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Everything posted by Magnus

  1. Yeah, that's the game that's downloadable, but not an iOS game.
  2. I just don't see the point in trying to guess a screenshot that has already been guessed correctly. :p
  3. The Lucky Dime Caper is good, yeah. I played through a bunch of Disney games in 2010, and that was one of the better ones. No, because a) you've already guessed that screenshot, and b) the screenshot you're trying to guess is not an iOS game.
  4. AAAH DOG-AMOTO STOP EDITING YOUR POST. Indeed! I tried to help Peeps out, but I guess it's hard when you've never even heard of the game: I knew someone would get it! No, this is a recent, downloadable game. Well, it is The Lucky Dime Caper, but if you're so sure it's not, maybe I shouldn't give you a point.
  5. Nope. A lot of people on this forum have played this game, but I know you and Moogle haven't.
  6. I said you hadn't played this game, Moogle. Sheesh.
  7. No. I'm pretty sure you haven't played this game.
  8. Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time to be exact, but I assume that's what you meant. I'm disappointed you didn't pick up on my not-so-subtle hint earlier. :p
  9. It may be time for some hints. 25. Successful reboot. 26. It's quite literally a pussycat (that's a leg) in a game that's not afraid to (try to) be sexy. 27. If Peeps plays his cards right, I may just give him the answer to this screenshot for free. 28. Recent, non-handheld game. 29. Rhymes with "ystem hock." 30. The third Deus Ex game. 31. Hitting the man in this screenshot is one of the ways you can finish this level. 32. Hmm... think 'Japanese porn'. 33. As Moogle guessed in the chat room, this is a Disney game. 34. This screenshot is not very representative of this groundbreaking game. 35. The name of the game is a question. 36. I think everyone realized it's an RPG, but did you know it's on the PSP?
  10. "I can't count the reasons I should stay... one by one they all just fade away." They filmed the season finale before the show was renewed, so that's probably why it ended the way it did.
  11. No need for me to confirm it, then. Sumo Shower Simulator sounds like a fun game, though. No, sorry. That's the spirit, Peeps! Guess the screenshot and become a legend. From zero to hero! Well, you'll get one point, anyway. Edit: I just realized I made it sound like you were correct. Sorry. :p
  12. Bold move! You don't get points for boldness, though.
  13. Oh, Sam. You're a prince for guessing, but I can't give you points if your guesses aren't correct. At least you're persistent. Time for another guess?
  14. Sorry, I don't know a lot of Atari games. Yes! Consider that point your birthday gift. :p
  15. Don't be silly, Moogle. It was two of you.
  16. I'm in if Moogle and Diageo go first and second, respectively.
  17. Those do seem like games I might choose, but no!
  18. Indeed! Are you people going to let Captain Falcon get all the points again? God of War 2 is wrong, though.
  19. I like how every Final Destination movie seems to end with them suddenly deciding that this time they managed to cheat death for good, and then months pass before Death remembers that "oh yeah, I was supposed to kill these guys." Also, how the main character in the first movie spends the first half trying to figure out what's going on, while the characters in the sequels just go, "hey, this is just like that article I read online!" so there'll be more time for killing people off creatively.
  20. Yeah, it's weird how quickly I went from "hooray, they've renewed it for another season" to "ugh, I'd rather they just mercy kill it." Hey, if The Simpsons can remain good for twenty se- No, I'm sorry. I can't finish that sentence.
  21. And then they do things like replacing Roy with Ike and Mewtwo with Lucario just so they can tie in to some of their newer games. And they introduce Lucas to tie in to Mother 3, but refuse to get rid of Ness because he's been in ever Super Smash Bros. game, so you get two characters who play really similarly. Not to mention the lazy Fox/Falco/Wolf trio. I think part of it is "okay, here's this really cool idea for a character," while another part is simply "okay, what's the easiest way to include more characters/advertize current Nintendo games?"
  22. No. :p Don't worry, Peeps. I'll give you all of the answers in private. Just keep posting really bad guesses so no one gets suspicious.
  23. I'm going to tell you what I tell Moogle every night. No. Put that away.
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