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Everything posted by Magnus

  1. First they came for Rock Band, and I didn't speak out because the game was just a cheap distraction. Then they came for Madden, and I didn't speak out because it shouldn't even be called football. And then they came for my BioWare games, and there was no one left to speak out for me. Anyway, I really need an official statement on this before I get outraged. Maybe they're just replacing it with the new version for free?
  2. I didn't even like Fable 3 much. Or Fable 2, really. The first Fable was alright for what it was, I guess.
  3. Oh great, Nando. Now you've angered the Talimancers.
  4. This is the same person who managed to play Xenoblade Chronicles for ten hours more than me, despite skipping most/all of the late-game quests. I think he just really enjoys taking his time.
  5. I would totally have gone for a purple 3DS if I'd had the choice. Ah, well. The red one is pretty sexy, too.
  6. A-N-D-E... wait a minute... I thought I already sent that information to you. I hope I'll still get my phones. They'd save Christmas 2018-2020.
  7. I can't believe I won the bidding! This is the happiest day of my life. I want to thank Jesus and my parents and... I'll totally let you borrow one of my forty phones if you ever need one in six to eight years, Peeps.
  8. For a second there I thought you were going to say you'd just go watch your girlfriend. I wasn't sure whether to feel bad for you or be envious.
  9. And this is coming from the guy who's married to his sister, so you know things are really weird, sick and wrong. I'm not sure if it's the implied sex with your sister that's putting you off or the mention of vaginas. :p
  10. Smooth, Aneres. "Also, I am totally heterosexual and like to make sweet love to her *shudders* vagina."
  11. Well, I for one hope the two of you are very happy together.
  12. STOP BEING RUDE TO DRAGON QUEST, BURNY. "I never grind, I just go through dungeons multiple times" is a bit like saying, "I never die in video games, I always restart the console before I run out of HP."
  14. I didn't have any problems reading any of the text on my SD TV, so 'Snowman must have a really tiny television or something. Definitely time to upgrade. :p
  15. It's early if you stayed up until 5 AM explaining to Supergrunch why he's playing Mass Effect 3 wrong.
  16. Looking at that picture, I can't believe you didn't manage to get laid last night, Moogle.
  17. I woke up at 10 AM to the calming sound of the neighbor's kid's new quad bike.
  18. It still seems pretty silly to pretend that there's any similarity between the arguments "I bought a digital version of a game a year ago and now I have to buy it again when they release another system" and "I bought a bunch of SNES games fifteen years ago and now I have to buy them again when they're released digitally", though. :p
  19. Is it, though? Think about it. (That's the joke, Moogle.)
  20. Thanks for explaining that to me, Peeps. I don't watch as much football as you. Alternate punchline: I don't have as much experience with people's erections as you.
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