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Everything posted by demonmike04

  1. Well not long til Naruto II starts, the animation looks superb in the trailer. I only read the plot line until chapter 335 were I thought I may aswell read the manga free.
  2. Thanks for the comments and advice guys. Yeah, im feeling really sorry for his family, im good friends with them and this must of been just unbearable for them all. The guy had so much ahead of him, he was Sixth form head boy, been in a band for four years, constant good grades and just an all around positive attitude to life. I've spent my time basically talking to people over the phone and on MSN, just reflecting on all the things we've been through. Italy, new york and causing havoc in my town. Im really gonna miss the guy, especially with New york coming up again in 2 weeks time which he had payed in full and had spending money at the ready. It turns out that the tyre's on the car were extremely old and had little to no grip on it, so the drivers in shit and has to live with the fact that some ones died due to that fact. This is just speculation, but I do remember the talk about it months ago about how it shouldnt be on the roads. Again, I thank you all for the comments.
  3. Yeah, it was just the worst possible moment too as his band received news they had a huge chance of being able to play at the Great Albert Hall for this variety show.
  4. I know all of the people in the car.. Their all my mates, I just cant believe something like this has happend.
  5. Sorry for the title, but im just so angry now. I've never had any one close to me die, and today it happend, unexpected as well. Click here I just cant believe he died like this. He was really popular in my town, a close friend of mine for more than 5 years, and its gone in an instant. Just came in that the driver drove into a fucking tree. Going too fucking fast hun. Please lock if there is no room for discussion.
  6. My peanuts are better than yours.
  7. Well Death note fans, your in for a treat. Misa-Misa hentai has surfaced on the intranets (It was blatantly coming after reading all of the manga)
  8. Felt great anger when I had to give back my friends copy of Phantasy Star Episodes I &II.
  9. Goin stateside next month.. muhahaha, MD for me.
  10. I got this game on boxing day, finished it yesterday/this morning after a ten hour session, took me 49 hours overall which is probably noob. The games fuckin awesome, ebay it, go to CEX, check the pre-owned bins, you must have this game. Just had to get out the final place so I can do some sidequests and the like.
  11. Well to be realistic, pretty much the majority of people who get EMA dont deserve it. Sure, I misuse it myself, but the point is its called EMA for a reason. Education Maintenance allowance, meaning its used to keep your further education going with travel, notepads pens shit like that, not our own personal hobbies and entertainment. You do deserve it if your income qualifies you for it, but misuse of the money is what makes you not deserve. I think thats what the bonus is for, as there really is no difference it can make by giving you £100 and then £30 EMA the same week.
  12. Aww shit flink, thats the lowest any one can go man. I feel for ya man
  13. I get EMA, but personally I dont see what the rant is. If you dont get paid it, dont complain, chances are its your EMA officers, mines always been paid in on the friday except last week because we started the day after the forms for each week were to be sent. I wouldnt be suprised if they changed it to Rokhed's idea, instead of being given money etc you'd get stationary, but many people need money for transportation, so with that I reckon if they were to change it, you'd get stationary and a sum depending on your distance from College. That main aspect of EMA that provokes mis-use of the money is the bonus, im not complaing for obvious reasons, but it does provoke the spending on personal items, £100 for free out of nowhere on random dates? Its gotta be.
  14. Oh fuck yes, I cant wait. Fortunately its aired the day I get back from New york, so I should have it the day after. AWESOME.
  15. Whats that Sega? Streets of Rage on the Virtual Console? What took you? Ah well, I would of been jumping for joy if it hadnt of been for This little gem. Why pay a fiver or so for Streets of rage 1 when you can have a total remake of it eh?
  16. Hmm, does any one what the actual Gameplay is for the Death note game on DS? Its out soon, and due to death note already being licensed in the US by Viz Media, im expecting it to get a translation.
  17. Mike McClean I think he's name is, dont know why he's 'famous', but he tries to be funny but doesnt succeed. Russel Brand too. Oh, and Lee Evans. And the guy who hosts the new family fortunes. Pretty much people who think they are funny, but really arent.
  18. So, the 13th episode is translated now? I'l watch em all tonight, havent watched any since episode 9. Also I realised Dattebayo havent stopped with Naruto, so I did ask a bit of a stupid question. That week is gonna be hella awesome, new york AND Naruto II.
  19. These programs are the god of all evil. They give birth to annoying singers, which spawns into a complete marathon of the same video over and over on the radio's and music channels, which spawns interviews on the news and shit gossip, which spawns into a book. I hate Fame academy.
  20. Seconded, even though I havent seen the entire series. Its also quite funny. Will dattebayo be subbing the Naruto Shippuden series?
  21. Curse my inability to read Japanese... Higurashi is fucking awesome, I only watched the first 5 episodes, i'l get my mate to burn em to DVD for me if he can. I'VE FINISHED THE DEATH NOTE MANGA! That series is fucking awesome, all thats left is the movie and the supposedly 37 episodes long anime according to wikipedia. Havent watched the anime in 4 weeks >.< oh dear.
  22. Offence? None was taken, as I knew no way could some one be so much of a retard to not show what he bases his opinion on. Ignorant? Yes. Insults? I was merely joking. But seriously, dont strut around here thinking your above us, because the truth is, your in the same boat as us. On a Nintendo board.
  23. HOBBZINIO I SHAGGED YOUR MUM LAWL. Hopefully my hip street talk will be understood by the council estate pimp and we will negotiate this problem by hugging.
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