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Everything posted by demonmike04

  1. Im very dissapointed about sega's decision to not put Streets of rage in the collection. Believe it or not, I have heard many people say they are dissapointed with it, and I found it suprising they wouldnt up the age just to put it in. Bad move on sega's part, they did so succesful with sonic on the gamecube, yet they dissapoint the console that put sonic games back on the market. I may be buying the PS2 version if its £20 like the gamecube version.
  2. All i wana know about that main pic they have is that the shadow has X and Y buttons while it actualy has a and b on the controller its reflecting on. Maybe nintendo have revolutionised the way that light reflects?
  3. Some one has already stated this, it helps to actualy read the messages before replying. Any ways, we dont know what the cradle will be like yet apart from the wavebird shape, so if what your saying is true, new nintendo customers will also need to fork out cash for a gamecube controller to play those games.
  4. lmao, im suspecting add ons have more different types than pokemon does?
  5. Gameboy, i will never stop playing it. Got my original on my 3rd or 4th birthday, and still playing today when im 16 this weekend. Pokemon was the first ever game to make me play for so long, i didnt have many games on my 64, due to the fact xmas and my bday only came once a year with £5 pocket money in those days :P
  6. Ah no you didnt get what i meant, the only thing i found out of all your points were the SP head phone jack and the lack of updates between mario party games (well some of them). I meant it as in they were seperately selling something that most probably will be needed straight away. The gameboy series picked up on mistakes, the SP, was the back light, the micro is focused on getting the gaming population higher and enticing new gamers.
  7. If they did that, i'd be suprised, since ive never thought Nintendo as a money grabbing company, we'l just have to wait for when the next details are revealed.. "More suprises are on the way", just one of the sentances i heard about revo that i like to keep in mind
  8. Pictochat would be a very good thing for Revo, since it could go online into chat rooms, and imagine the download for your ds Heres how it would work, you see a pointer on the screen and you hold down A to put the pointer down on the virtual paper and move the controller as if it was a pen. How great would that be?
  9. I dont know if any one has mentioned this (search didnt find any thing), but are we going to need the cradle to play SNES and 64 games? Because lack of buttons on the actual revo controller means they have missing buttons. So will the cradle provide us the buttons needed for them? And if it does, will it be a mistake if nintendo didnt include the cradle with the system?
  10. I saw this the other day, miss was at like 60% BBC should realy go into detail, but hey, the media is messed like that.
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