches, the monkeys, Deku people (preferably the Wind Waker Kind), Linebeck, the Minish, Zoras, the Rito and many MANY funky bad guys and bosses.
  6. I have no opinion on art style particularly because whatever Nintendo does with it, they will do well. It's the design that I particularly want them to work on. Personally, I loved the mechanics of SS and TP by contrast was a little on the dull side gameplay wise. Zelda, not unlike Metroid, is primarily about exploration/adventure and secondarily about combat. I hope that Nintendo find new ways for us to interact with and explore the beauty that is Hyrule, Kohlint, etc. How far they need to change it will depend on what ideas they come up with obviously but I would be more than happy for them to do things like totally abandon the concept of the bow and bombs as they are now. If I pick them up in a 3D game then I know how they are going to work, if I pick them up in a 3D game I know exactly how they are going to work and that predictability leads to much less stimulation. I have a heard of ideas about what would make a great Zelda game but I think Nintendo just need to be a bit braver, like they were with OoT, MM, Windwaker.
  7. Whilst on a Nintendo forum, you should expect a certain amount of bias but I think it's pretty short sighted to expect people not to be upset about things at all. In fact, people should be allowed to get upset as most of us understand that kind of "What the fuck have I just paid £350 for?!" kind of disappointment. And that kind of feeling is going to happen every time Nintendo essentially say: "it's ok kids! Wait til E3 and then all of your worries shall be forgotten!" Fans will have that feeling of being crushed all over again. What causes the conflict is the "shut up, there's nothing to complain about" attitude that does get bandied around. Being upset about something isn't a factual argument that you can counter, it's somebody's emotional state that should be addressed with some compassion.
  8. Ok, just for a second cool down and read what I wrote in context. I said the main reason people buy a SEQUEL for storyline based games. On the other hand I'm not going to try and argue about whether Cat-Hat actually is new enough or not. You can try and boil down the logic of the fact that it should be fresh enough as it should allow you to explore the Mario levels in a new way. The only thing that matters is if the potential punters consider it fresh enough. And my opinion and several others have been that it's a wet trout. Maybe it's because vertical assent = jumping and kitten attack = sonic or that kitten attack is effectively a big win button against enemies. One small point for future reference to you particularly @Serebii , can you keep in mind with my post that when I'm talking about the Wii U, I'm almost always talking in terms of potential new customers and not existing ones. You seem to be missing the context of what I'm saying in my previous posts.
  9. I think you're looking at this the wrong way entirely. For a game that is story driven, changing the situation/setting for the characters with minimal changes to the mechanics is exactly what a successful sequel should do. The audience is following a set of characters and their continuing story so they don't want to that distracted by getting used to too much new stuff from a gameplay point of view. They are invested in their story so that's their hook to buying the next game. Many Nintendo games are mechanics based with very little story. Nobody really gives a hoot what happens to Peach in Mario right? So what do you change to entice people back for another go? Has to be the design and mechanics, maybe even the graphical style. Which is why Mario follows this pattern. The stimulus of those games is perfecting the new mechanics. So when we get MORE NSMB, with no mechanics changes, then it all starts to feel a bit old. I would argue that everything in Mario Land 3D U seems all a little too familiar as well. But it's a value judgement, not black and white. It's likely that a major mix up in the mechanics, with some familiar necessaries in a Mario games is going to get received better and people would be more excited about it.
  10. Hey it may be my opinion and I definitely laugh at yours a lot of the time but I do tend to do it privately rather than publicly cos it would make me look like a bit of a dick. And yes my point about the feeling of the public SHOULD make you laugh because no-one even knows there's a new Nintendo console. Also, you are probably right about the other two consoles but it doesn't really matter because they are not in the position of struggling to make their platform appealing after the mass public forgot about them. The PS4 and XBone have the "next big thing" factor going for them vs. a platform that needs to have a KSP that it doesn't have. Don't get me wrong, the Wii U will sell nice and gradually but unless they step things up in terms of the experiences they offer then nostalgia and familiar franchises will be the only reason people will buy. And the platform is way too expensive for that value judgement to regularly swing in Nintendo's favour.
  11. I think they misjudged it even worse than that. There are a number of groups of people who are affected: Are happy: People with a reasonable amount of cash and have just been waiting for the big franchises to pop up as holding out for a price drop is probably worth it. They don't explore Nintendo's weirder franchises, they just want Mario Kart and Smash. People that will buy every console so they have everything. Nintendo fans that will be happy whatever they get. The Nintendo board People that were skeptical about Nintendo's offerings. Didn't think they could deliver on their promises and are currently waiting for PS4/XBone. Are unhappy: 3rd party publishers - Nintendo is not doing anything to attract their type of customer to their platform and the general hardware sales are crap. Customers that are waiting for Nintendo to justify the large extra cost of the major feature of their new console. Nintendo fans waiting to see Nintendo do what they do best: innovate. Don't care: Almost everyone - Nothing is headline worthy, so it's same old same old. Nintendo has almost no coverage on any general medium because there is 0 buzz. Sony and Microsoft - Nintendo had a chance to get a headstart on them and show them what it was all about. Their services are going to be better, content is going to come out quicker and Nintendo has no KSP on them at all. Games Media - How can they get excited about more of the same? Even if they give it 8.5/10 they will end up saying "it's what you've played before except this time the camera angles changes. Wooo! /sarcasm" General public - Why should they buy a console with so few games that costs so much when they are still having fun on a Wii or with their smartphones.
  12. Best of luck canand!
  13. These are the games that people buy when they already have the system though and don't get me wrong, they fill an important part of the catalogue. But they are not going to make people who wouldn't automatically buy a Wii U go out and land their cash. I agree with you about Wonderful 101. But Nintendo's top priority should be making a game that ticks all of the boxes and not just some of them. For instance W101 looks like a great game but I'm not going to be surprised if people think it looks too Japanese-silly for them to look into it further. Nintendo are going to need some smart advertising to get people to see fun it's going to be. And let's face it, based on their recent track record, they are going to fail badly at that.
  14. For me, this is the most appealing thing that Nintendo need to do. If you combine the following, then I think the wider audience will really get excited about the Wii U: - a game that only Nintendo could make - a game that could only be done on the Wii U - a game that brings new stuff to the table and is not just an evolution of a concept (could even be an established franchise, like Metroid Prime was) I'm not saying all of Nintendos games have to be like that but SOME of them have to be.
  15. Well it does seem nice that they actually did E3 the way they did on purpose but I'm pretty shocked that they think that the normal gaming audience would prefer to see more sequels than different and whacky games. My feeling about the Wii U lineup feels very much like the GameCube's at the time... Except that the GCN had Metroid Prime, Eternal Darkness and Resident Evil 4. It's just full of sequels and Mario fatigue. One section I'm particularly shocked and a little worried about is that they Pikmin could only have been done on the Wii U, which is complete tosh. Either they are willingly ignoring the market or flat out lying to the investors there. Don't get me wrong, only Nintendo could make the game but it doesnt have to be on Wii U. In fact there are only 2 games on the system which wouldn't be possible on any others and by mid-2014 I still reckon that we will only have 3. I wonder how they are going to develop interest with such familiar feeling sequels.
  16. Shhh bob... there's a lot better game development going on in Leamington than that! ;-) I think that it's a good idea if only for a bit of British pride. We find it hard to identify stuff that as a nation we're pretty world class at. Would it be good if people here actually recognised that both our games and special effects industries were up there with the best in the world? If American's can celebrate in being the movie industry centre of the world why can't we do the same? The UK games industry had a phenomenal amount of talent in it which has unfortunately been absorbed into many of the conglomerates. The gaming superheroes that started in their garages back in the Spectrum days got bought up the EAs and Sonys but they did/do produce some fantastic games. When I think about the amount of beloved franchises that are exclusively British or were born in Britain, I do get a big smile across my face. Another thing people might not be aware of is how internationally successful some games are. Both Football Manager and Total War sell bucketloads in territories that most of us don't even think really get games. Have you ever heard about games getting localised into Polish, Russian and Czech a matter of weeks after an almost global release (which already had all of the western european languages and Scandinavian ones too!) That's some serious goddam game happy right there. MWAH!
  17. As far as new games go, I feel the same. There are some great games on the 3DS that I want to catch up on as release prices are too high. Between Nintendoland, Sonic Transformed and Lego City my Wii U time is kinda full up actually.
  18. Have only just got around to playing the demo of this as never been in the position to really try Fire Emblem. I'm taking a stance of only getting games that actually peak my interest now as both my time and money are less available. My conclusion is that I need this game. I always new the gameplay was ace from the heritage of the series and previous reviews but you have to try something to see if it speaks to you right? Well the character writing, art and general vibe of the game have totally sold it to me. Plus I was always a fan of games like X-COM so I think the turn based strategy has been calling me out. Now to find it cheap somewhere...
  19. Soooo.... I got this for my birthday and I'm exceptionally pleased so far. Really nice to hear the Japanese voice acting and the written script is characterful and genuinely funny at times. Was quite surprised to find that the characters aren't all completely brain-dead and react to the kind of things that you notice, which most games would just glaze over. Hoping the different progression paths are going to give it some replay value. Trying to just burn through it at the moment to find out the story and go back for some serious challenge. Have just met G-OLM on floor B and getting excited to see if anyone's going to die in round 2 of the AB Games! Judging by the intro, I would say the probability is high.... One thing I concluded in the first round is that everyone should just hit Ally every time. That way, no one would every feel cornered to need to hit betray, everyone would hit 9 points at the same time and ta-dah everyone could walk out... But I'm sure the wabbit isn't going to make it that simple, IS HE.
  20. So it's ok to use the "Thanks" system sarcastically right?
  21. Yeah apart from the fact that we know that's not the case with Nintendo as they make a slim loss on the Wii U.
  22. You say this, yet the Wii U has very little interest on the market and the people that control the money in the industry actually ignore that Nintendo exist most of the time. That's not the internet, that the reality of the market. Nintendo are heavily failing at communicating why people should buy their console and I don't think that the lineup they showed near E3 is going to change that. It may be good enough for people that already own the system but it's not going to win over any people waiting for the other nex-gen consoles or many people that have dropped the cash already. Nintendo need to wake up to the fact that unless they make the Wii U as exciting in terms of new experiences (and also communicate that fact) as the Wii then a very large group of potential customers are going to ignore it for the technically superior products. Why? Because they know that they have less limitations in terms of which of the games they want to play are going to turn up on that console. And let's not forget the downward spiral of low unit sales => dwindling 3rd party interest => low unit sales. Of course, all of these points could be totally moot if Nintendo is only interested in making a machine whose sole real KSP is being where you play Nintendo games. Forget the "new play styles" and the Miiverse stuff. From a certain perspective, Nintendo force customers to buy their machines to play their nostalgic franchises as you can't get them anywhere else.
  23. New Batman TV series... oh dear. Nearly posted this in the bad stuff thread! http://kotaku.com/here-s-your-first-in-depth-look-at-the-new-batman-tv-sh-514365538
  24. Jamba

    Mario Kart 8

    At the moment I'm still pretty happy playing Transformed. I enjoyed it far more than MK7 but hey maybe I just prefer the big screen This is very much a "woud like to try before buy" for me at the moment.
  25. They were meant to be getting money from the Canadian Government but it never got transferred because Dyack did not complete the process properly. Whether that was his fault or whether the last criteria of the system are completely unrealistic are yet to be seen. Think there was a GI.biz article about this somewhere. EDIT: Gottit! http://www.gamesindustry.biz/articles/2012-03-30-silicon-knights-confused-by-canadian-government-withholding-funding
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