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Everything posted by Magnus

  1. Meh, you already know how it ends.
  2. That's not Robin. Where's his codpiece?
  3. I would have preferred a Pokémon Gray. I always imagined that one day I'd go through the series by just playing the third game in every iteration, but of course Nintendo had to go and ruin it. :p
  4. I have a feeling this'll be the last time you ever listen to Rummy.
  5. Curses, foiled again! I hope the mafia or town gets you, Sméagol.
  6. A black friend? :p I thought I was the Annie. I've always wanted to be the pretty one.
  7. I always figured you more as Pierce kind of guy, Ashley.
  8. Ten episodes (well, twelve now) do not a long show make, Flamey. :p
  9. Calling the leather jacket free is stretching the definition of the word a bit, I think. :p
  10. Peeps speaks the truth. Game of Thrones always has an HD release you can watch, too. :p
  11. Happy birthday, Dean. You know, if your name had had "cat" in it, this thread would have been filled with pictures of cats instead of lame cube jokes.
  12. Just watch it the day after it airs in the US like a normal person. Game of Thrones has been officially renewed for a third season, much to the surprise of Peeps.
  13. My favorite is the #mindblown one, because it reminds me of the discussion we had recently on why the chicken crossed the road.
  14. But do they look better than these:
  15. Playing with the mouse and keyboard makes the game control just like Mass Effect/Dragon Age/other current RPGs on the PC. Playing with just the mouse apparently turns the whole thing into an isometric game, if that's your kind of thing. I haven't tried it myself, though, as I like having the camera closer and I assume you'd still want to use the keyboard for shortcuts. Edit: Not that you'll read this.
  16. I know what you mean is, "she's so beautiful that even I - a gay man - find her attractive", but all I can read it as is, "she looks like a man". *Has nothing constructive to add to music threads*
  17. I just hope it doesn't turn out like this.
  18. Lots more here.
  19. Eh, maybe when it's over. :p
  20. Well, that's the last time I sign up for one of your mafias after it's already over.
  21. That's a good point. Thank God the gaming companies are always releasing remakes of their old classics. It's nice that someone's thinking of the children. Of course, we'd still find things to complain about in the versions they play. :p
  22. "My favorite game? F-Zero. I mean, I guess. It's not too bad. I've played worse games." That's what you sound like. :p There will definitely be plenty of things to complain about in the next Zelda game, no matter how good it is or what the graphics look like. I look forward to everyone talking about how much better Skyward Sword was.
  23. My first mafia! That's witty enough. I'll leave you guys to it.
  24. Seriously? Aww, man. The one mafia I wanted to participate in.
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