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Everything posted by demonmike04

  1. Youtubes on alert for those video's, many have been taken down.
  2. Just watched the video myself on google video, he deserved it.
  3. The thing that pissed me off was at the end, were 'Grandma' sent them off and just randomly said "No face you stay here". Like what the fuck, thats like a quickey solution, terrible story telling. Kinda reminds me of star wars episode III, were the chicks giving birth at the end. ITS A --- Call him luke! ITS A --- Call her leila! Seriously, who decides what they are gonna name their kid the second their fresh out the vagina? And was she expecting twins? Gah, I hate quick solutions.
  4. Im quite low on DVD's, I didnt have a dvd player in my room until a few months ago. My collection now though: Akira Naruto Uncut 1:1 (Signed by Sasuke's and Temari's english dub artists) Naruto Uncut 1:2 Family guy series 1 Family guy series 2 Family guy: Stewie griffin the untold story Nightmare on elm street boxset Spongebob square pants volume one (When the hell did I get that??)
  5. I agree, strange film. Its good, but nothing special. The art is without a doubt fantastic.
  6. Im considering buying that magazine, I can fork out £9 per fortnight.
  7. Did this even need a thread? Theres a PS3 thread, you just had to post in there saying you played it, yet you extended it to a 'ITS TOO EXPENSIVE HERE, SYMPATHY PL0X?' thread.
  8. Quadroplegic tennis. Playing with mouth whilst rolling around burns alot more calories than you think.
  9. Cant be assed to write alot, so im nominating the following: Funniest member: The3rd or Booker, not sure. Half vote each of them. Funniest moment: The hijacking of someones avatar and signature. Yes I mean ashley.
  10. I used the recent fog to my advantage.
  11. If you shoot em afterwards, its technically free. I guess Grand theft auto did teach me something..
  12. I loved all of my presents this year..except for one. Its called an iDuck. What the fuck is an iDuck I hear you ask. Apparently, when your in the bath, it sparkles.. I dont take baths, When I do i'd prefer it duckless. However, if this was an iBoat i'd gladly take baths more often. Showers for the win.
  13. ...Newgrounds. Typical. If I ever make a comedy sketch revolved around fart jokes, I know my venue.
  14. Bought that and.. that yesterday in town. Woot.
  15. Final bump. It seems no retailers in the UK received this game. All the websites have stopped listing it, all the towns i've been to recently havent got it. No sign of it, but I know there are places in europe with this game. Lock away mods, I've never heard of this happening before =S
  16. Ah well, its a shame it couldnt stay, but now we have Relentless! Red bull, but better, in a beer can. Cheaper too.
  17. What the fuck... Its totally sick how some one could do this, why couldnt they of just taken his car and leave him safe? Sure, you still lose something, but thats just adding a hell of alot more hurt for the sake of it. Hope your family have a good christmas flink, its a shame that you had to be caught up because of some emotionless prick.
  18. Happy bday guys. Ooo, 24th, must get my advent calender in the bin..
  19. Your a sick sick man. Mmmmmm...48 grams of sugar in each can...
  20. Yeah, like cube said, there'l be spin-offs. Im up for a new book from J.K. called 'Ron'. Its so blatantly gonna happen.
  21. Picking up weapons is fine with the Nunchuck IMO. Also IMJ, there is no other way to change weapons (If there is, i'd like to know). Just completed Red steel, 9/10. Would of been 10/10 if it didnt freeze my Wii.
  22. Red steel just froze up my Wii, at an inconvinient time. I had the slow down thingy on, shot weapons out of like 5 enemies, once the first gun came out of their hands, the wii just froze. BEEEEEEP and the controllers constantly vibrated. Hmm, I hope this wont happen again..
  23. I've had super market sushi, not the proper stuff though. If its anything like the stuff at tesco's, its fuckin awesome.
  24. Received a Jamie Oliver 2007 calender today, its just plain awesome. Xmas came early =D
  25. Just when the frosties kid starts to fade away, we wish death upon another child. The world is so fucking awesome.
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