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Everything posted by Magnus

  1. No, it wouldn't. Welcome to the wonderful world of region-locking. Edit: Whoops, I keep forgetting this is a DSi-enhanced game and not a 3DS game. Guess there's still a slim chance, then.
  2. Don't worry, Supergrunch, you can use my save game. You romanced Jacob too, right? Mass Effect 3 had my least favorite final mission(s) in the series, but I haven't touched my save games since finishing the game, so I think I'm good.
  3. I'm sure Claire is relieved to hear that sleeping with ReZ doesn't make you a man, at least.
  4. I mean, I assume that you can just load your last save game and that this is just because that's the point where the game creates its DLC save file, but I just think it's cute that they think anyone wants to replay the last ~2 hours just to see the extended ending.
  5. Luigi's Mansion and Paper Mario ring a bell?
  6. Maybe your friend just hopes that you're gay, Dazz.
  7. Rocks fall, everybody dies. It would all be Homer's fault, but nobody would care. Because they'd be dead. More realistically, it'd probably just be like any other episode. I think I remember Groening saying at some point that he didn't want to make a "final" episode, so we'd probably end up with something as awful as the Lady Gaga episode as the series finale. Ideally, I'd like them to actually make it as good as The Simpsons was at its peak, but that's probably expecting too much.
  8. Magnus

    3DS XL

    I can't stop laughing about the lack of a charger. I hope they stick with that decision just so I can keep imagining the disappointed looks on kids' faces as their parents buy them handhelds that they can't play because they don't come with a charger. In a way, I'm kind of glad this doesn't include a second slide pad, as that's the one thing that would make me feel like I needed to upgrade. Maybe we'll see a regular-sized 3DS Pro a year from now. And then, a year later, a 3DS Pro LL.
  9. It just rolls off the tongue.
  10. It only happens in the manga.
  11. You forgot that Grazza loves Dragon Quest more than life itself.
  12. Why 3Did the chicken cross the road? 2D get to the other side.
  13. I agree with the part where you said that you should be thankful that they're localizing the game at all. It's annoying when games you want get released on a console you don't own, but I'd rather buy a PS3 than learn Japanese. I also agree that acting like a Wii U version would somehow make up for the lack of a DS version makes you seem like an angry little fanboy. :p
  14. I haven't played Rhythm Thief, but there's no way it's as good as the Elite Beat Agents/Ouendan series.
  15. Schrödinger's cat: also known as Jones's baby.
  16. Beats being skepticle, at least.
  17. It's the Japanese name for Gravity Rush. Daft is turning Japanese, I think he's turning Japanese, I really think so.
  18. Yvonne will draw the best penises.
  19. Are you sure you're logged in?
  20. There are some excellent games on that list, but I think we have very different definitions of the word "great." A bunch of these games aren't exclusive anymore or are ports/remakes of games from another console, too.
  21. Maybe you should only wear a fez.
  22. He also loved Mass Effect 3.
  23. Yeah, the Facebook group has twelve people listed as confirmed. And ten maybes, but some of them have since said they're not going. But if less people go to the meet this year, it's clearly because Jay's not going.
  24. For anyone wondering, I think what Tales meant to say was that screenshot number 2 is left.
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