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Everything posted by Magnus

  1. I saw this t-shirt and thought of you.


    It's like someone designed a t-shirt just for you.

  2. Happy birthday, Derek. :p
  3. Did you decide to leave in July so you'd have time to go to the N-E meet first?
  4. I look forward to turning all of my characters gay.
  5. Of course it did. This game looks like it could be good, though. If nothing else, it should look great.
  6. You have to, Nightwolf. Retro is really desperate to make it less of a sausage fest than it was last year. :p Plus Goafer will be there, and maybe Moogle, too.
  7. Sell your website and use some of the money to start up a new Pokémon website, Serebii. You could call it Serebiii.net.
  8. Aww, I think that's kind of sweet. "Mom, I'm not gay." "Hahaha."
  9. "Haaave you met ReZ?"
  10. If I had seven digits, I'd just pay for a really fancy prostitute. That'd show my parents.
  11. There's a fan patch that includes the original ending now, but the game has already been ruined for me. Mass Effect 3 is Knights of the Old Republic 2 all over again.
  12. My point stands completely. I know who made Knights of the Old Republic 2. *Is very offended*
  13. You need to watch this tonight.
  14. Ike's right. You should just get Tactics Ogre.
  15. Tell that to Deadwood! And Luck managed to get canceled after the first season after they'd already filmed the first episode of season two, but that was because the horses they used for filming kept dying. Point taken, though. :p
  16. I haven't watched the new episode yet, but I know they have a bigger budget this season, so that's cool. They've also said that the third book will be split into two seasons. That's assuming the show isn't canceled before then, but that thought it just too depressing to even consider.
  17. They do not, so it doesn't seem like it'd be very fun to play. I think most of the last few quests require you to be level 90+, and it's a bit if a grind to get there. I almost skipped the Monado quests because I was so over farming for item drops at that point. I don't remember if the quests were worth it in the end, but if you're going to do them, now would be the time. The extra levels came in handy for the endgame, though.
  18. I'm still trying to push everyone I know into playing the series/the third game. If I had to suffer through the ending, so do they. Plus there are so many awesome things to experience before the ending.
  19. I'll wear you down yet, Nando! (It's an excellent game until the last five minutes, when the game rips out your heart and stomps on it. )
  20. Well, at least the ending is still better than the one in Mass Effect 3. Then again, even Knights of the Old Republic 2 had a better ending than that, so... :p It's not BioWare at its strongest (far from it), but I thought the companions were pretty well-written, at least (ending aside). Should be worth it at that price, anyway.
  21. You can't save after the point of no return, so you can't miss out on any sidequests that way. If I recall correctly, New Game+ is just replaying the game starting on the level you'd reached when you finished the game and with the equipment you chose to bring with you. Other than that, I think it's essentially replaying the game from scratch, with every sidequest available again. The last batch of sidequests are kind of annoying as you're forced to do some level grinding, so I don't think anyone would blame you if you skipped them. Rebuilding Colony 6 sure is satisfying, though.
  22. Magnus


    Well, there's Sam. And I like some of the music. Mostly I've invested too much time to just give up now. You know how it is.
  23. Magnus


    The locker room thing was, like, six weeks ago. Excuse me for not remembering the riveting writing of Glee that long. And season 2 didn't play anything well. Just... bleh.
  24. Magnus


    Oh yeah, I guess I did. Well, maybe I would have remembered if the plotlines hadn't been so forgettable. Glee has a nasty habit of rushing through storylines like they're a race. The only storyline that had any chance to develop was the Kurt and Karofsky storyline in season 2, and that just ended up feeling drawn out as a result. I guess it also didn't help that the entire storyline felt like one big after school special.
  25. Careful, if you mention Shantae three times, you'll summon Grazza.
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