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Everything posted by demonmike04

  1. Hmm..its strange that these two have the same birthday.. happy birthday to both any way!
  3. Jeez, this threads still going. Shows how much people respect others opinions here. Pathetic or not, a complaint is valid. If they liked the orchestra music rather than the final music, fine, its not pathetic, sound tracks immerse you. Then again, this is nothing new, most of you guys couldnt agree with a review that scored 8.8 for this game, because you had your hearts set on this title bringing you a bragging right for gaining the number 1 game of all time rank. It was the reviewers opinion, and its the reviewers job to state his opinion. But still, have fun bitching.
  4. Im not sure what exactly is going on, but shoot her.
  5. If its below 99%, the reviewers family will be murdered.
  6. It wasnt aimed at any one else to be honest, the fact he classed those who discussed the game with no complaints about it as normal people is clearly incorrect.
  7. Lmfao, should of figured that out really.. Personally, I thought normal people were ones that arent cooped inside all day playing Video games and posting on forums, but actually being social, you have those in the Twilight princess thread?
  8. Meh, it is slightly overrated, but it is a good film. I mainly bought it due to reccomendation by a friend of mine as I started watching anime, first anime dvd I bought.
  9. All the fanboys came here to bitch about people not liking certain aspects of this game, its 8.8 all over again. The fact this thread was made to seperate the bitching from the discussion was a good idea, but people are entitled to opinions so they should belong in the official thread, its kind of a mixed topic here. And the fanboys have came here claiming people shouldnt be bitching about it, this thread was made for a fucking reason retards. Your in the wrong thread if you dont want to hear bitching.
  10. Totally true, but this day enables me to start using my Jamie oliver 2007 calender (Unofficial) properly.
  11. Its just 30 minutes into the new year yet you've managed to already steal the award for funniest post in 2007. England is shite, its best off if every one got the fuck out of this place.
  12. Heh. So every one, whats the first song you've listened to and whats the first thing you've eaten this year? Child Prey - Dir En Grey I've eaten a ham sandwich.
  13. Im certain theres more than 3 homosexual members on this forum.
  14. Enjoy the new year, and the first hour of it which your phone surely will not work.
  15. Meh, it was alright I suppose. Got higher than predicted in my GCSE's. Went to New york. Wii. Got my house to myself a couple of times, mini parties commence! London Expo (At which I met 3 people from this forum, 2 from another) And erm getting a Tortoise was awesome too. Guess thats it.
  16. Lmfao, I was just gonna post that now. I agree, ChillyChili should be banned for not keeping that secret.
  17. Lmfao, thats fucking hillarious.
  18. I just got the second half of the manga series, and I have to agree. Incredibly dissapointing.
  19. I was thinking more of the subliminal sexual similarity in one of the sentances in the advert..but I guess you have a point :P
  20. Okay, I was sitting here, minding my own business until I over heard an advert for a kids game called Sally the sunflower. Now, I know its not me with the wandering mind, but there is something up with that advert! I think my mind wanders too much..
  21. YOU GO TO HELL AND YOU DIE. Barry Scott is a national icon, he's also the only living man currently to use alot of cockney to sell a product, we must treasure him as the only piece of old fashioned england still alive.
  22. Got invited to a party, sounds shit and it'l be incredibly awkward because of the situation me and one of my friends are in. Fuck going out, im gonna be un-social.
  23. Yeh i've got the trailers option and didnt get an episode book. The only positive thing they done this time round was changing how the discs are stored. Hopefully they'l pick up on the mistakes their currently doing and improve for Volume 2:1. But i've got a nasty feeling that this luxury of 13 episodes each volume isnt going to last very long. The3rd: Really? I've only bought one other DVD from Manga and that was Akira which came with 2 discs.
  24. To all those who have Naruto 1:2 Just out of curiosity, do any of the 3 dvd's you got have an option for special features? Its usually on disc three, but when I load it into my DVD player, it doesnt show an option to go there. It states on the box too that there are special features, but im starting to think Manga screwed up abit.
  25. Fucking a horse, shaving a cat and having a drink. In that order.
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