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Everything posted by Magnus

  1. I wish we had a dislike button.
  2. Oh, Nando... This would be a terrible jumping-on point, though, so feel free to ignore Mass Effect for a while longer.
  3. I liked the part in the interview after the conference when they were discussing Arkham City and the interviewer told Reggie that $60 is a bit much to spend on replaying a game. Of course, Reggie seems to think that tacking on a few new features makes it a whole new game. You can't argue with someone like that.
  4. Meet the new Pikmin, same as the old Pikmin. It'll hopefully be as good as the previous games, though.
  5. This game made my teeth hurt.
  6. I like the little Super Mario World Goombas. I have nothing else to add.
  7. I already finished this two months ago with my Shepard that I carried with me through three games. By the time the Wii U launches, this game will be ancient history. I don't even see the point for people who haven't played the series yet. What are they doing jumping into the trilogy with the last game? :p
  8. Doesn't look like we're getting party members, then. Looks good, though. Much more charming than Super Paper Mario.
  9. The links on the forum don't work. Use the one on the main site.
  10. Haha, I didn't realize how much like Uncharted this would look. I like the Uncharted 2 train/Uncharted 3 airplane sequence.
  11. I was listening to people watching the Ubisoft conference in the chat room, and this was the one game I was interested in seeing the video of. Surely that should be Watchdogs and not Watch Dogs, though? When people started talking about a game called Watch Dogs in the chat room, I thought it was some cheap Nintendogs rip-off. Maybe it's just me. :p
  12. I was listening to people watching the Ubisoft conference in the chat room, and this was the one game I was interested in seeing the video of. Surely that should be Watchdogs and not Watch Dogs, though? When people started talking about a game called Watch Dogs in the chat room, I thought it was some cheap Nintendogs rip-off. Maybe it's just me. :p
  13. Well, that looks completely terrible.
  14. My favorite thing is that the game isn't in black and white when you're hiding.
  15. Then let's hope he never gets a girlfriend.
  16. I feel bad for laughing at that, but the look on the cat's face cracks me up.
  17. That's like asking ReZ to stop being ReZdiculous or Cube to stop being square. I would have switched to having the forum left-aligned like it's supposed to be if I'd been able to, but I'm already getting used to everything being centered, so it's all good.
  18. Oh, come on. Blasto. You know you'd love it.
  19. Happy birthday, Rummy. I hope we've managed to catch you while you're still awake.
  20. Not having voice acting just seemed limiting for no real reason, anyway. I was somewhat interested in this series when they released the very first Lego Star Wars, but I hit Lego game saturation before I had a chance to ever play any of the games. I'm not sure whether to feel sorry for Traveller's Tales for being stuck making Lego game after Lego game until they stop being profitable or be happy for them because they've found their niche. Looking at Wikipedia, it doesn't seem like they've ever released anything else that was even remotely worthwhile, so maybe they lucked out with this franchise.
  21. Not having voice acting just seemed limiting for no real reason, anyway. I was somewhat interested in this series when they released the very first Lego Star Wars, but I hit Lego game saturation before I had a chance to ever play any of the games. I'm not sure whether to feel sorry for Traveller's Tales for being stuck making Lego game after Lego game until they stop being profitable or be happy for them because they've found their niche. Looking at Wikipedia, it doesn't seem like they've ever released anything else that was even remotely worthwhile, so maybe they lucked out with this franchise.
  22. Stop staring at her breasts, ReZ.
  23. "Only Peeps is allowed to guess this one!" "Oh! Um... I know this one! Is it Doom?" "No, but you have the right genre! Good job." "Half-Life." "No, Peeps." "... Half-Life 2?" "It's not Half-Life, Peeps." "Half-Life 2: Episode One?" "*Sigh* That's Master Chief in the screenshot." "Killzone? Look, you're going to have to give me better hints!" "It's the first game in the Halo series." "Super Mario Galaxy?" "Ugh, I give up. It's Halo: Combat Evolved. Anyone can go next." "Is it Halo: Reach?"
  24. That sounds like it'd be a long round.
  25. So basically what you're saying is that the series has run for so long that they've run out of names. :p
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