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Everything posted by demonmike04

  1. Man that sucks, any coverage on the controller at all?
  2. Fair enough that you dont wanna talk about death, but why bother posting then? You are now involved in the conversation. Weres your evidence the poster is a dick? He wanted to know peoples opinions, not being offensive, but you are. So take your fuck you and stick it up your ass.
  3. I dont know if any of you heard, but theres been some research into the burial of the dead, which suggests some of the buried actualy come to life (I wont believe it til i get some rock hard evidence). Imagine how scary that would be, just waking up in an enclosed box, no way out, just to suffer all over again.
  4. Holy, I wasnt much of a big Nintendo fan around N64, so i missed out on alot of classics. But no wonder my mum wouldn buy me any more 64 games when some of them cost that much. Imagine how much a full volume 360 game will cost then...and im dreading the thought of PS3 prices, since Sony are getting more players into the market than nintendo right now.
  5. Ah I typed it wrong then, I thought it was RAM, I was describing the flash memory but put ram there instead. My mistake.
  6. They are just randomised, so its not any ones fault. Just came on by coincidence. But, if you want something to annoy you, go on http://www.game.net , then go to the DS section. They have diliberately placed a PSP ad in the middle of the page, annoys me, but anything goes in business.
  7. Hmm, most of this I knew already, but the spec comparisen at the end between known revo specs and gamecube was totally new to me. Are they guessing most of those specs for rev? Because I knew revo has 512mb ram.
  8. 360 is confirmed at 50 quid?? Jesus... I swear I read a nintendo interview were he explained what Nintendo is trying to do with the revolution, and he mentioned not making it as powerful so developing costs arent expensive and making it quiet for production costs. But, with 360 at 50 quid a pop..what on earth is PS3 gonna cost at with its games?
  9. SSB is possible for revolution...and i do have a slight idea, but its not very innovative. Those relying on a shell to play it, weres your lust for innovation?
  10. I knew i forgot to mention something, yeah, pretty smart website.
  11. http://www.benheck.com/ Ok, he's revamped the page, I think he's gotten rid of his project, but you can check out the other stuff. I didnt search enough to say the gamecube project he is doing is dead for certain though.
  12. Some guy who made a PSP take-on and a portable dreamcast is actualy working on a portable gamecube...i'l get the link..
  13. Notice they skip something that is in the equation for violence controlling our acts? Movies. Movies have a much wider audience, and is more believable than video games. 'Lets kill the industry thats nearly made it mainstream' I bet thats on there minds. Plus, how on earth can it be comparable to smoking? I dont get diseases playing games, played 15 years, addicted, and never once killed some one with a gun that fires chickens. And yes, i have considered it.
  14. Lmao thats true, but who buys it? Their parents. But its just the fact about the games that makes it kiddy i think. Yeah sure we got some great games, but we dnt get the mass violence rip ya to shreds games do we? And when you dont get that, the gaming population who play those games think any thing below is kids stuff.
  15. You have a very good point, remember, Sony does have a massive fanbase and there are more video game players than ever, So its likely not every one will leave PS3 to rot. But this is Nintendo's big chance to make it big again, so lets keep fingers crossed. And also, that 3rd console itch is very true. Atari, Nintendo and Sega all suffered against it, but Nintendo is still alive in console hardware and Atari and Sega arent, Was there something that Nintendo had different to still carry on? Also, Im very suspicious about the 2nd step to the 3rd console itch, Which is arrogance. As mentioned in the revolution discussion board, J allard has already displayed arrogance, and this is their 2nd console. Could Xbox's 3rd helping have this fate? Because it seems sony is having a few problems, plus I swear I heard a delay for PS3. I dont know whether this was for more information, or the actual console.
  16. Ha, so very very (so true I said it twice) true. But it's that very thing that makes them a powerful company. They have the brand names. Nintendo should get some soon, Nintendogs definitly is one, but that is a very unique game, I cant realy see a sequal, apart from one on Revo. I love the Nintendogs ad on TV, and the meteos one in magazines. 'If you like neatly stacking blocks... you'l love smashing them into asteroids!'
  17. He's just jealous coz XBOX realy hasnt made much of an impact. Only thing it did was made online video games big.
  18. I love this guy! He makes the Video gaming industry sound like a bible! But yeah, Allard realy does need to come out of his shell. He's only thinking about the possible good future, not the bad side. It seems like he does not know the threat from rival consoles! I maybe underestimating here, but PS3 does not sound like much of a threat at the current moment. So, thats there main worry solved, but they are realy underestimating nintendo. Allard, if you think the only thing revolution is good at is making simplified buttons, your wrong. It is a great idea, Not able to play sports games? Basket ball, you bounce the ball with the controller, and swing the controller in the direction of a player you want to pass it to. Football, This is a great idea, you move the controller to move the player, and use the buttons to pass it or shoot, you dont need that many buttons to play football games! And the thing that makes him sound like an idiot: i cant see racing games working for this thing. Have you not read gaming websites? No of course not, your still brainstorming on how to make more profit ripping off your customers making hundreds after hundreds of peripherals at a 50 dollar price tag to make your gamers comfortable, instead of actualy including it in your console. Nintendo does this! One way people have thought is to turn the controller on its side, and steer it like you do with a peripheral. Face it, he's written this for the sole purpose to entice the people who havent heard much of revolutions controller, Nintendo is doing Microsoft a favour, enticing new players in to the industry. Now, i know for a fact he wont read this, but this is what I would say if we talked. Its an easy Idea to come by, I dont care who says it isnt, but it realy is. Nintendo have been absolute geniuses by making this for Video games.
  19. Oh well, my mistake. This is the internet, I could of talked like some of those messed up game forums some times using numbers for some letters, but yeah, grammar in the title was a mistake, but realy, do you have to be ashamed? Its not the end of the world. Hmm, if 'what if' machine had came out instead of Playstation, Nintendo wouldnt be able to take over the world of gaming. No Playstation = No PS2 to wipe out sega's dreamcast. Alot of things would of been different, it just amazes me how much could have been different. But in a sort of way, im glad Playstation came out, as much as I hate to admit it, it was one of the first consoles to get hell loads of new game customers at once.
  20. Only had that fact, if any one could post the rest i'd be very greatful This was quite new to me, i kinda found it hidden so i thought i'd share it.
  21. Ok, was supposed to post this the other night while I still had the source link, but I forgot to and thus, have the link no-longer (cant find it in history). Here was the fact I came upon: Playstation was initially intended to be a CD add-on for SNES to rival the mega-cd. But after a while Sony wanted to make a single console with it. This actually sounds believable to me, what about you guys?
  22. Well to be honest, any one could of thought of it. Its only a revolution in gaming, any were else it could of been used. Its just adding a ton of motion technology into one. And I know exactly how they could of gotten the idea for this, Nintendo might not have nicked it off some one else, just had an idea, but im pretty sure some one else was thinking the same thing elsewere. The way they got an idea - I noticed playing mario kart one night, when i got nervous and realy wanted to win, I kept turning the controller the way I turned my kart. Example: Leaning to the side in reality while power sliding in mario kart. And heres were the imagination comes in, What if there was a way that acting as if your playing made a different inside the game? I've thought about it before, but I was only thinking motion sensor, Nintendo have gone big on there idea, and I can guarantee Mariokart on revolution will most prob be my favourite game ever.
  23. Hmm, unless Nintendo had a way to make nano technology cheap, this thing is bull. Im guessing at a £150-250 price tag for UK.
  24. Hmmm... Definitly a Star wars jedi game! Some sort of golf game Any sonic type game.
  25. Im happy the way the graphics are right now, do we realy need that much better? And yes, ive come to agree i did over-react about graphics not making a game, but it wouldnt put me off buying it even if it had gamecube graphics. But its pretty much confirmed that games will have better graphics on revo than they did on cube.
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