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Everything posted by Magnus

  1. Yes. Except...
  2. There's always a new Pokémon game on the horizon, though, so by that logic, you can never get a girlfriend. Maybe just get a cat.
  3. Based on the comic books, I'm not convinced Mac Walters is a very good writer. No idea about Casey Hudson. Even if he is/they are, though, sometimes good writers write bad things. Especially if they're in a situation where they're alone and no one else is around to give them feedback. Even the best writers need editors. Anyway, maybe it's not true.
  4. Rummy's way ahead of you, Charlie.
  5. I think BioWare realized they could never write an ending that would make everyone happy, so they decided they might as well just troll everyone.
  6. Patrick Weekes - writer of Tali, Mordin, Blasto and a bunch of other characters and missions - has allegedly spoken out against the ending. I say "allegedly", because the original post has been deleted and BioWare claims that Weekes didn't write it. But then they would say that. And if they asked him about it, he'd have no reason to tell them he wrote it. Well, make of it what you will. It makes more sense than the indoctrination theory, anyway. Or if you prefer something that has been confirmed true but isn't related to the ending at all, here's a list of everything Patrick Weekes wrote in the game. Maybe I'm the only one who finds things like that interesting, though.
  7. Keep it in your pants, Danny. You don't know how he feels about The Matrix yet.
  8. Teenage Alien Ninja Aliens. Okay, maybe not.
  9. World of Illusion looked amazing, but it wasn't that much fun to play and the level design was pretty boring. Perfect for DreamRift, in other words. :p
  10. It can't be worse than any of the other Illusion games. Except Land of Illusion. I really liked that one.
  11. Entourage had one of the worst final seasons I've ever had the displeasure of watching. Though really, it started to fall apart about halfway through. *Off topic*
  12. Games were a lot cheaper to develop back in the PlayStation era, so games didn't have to sell nearly as much to be considered successful. If it costs ten times as much to make Resident Evil 6 than it cost to make the first game, then Capcom probably wants it to sell ten times as much, too. It's what basically killed point-and-click adventure games.
  13. He disappears forever if you don't talk to him when you've got the chance, so it's kind of a hollow victory.
  14. No one should have to sit through The Plan, though.
  15. They apparently skipped the miniseries, so they could just have watched that. :p
  16. I hope he likes penises.
  17. You can pick another color for the ending this time.
  18. If the indoctrination theory is true, then presumably Shepard never made it to the Citadel (seeing as how the fact that he/she wakes up in the rubble on Earth if you pick the right ending is such an important part of the theory), so he or she never opened it and the Reapers were never defeated. The Reapers probably destroyed the Crucible while Shepard was busy dreaming about Joker and some grandfather trying to get his grandson to pay for DLC. Eh, I guess it's not much worse than the real ending. Well, it's more things like making peace between the quarians and the geth so the quarians can finally return to Rannoch, and then stranding all/most of them on Earth.
  19. Oh God, that would be hilarious. Now I don't know what to wish for.
  20. The Matrix --> plenty of alcohol --> drunken scribblings --> wake up the next morning with the ending scrawled on a piece of paper.
  21. At this point, all I want is an interview with Mac Walters explaining the thought process behind the the ending. I suspect the answer would be, "well, I'd watched The Matrix the night before...".
  22. It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia is awesome (so says Coolness, so you know it's true), but I guess you need to to be amused by selfish jerks getting into awkward situations to enjoy it. It's probably not for everyone. If it helps, Danny DeVito joins at the beginning of season 2.
  23. I will start mentally preparing for the inevitable cancellation immediately.
  24. If all it takes to find out if someone is indoctrinated is looking at their eyes, the protheans must have felt pretty silly when they were betrayed from within by indoctrinated protheans. Honestly, people are giving Mac Walters way too much credit. Have you read his comic books?
  25. Saren never implanted himself with Reaper technology in an effort to control the Reapers, either.
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