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Everything posted by Magnus

  1. Yeah, but moms always say things like that, though.
  2. That was the case with the first season, anyway. I'm pretty sure the second season will be the second book, too. It's anybody's guess if they're going to keep that up, though. Especially when they get to the books that take place during the same period of time but focus on different characters.
  3. That's Mass Effect 3, alright! Actually, you'd probably be better off playing Shenmue.
  4. ... But apparently we are getting enhanced versions of the original games. Whatever that means. Trent Oster's Twitter offers some insights (not a lot, though).
  5. The best part is how it doesn't include Deadlocked/Gladiator. Even Sony and Insomniac don't want anything to do with that game.
  6. For Mass Effect 2, Kasumi and Zaeed are worth buying if you didn't get them for free with your copy of the game (but you probably did, so...). Lair of the Shadow Broker is easily the best DLC mission in the series. Project Overlord and Arrival are also both good (though not as good as Lair of the Shadow Broker), and the latter leads directly into the events at the beginning of Mass Effect 3. The Firewalker Pack is nothing special and neither is the Normandy Crash Site, but both are free with the Cerberus Network. For the first game, Bring Down the Sky is decent and, I think, worth playing. Pinnacle Station, meanwhile, is trash and is just a bunch of repetitive arena battles.
  7. I knew a guy who worked as an intern at Double Fine for two months, but the coolest thing he did was getting his name in the Brütal Legend credits.
  8. I told you you hate it!
  10. "Alright" is a good word to describe Cougar Town with. Penny Can is super annoying, though. :p Now Parks and Recreation, on the other hand...
  11. You hate it.
  12. Sly 2 has large hub areas where most of the levels take place. Like a platformer Grand Theft Auto. For the most part, the individual levels are about doing things that will help you with your big heist in that area. You also get to play as two other characters. The third game is pretty much the same thing, but with a lot more gimmicky levels and several new characters that you only use in a level or two (they also removed the collectables in the hub levels for some reason). It's not as good as the second game, but it's still good. So less Crash Bandicoot, but still familiar. Certainly a lot better than the later Jak games.
  13. The first step is admitting that you have a problem. :p
  14. Well, you're not going to be able to resist seeing the ending when you've made it that far, but yeah, anything past that point really sours the experience. Just pretend the game ended with the full dialogue Aimless posted in this post.
  15. You did make a poor purchase, though.
  16. Is there anything I can sign to increase the beer tax?
  17. Yes, I'm sorry I insulted Mac Walters and whoever did the art. That was uncalled for. The covers are pretty nice, though.
  18. That's what Flink is for. You've always wanted to be a desperate housewife!
  19. Dragon Age: Origins and Fallout: New Vegas are both great. I approve! The Mass Effect comics are so terrible. Enjoy.
  20. No wonder Cube had to make up his own ending. :p
  21. Yeah, I'm just going to make up my own head canon, too. The games will be so much better that way. The series is now all about Shepard and Anderson traveling around the galaxy and kicking butt.
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