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Everything posted by demonmike04

  1. Actually guys, i have the dreaded thought its PS3 using this. A few months back, I watched the first Gundam PS3 game played on a video which I downloaded from IGN. I noticed it looked more three dimensional than any other next-gen games. So that was my first clue. My second clue is the Devil May Cry 4 pictures, look at the one were the gun looks as if its pointing at you, it hints at the effects we just been talking about. Any one agree? But I hope im wrong, but it does seem to add together. The near realism pictures + New 3D techniques = Makeshift ultimate experience?
  2. Nah, that'd be old, remember the 128 mario's for gamecube's tech demo? They need something new. Just a message to those who will think 128 will be revealed any other time than E3, your wrong. 128 is E3 highlighting material.
  3. Added on from your post: http://www.weebls-stuff.com is great if your feeling down and need a lil bit of a laugh.
  4. This is not natural... lets hope this wont become mainstream because the controlling of other beings than yourself can push crime up. I hope it becomes scrapped, yet it can be used for good things, just not many.
  5. Well there are numerous hints that we'l know more soon (Latest from Kojima). But is this a step no one realised for Photo-Realistic graphics? Since, if you have realistic graphics, it will just just get plain, it'l be like controlling a TV show, but with this technique to mentally push objects out of the TV will realy make Photo realism worth while. But I still think Photo - Realism shouldnt happen for some time, because the vast majority of the gaming industry thinks this is the ultimate step, and if it is, what next?
  6. Im guessing it will, or maybe the shell can also be used. Why put in 4 controller sockets? But then again, this is the prototype, what ever Nintendo gets rid of is upto them. But im guessing you will need them but there will be an alternative such as the shell.
  7. Oh crap..its fake? I was getting all excited there...
  8. Wow, nice job tie.nano . Your 2nd attempt is better Xanikseo, and as ramar said, Its hard to silhouette the Mario poses that your doing. So try Ramar's suggestion, it may work.
  9. I like that site...the music is sweet but already have it on Mp3 :P Btw, how do you unlock secrets on that site? I heard you can do it some how but there seems to be no way.
  10. I was talking to a friend about that quote last night, but I still think it was a figure of speach. If i get proved wrong about that, im going to be very happy. Since the controller is the ultimate in innovation (Apart from virtual reality), so you feel you are part of the game. This way theres more fun, and more newcomers into the Gaming world, making Video games an even bigger industry. I think they meant the way we see games in a business point of view. But go ahead Nintendo, prove me wrong.
  11. Were else other than Pound Land?
  12. AWW MAN! You beat me to it, I used to have that on a shirt.. Digital paper? Why not ask Nintendo to create A4 sized screens for DS?
  13. Well, we dont know if its true yet, but we will find out soon since Stocka has recently said more to be revealed before Xmas. Hope your right Stocka.
  14. Definitly the Zelda we've all been waiting for...move aside Twilight princess...lol
  15. Yeah, third party games are common to ask for a subscription. If you dont like the idea Mike, I'd advise you to stay very well clear of the XBOX live service, the idea for paying for online games is nearly every were you go.
  16. True. I've just noticed hardly any sonic games link in with each other, Sonic adventure and sonic adventure 2 were totally different. So lets all stop moaning about the story line, but just focus on shadow.
  17. Played Halo round a friends house...Online is definitly the best online gaming experience i've had (Ninty fan here, we dnt see much of online incase nobody noticed).
  18. I love the intro to Shadow the hedgehog (Downloadable on IGN or Gamespot if any ones interested). Its so rock and roll... But then again im a huge Sonic fan, its just left me in awe the amount of action in it.
  19. I had the same feeling about 360, how are they going to go mass when they only have a few genres around the launch window? It doesnt work. Yes, he seems very confident. But, noticed he actualy PRAISED the PS3? 'at least not until they see what is offered to them by Sony and Nintendo next year' Yeah, its not a praise realy, but the thing you notice is that he is being kind to Sony for the current moment. He says Sony have alot to offer aswell. Surely, he's views will change when PS3 actualy gets released, but they shouldn't actualy do that. The way he talks does show he is slightly worried about the 360's impact, he's just showing a brave face. Very interesting interview...
  20. When will people learn Revo graphics will not be revealed until Nintendo reveal the games them selves. Do you realy think they'd want a third party developer stealing their thunder? Why else would Mario Kart get released before Tony hawks american skateland in the US.
  21. Holy crepe. Without the need for 3D Glasses? I love those glasses... Thats pretty amazing if they use this in Revo. And it suits the controller perfectly if you think about it. Objects looking like they are outside the TV = Better accuracy with the Controller.
  22. If this was predicted before the controller, I would forgive them. The media attention and the developers interest cannot be denied. Revo has more attention to it already than gamecube ever had in its life time.
  23. Tell meee... Are you some sort of spy?
  24. I've never actualy made a Game. I've just edited a few. A few years back, I used to be in an emulation group called NC Translations, then moved to F71 Rom hacking (Which I eventually put an end to for them hacking my bro's email, so I deleted the entire site). My main job was editing text with Hexidecimal coding in Pokemon Gold and re-designing the maps. Yeah it was incredibly simple..but was the only experience near making a game i've had.
  25. Its a nice Idea...been alot of iPod ad spoofs recently. But the black silohoutte (sp?) of Mario looks a bit fuzzy. Was this done in Paint? If you re-do it and it looks better, post it up. I've put every iPod spoof I like on my Nano...
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