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Everything posted by demonmike04

  1. I though the PSO dreamcast servers shut down in 2003? And blue burst servers are still open, aswell as the XBOX PSO I+II servers if that ever came out in europe. Sega have made it clear PSO is dead to them, they keep pushing every one to play that PSU shit.
  2. You can order off the Nintendo store, but it only ships to america, so im guessing thats of no use. Ebay it is mate.
  3. Jeez, its strange how they got big so quick. Like 2 years ago they'd just be playing at a local pub here, and now there all over MTV2, scuzz and the likes.
  4. Ah, so every one who's had an account previously is allowed. Ah I guess thats suitable as not many people will be buying the game this late into its life and expect to go online. Some peeps at PSO world mentioned that when they signed in they had their hunters license automatically updated without payment, you may wanna check that out.
  5. Angry, DS broke, unable to play Final Fantasy III.
  6. I dont think you can if you havent been recently active. I think the free final month is a thank you to those who have been active. Im not exactly sure on this, so try looking around or so. Its always been possible, some people hacked the multiplayer option and I think you had to link the cube upto your PC and trick the cube into thinking it was all local play when it was infact done over the internet. There are FAQS on the internet, but keep in mind this is illegal.
  7. Yeah, i met The3rd and various other EuroFusion peeps down there. Im trying to get a few peeps to go see Hot fuzz next friday with me, too bad Empire Cinema charges a fuck load per ticket.
  8. You could easily do both.
  9. The countries youth's behaviour is awful, and theres good reason for that, theres nothing to fear. You get locked up for 4 years and your sorted, no bills, activites you'd usually have to pay for, the only downside is being restrained to a certain area. Any body remember that huge fiasco the papers created last year? They took an ex-prison officer from america, toured him through our prison system and he was physically ill and described them as a holiday camp. You're probably better off in prison now, oh wait, there nearly full. It seems the worst now is getting fined or tagged, and you can easily work yourself around them with more criminal activity. And why does all this behaviour start in the first place? Schools. Schools are the harshest place for punishment for youth, and I understand. You'l get punished for petty things, they wont make an effort to help you, they'l just condemn you, move you to a place where you have no friends and then you'l just think whats the fucking point, and go completely against the rules of society. Education I cant moan about, i do agree that education here is very good. But in schools is were the behaviour problem starts. They think you'l learn by moving you to a place with all the trouble makers, which is completely retarded as you'l socialise and learn from these and create anti-social groups, instead of taking the smart option of moving you to a group which you may try to blend in with. This place has the worst children, its all dog eat dog, all mugging, all violence related here. Sure, its every were, i've been to 4 different countries and i've seen it all, but this place its just too common. This place isnt going to change, the money's invested elsewhere instead of improving childrens lives aside from education.
  10. I've read the manga, and the anime will stretch to 37 episodes which i'd say is plenty due to how fast the anime is moving along. Judging by what Stefkov said, your nearly half way into the story. This is the second best part of the series, the first being how the story ends. I think they get released on tuesdays now? I think there will be many parts that were in the manga that will be skipped or shortened, but im sure they'l have a finished series with not much untold by episode 37.
  11. Gagged, thats the last time I ever try deep throating a mars bar.
  12. Tonight I did some bowling with my mates at the local leisure center (I WON). And went to mcdonalds, were i pumped ketchup into straws and popped milk containers. Were on earth was there a 2 and 3 in his post? The options were labelled with letters moron. Hehe, pointless moaning.
  13. Aye, the questions asked were generally crap though. "Can I have a hug?" But yeah, the Q & A really got me hyped for the film, the footage that was shown was amazing, cant wait to see this, prob go see it next week.
  14. Those are private servers, and your not supposed to be using them. All official means of connecting to actual legit online gameplay will cease on April 1st.
  15. Just watched Shippuden, amazing. Loved the intro. Im not sure on what to think with the character styles though, some times the drawings go retarded like Sakura's anorexic legs that randomly happend. Nothing beats the manga chapter last night though =D
  16. The actual Story of Naruto took a break after episode 135, every thing else is chapter arcs invented to keep the anime going. Shippuden is the return to the main story, were it is a few years after were the story took a break. So characters are all 15/16 and so on.
  17. Im right in presuming that both Phantasy Star titles are the only online Gamecube titles, correct? Well, if you havent played them in a while, you can no longer go online unless you were recently active. This was in effect last week, but I forgot to post this. The gamecube's online service will be completely dead on April 1st, when the Phantasy star cube titles servers are shutdown worldwide. Farwell online Gamecube! Something I never tried.. (P.S. Those still playing Phantasy Star online can probably find a private server to connect to)
  18. Zelda Collectors edition Skies of arcadia? (Took me a while to find it, so im presuming so) Phantasy Star Online I & II And thats it i suppose.
  19. Domstercool has an awesomely hot Gaara shirt. Cant remember were i saw the picture of him wearing it though.
  20. Downloading SHIPPUDEN right now. Did any one read Chapter 342 of the Naruto manga yesterday? That was one hell of a chapter, very big twist aswell.
  21. I dont think so, he might of gone to hospital after the first Arc in part 2. I think im right in saying a few others wind up in the hospital, but i'l say no more.
  22. Finally, another good Naruto manga chapter! 341 was awesome, the next one should be out next thursday, the day after new york. And on the friday...SHIPPUDEN. Awesome week next week =D
  23. Pfft, if i remember right, your house is awesome, so yeah, stay in. Schools cancelled in my town, which is kinda a downer as i need to get something for my new york trip.
  24. It can either be the greatest or worst website on the world, you can find some decent stuff on there, then some random high definition vagina. http://www.4chan.org Few people have sent me wallpapers they found on that website, the wallpapers are decent.
  25. Do you actually mean Guy? Cause I can see a resemblance.
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