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Everything posted by Magnus

  1. This is how I imagine you acting around cats, Cube:
  2. Magnus


    Glee isn't self-aware enough for that, unfortunately. I thought it was hilarious at the beginning of the Community episode when the glee club is clumsily singing their medley and the whole cafeteria is all, "not again...". That's what I imagine Glee is like without the auto-tuning and overblown dance numbers. And the way they kept going on about regionals. And the piano guy just sitting around waiting for people to start singing a song.
  3. Magnus


    Total mess? Glee? Never! :p To be fair, this season has been a lot better than season two (not that that's saying much). It's nice that there are actual storylines now, inane though they may be. Mostly I'm just glad Sam's back.
  4. You could StreetPass everyone and send them to their deaths in StreetPass Quest. "So long, ReZ!" "See you later, Peeps!" "Hasta la vista, Coolness!" Actually, Coolness has wisely traded in his 3DS for a Vita for this very reason.
  5. PUT EVERYTHING AT RISK. *Booming voice* When I meet someone, I fully expect there to be a mad dash to the airport at some point, or I will be very disappointed.
  6. This is England, so the assumption should always be that it'll rain. The park should be the back-up plan. :p
  7. Even compared to what Ramar, Ashley, Coolness and Retro are expecting? Maybe then it'll be so bad it's good!
  8. Or they could just ring the doorbell, but where's the fun in that? They will keep coming an hour earlier until finally they come before you've had a chance to go to bed. Then you've won!
  9. That doesn't stop you from wasting all your time on other people's Tumblrs! You have a problem, Eddie.
  10. There's no reason you can't be both!
  11. All I see is Spider-Man fighting his own shadow. *Is excited by the concept* I really dislike crossovers, though. The final Peter Parker Ultimate Spider-Man storyline was completely ruined by forced references to off-screen happenings.
  12. Tell Goafer he needs to return to N-E or he won't be allowed at the meet. He hasn't logged on in six weeks.
  13. Good to know.
  14. Don't forget your fedoras.
  15. "Why, hello there. So... what's your favorite Pokémon?" "Hmm... Probopass." "I'M GOING TO GO STAND OVER THERE NOW."
  16. "Hey. I guess the bus is late again, do you want to go for a quickie behind those bushes over there while we wait?" Oh, wait. Don't be creepy. Sorry.
  17. Just strike up a conversation with her, Ike. You don't have to be all creepy about it. Small talk's fine. :p She could still have been interested!
  18. Make sure you put that in your online dating profile.
  19. Maybe he's grown accustomed to Nintendo's way of telling time, where "April" means "a few hours before May".
  20. That list of TV relationships oversimplifies things quite a bit, in my opinion.
  21. Yes, as long as you fill up the green bar, you're good.
  22. She would have to pretty awesome to accept that you think Pokémon is more important than her! Maybe you should accept that there are more important things than Pokémon and make time for other people even when you're busy. Pikachu isn't going to have sex with you, Serebii. I mean, we all have fantasies, but that's all they are - fantasies.
  23. "Oh, Joe. This has been the best year of my life. Speak to you tomorrow?" "Sorry, babe. Pokémon Purple is out tomorrow. See you in two weeks." "... Um, what?" "Better make it three." "But... it's our anniversary next week." That's what I imagine dating you is like. :p
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