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Everything posted by Magnus

  1. I like how Wikipedia says that he directed his own sex tape. I can just imagine him being like, "okay, your motivation in this scene is that you're really into me and want my penis really badly." Can you really direct a sex tape? Wouldn't that just make it a porno? Also it's called Screeched – Saved by the Smell, which makes it sound like scat porn.
  2. She's probably kissed more girls than he has.
  3. Yeah, Josh. You should pull it off. For Ashley.
  4. There are so many games out that one Wii U just isn't enough.
  5. Nice. :p Ten characters.
  6. Oh, it absolutely is. :p I think you should grow a mustache and get a pair of oversized glasses to complete the hipster "I'm only wearing this ironically" look.
  7. Netflix forcing people to watch bad television is truly one of the big issues in modern society. :p
  8. Just delete some junk, Flameboy. Or even better: don't download Hitman: Absolution. :p
  9. Three hours, maybe? Another reason I preferred it over Knytt Underground - it was a lot shorter.
  10. At least it was better than Knytt Underground! But yeah, I really enjoyed the narration, but the gameplay was so shallow. It's pretty neat how the game keeps introducing new types of blocks, but then it never really does anything interesting with them.
  11. Fine, do what Captain Falcon said and buy Little Inferno instead.
  12. I demand a review of these once you've finished reading Fifty Shades of Grey.
  13. I'm hyped, and I didn't even watch the trailer!
  14. Your eyes? MY BRAIN. I can't believe someone actually cares about the story in the Assasin's Creed series. :p
  15. I haven't played the sequel, but I didn't really like the first Trine much at all. I say skip it.
  16. For what it's worth, I played Assassin's Creed III on the PS3 and didn't even bother to download the free DLC. I didn't feel like I missed anything. You'll feel much better if you stop worrying about DLC in general, Dazzybee. :p
  17. Is his face an anus or a vagina? Make up your mind, Ashley.
  18. Well, that's one copy sold, then!
  19. I'm going to search for "failed marriage proposal" on YouTube every day until we get an update.
  20. I'm not sure why she's talking about that guy's testicles. Oh, good. Maybe I'll still buy the game, then. :p
  21. Wait, you have to finish four chapters before you can download the DLC? I was considering getting the game while the DLC is still free, but I wasn't planning on actually playing the game any time soon, so never mind, then.
  22. What, so you can set it on fire?
  23. "You kids and your Sony Presents: New New Super Mario Bros. games! Back in my day, we only had regular old New Super Mario Bros. All fifteen of them were pretty much the same and they all used the same assets, and that's just the way we liked it!"
  24. God, S.C.G. If you're not complaining about the pricing or how slowly Nintendo release Virtual Console games, you're complaining about how old they make you feel. There's just no pleasing you!
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