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Everything posted by Aneres11

  1. In agreement that the song isn't the greatest on the album. I think Gaga has released a strange mix of songs from this album. Personally i'd have scrapped Edge of Glory and You and I and released Fashion of His Love and Heavy Metal Lover. Then Marry the Night Much better song choices in my opinion. The last 2 were just not Gaga single standards (fantastic album tracks though). Like vid, but too much going on as previously said.
  2. Sweet Jesus those screen shots have excited me.
  3. Thing is, the iPad IS a luxury item. I know that. So if I do buy one then it will be a luxury extravagant purchase. I don't make many. I'm fortunate enough this month to have received a bonus from work for performing well over the quarter, and sometimes you just wanna say "well done me". Not everyone will do that with a £400 item, but I wouldn't even think of going out and getting one if it wasn't for that. And the more I look into it the more I want one. Everyone loves their iPad. Even the most tech friendly people. Maybe they are just justifying the purchase, but I don't think people would spend that amount of money unless they wanted one. And they're pretty. Lolz
  4. The Spirit Room? Shame on you Pancake. Shame on you.
  5. I don't have a TV. Kidding Yeah that's a good idea. The only reason I looked into one was coz I browsed the Kindle and it just happened to show the iPad 2. Then since that i've just warmed to the idea of having one lol. I know they're expensive and I can probably use my other devices for the majority of what I would use one for, but I guess Apple are good at the whole "here is a new product, you need this". But everyone's responses have been very helpful so thanks Oh and Nintendohnut - I is male. <-------------------------
  6. Not quite cooking... But it was so yum.
  7. Well, I have an iPhone that I use for the obvious and it also has my entire music collection on (around 1300 songs and building all the time!). It hooks into my car and saves me having to burn downloaded music onto cd's to listen whilst driving to work etc. Its always with me. I have a Macbook that I use daily - most of the time to update my iPhone with music or to browse my favourite sites that I tend to visit daily. That's the likes of facebook, news sites, the forums, etc. I will admit that though I am a mac user, I haven't even scratched the surface on what it can do, nor will I probably ever they are that versatile. My reasoning for an iPad was just purely because I looked at getting a kindle recently. Nice price, very good product and everyone who has one loves it. But whenever you go online and look for Kindle opinions, the iPad is always mentioned as a comparison device. Now I personally don't get that as they are 2 different products catering to different needs. However, it did make me research the iPad as I had never had any interest in getting one until I seen how much it can do - and as mentioned by a previous poster, how it compliments a pc / macbook. I like to think my iPhone does that as it holds all my music. But reading books on it looks pretty fun and easy, as does viewing movies. Last Saturday I was bored out my mind - felt like crap, hadn't moved all day and wanted to just relax and watch somethin. TV was crap (as it always is these days) and I fancied a film. No films in this house. We're not filmy. Anyways, checking on iTunes, you can rent for like £2.99! So I rented one and watched it on my MacBook and it was great. But it wasn't great trying to get comfortable on the couch with my MacBook lol. And so I thought of the iPad again. I didn't realise iTunes held as much TV and movie content as it does. It surprised me and I found myself looking for stuff for around an hour - finding a looaad of films and tv shows that I would wanna watch. And don't start me on the books! I mean, yes, they are expensive. And yes Oxigen you are correct in saying you can do all this on a PC / MacBook - I totally agree. But I just imagine it being used a lot by me and by my family - sister, mum etc which is why I thought about perhaps picking one up. I suppose it depends on whether it will fit in with the users needs at the end of the day. If anyone on here has one - what do you guys use it for?
  8. Yeah, it is a pretty good album. I have always enjoyed Miley Cyrus' solo stuff too - both albums. What I think I like about Speak Now is it isn't as country as I thought it would be for Taylor Swift. It reminds me of Vanessa Carlton and some Miley Cyrus stuff too and I think that's why I like it. Also, as you say she writes it all herself which is always a good thing in my opinion.
  9. Hhhmm. The unthinkable is happening... I think I am becoming a Taylor Swift fan. Stumbled across this... And it has made me check the album out on Spotify and I really like it. Despite the fact that she often uses too many lyrics which does frustrate me ha. I couldn't really do with her until hearing this. But yeah likin that track at the min.
  10. I want an iPad but don't really need one. Somebody please convince me not to buy one coz I fear it may happen.
  11. Nightwolf are you in Winsford then?! Me too!! And Mike1988uk! : peace:
  12. Totally agree. I can listen to that song now (after about 100 listens haha) and still really like it.
  13. Oooh I first heard that song as Diana Vickers covered it on her album. Have you heard her version?! I know she's a bit Marmite and you may hate her for covering it but would love to know what you think of her version!!
  14. In total absolute agreement with the OP. I HATE the radio with a burning passion. Chris talentless Moyles, Vernon idiot Kaye from radio 1 are just a pair of twats. And er, Sarah, er, er, er, er, Cox, er, - Yeah she's shit too. If there is one thing in this world I hate it is the radio. Now i'm all mad.
  15. So excited for this game!!! : peace:
  16. Just about everything she does I This especially though!
  17. Yup i'm still waiting but I was slightly late registering mine, thanks to GAME's dispatch issues...
  18. Ha Dazzy. Well I still marvel at Eurosport's quality of HD to be honest. My current TV is fairly decent - not amazing not shit, and Eurosport's tennis coverage in HD is brilliant. Very impressive. So I do wonder how much more 3d can add. And yeah Sméagol you are correct - it is one of those things one should test for ones self!
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