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Everything posted by Magnus

  1. Happy birthday, Smelliot.
  2. I hope you're making him buy you a house first. It's okay if he has to work himself to death to pay for it. He'll do it if he truly loves you.
  3. You say that like you think it's a coincidence.
  4. Well, I'm sure Persona 5 will have achievements/trophies, so you'll probably 100% that one. :p
  5. VVVVVV was great when I played it on the PC over a year ago. The music's good, too.
  6. I really only care about Persona.
  7. Went on a date, from the looks of it. ReZ's plan to repulse him into being straight seems to have worked.
  8. Not as long as you'd think. There were only about 70 videos, and as soon as I saw Super Meat Boy, I knew that had to be it. :p
  9. 5 is Super Meat Boy.
  10. Flink could just go without you. :p You'd feel so bad for him when you get home from work and he complains about how he's been so lonely all day. And then the pictures from the meet would be posted on Facebook.
  11. 1 is Lemmings.
  12. Dog-amoto said he had a new round ready, so you should probably wait until he's posted his. Or you could post a round now and make him wait even longer. I don't care.
  13. I took a walk in the lovely weather on Thursday and wanted to die due to a pollen overload. Wake me up when the summer ends.
  14. I don't know, but I'm pretty sure the rules state you get a million bonus points if no one can guess one of your screenshots. Magnus - 1,000,022 Captain Falcon - 15 Dog-amoto - 14 Jonnas - 9 MoogleViper - 9 Cube - 8 Coolness Bears - 4 The Peeps - 4 / nando / - 3 Smeagol - 2 Tales - 1 ShavenWolf - 1 Zell - 1 Ellmeister - 1 Round officially over. :p
  15. God, Jonnas. Don't scare me like that. I thought someone had already guessed Dune 2 and I'd missed it somehow. That would have been so embarrassing. :p Anyway, gaming history time! Dune II is actually not a sequel to the first Dune game. From this interview: So that's where the 2 comes from!
  16. You showed your hand too early, Sam. You shouldn't be so trusting.


    Especially not when it comes to pictures of novelty cakes.

  17. Sorry, Coolness. You're close, though! Final final hint: the game is not set in a hospital.
  18. I played it in a dream once. Here's one final hint: 34. The name of the game starts with a D and ends with une II: Battle for Arrakis.
  19. Aww, now you've spoiled the surprise!


    Your birthday is before mine, so maybe I'll post this in your birthday thread first. Then you'll look like a thief. :blank:

  20. Aww, man. I should have called her Asian. Now I look like a racist. :p Calling anything she was involved with a "storyline" is pushing it quite a bit, I think. It was all peripheral stuff that never went anywhere, but I really should know better than to expect ongoing storylines on House. This is the same show where Cuddy and Wilson were lucky if they got more than one scene per episode. Not sure how anyone could like Foreman. He has he tego of house, but isn't nearly as smart - and House is actually funny a lot of the time. Foreman just sits there on his high horse and thinks he's special. Plus he tried to infect Cameron with a dangerous disease just so he'd have someone to spend his last hours alive with, and it's kind of hard to come back from that.
  21. It's kind of correct, but mostly it's not. :p It's not Star Trek, either, but the game is based on a universe that existed before the game was made.
  22. No, sorry. I hope we can still be friends, Moogle.
  23. I can't even remember who Park was. Was she the Chinese girl or the token attractive girl?
  24. I figured this thread deserved one last bump now that the show is finally over. :p
  25. So, to sum up: game 34 was released on the PC in the early nineties and was highly influential - it's usually given at least partial credit for creating a new genre of games. It was made by a developer that is now defunct, and which was primarily known for the games it went on to make after this one. The game had a remake (of sorts, it wasn't a straight remake) before the turn of the millennium and one sequel after that. You'll mostly find this genre on the PC. The game has a 2 in the title, despite not being a sequel.
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