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Everything posted by Magnus

  1. Resistance fans?
  2. I never watch football, but based on the football GIFs people post on this forum, a large part of the game is throwing yourself on the ground pretending to be injured. "Ow, my foot! He hurt my foot with his tailbone!"
  3. I'd love for developers and publishers to be more honest about these things. "We're huge fans of Super Smash Bros. and thought, 'hey, we can do that!'" "Yes, it's essentially the same game as last year with an updated roster, but we like earning money, okay?" "We just wanted a piece of the Call of Duty pie."
  4. Well, it looks exactly like Super Smash Bros., so I guess it might be fun? Though Sony characters and game worlds don't bring out the same nostalgic feelings as Nintendo's characters and worlds do, and those are a big part of what makes the games fun. Mostly it just really needs items (unless there were some in the trailer and I just missed them?). Super Smash Bros. without items is really boring.
  5. I think it takes two playthroughs, as you need the color camera before you can actually get it to get every statue. I would have liked collecting the statues more if you could get all of them in one playthrough, if the statue maker wasn't so picky when it came to your photos (especially annoying when you only get one chance to take a picture - whoops, sorry, the giant boss's right tentacle is slightly out of frame, please go back in time and take another picture) and if it wasn't such a pain to hand in the pictures and wait for him to make the statues.
  6. Let me know when you're done and want to watch something better. Okay, I'll leave you guys to it now. Peace.
  7. Then I don't know what to say. Watch something better, I guess? I'm sure Bard has some good advice on expanding your horizons to weed out the trash. :p
  8. I tried to watch Red Dwarf years ago, but couldn't even make it through season 3. The only way I can see it being entertaining is if you grew up watching it.
  9. I'd suggest checking the N-E home page occasionally. Though it was funnier when I thought you didn't realize they were Japanese sales.
  10. That'd be perfect, though. I'd earn brownie points with you without having to put any actual effort into it. :p
  11. Okay, I admit it. I'm a little turned on right now. Your next mafia should have a power that forces someone to communicate solely through pictures of you.
  12. Oh, come on. Clearly the meaning of life is Nintendo.
  13. Maybe soon. Maybe never! I don't know. Maybe I just need the right... incentive. *Winks at Peeps* No, ReZ, I wasn't winking at you. Stop looking at me like that!
  14. If you were trying to make a case for why you're not a Nintendo fanboy, you didn't do a very good job. :p
  15. I can see it now: the whole mafia would just be ReZ and Danny angrily vlogging at each other. :p
  16. A Mii-faced Commander Shepard would be hilarious.
  17. Famous last words!
  18. If there's one thing I've learned from cooking competitions on television, it's that risottos never turn out well, no matter how good you think you are at cooking.
  19. I like that they changed "50+ Games" to "50 Wacky Mini-Games". I always thought the former seemed dishonest. It's not as colorful as the US cover, but yellow is a nice color, too.
  20. Four Swords Adventures is only the visual pinnacle of 2D Zelda games to the extent that it did things that simply wouldn't have been possible on the GBA. It's not really a fair comparison, and I wasn't a big fan of the lazy reuse of A Link to the Past sprites. I thought The Minish Cap looked great, but I agree that the world felt a bit small and cramped. You have to travel to Death Mountain from Hyrule and it's, like, two screens away or something. I also thought the actual minish cap wasn't that interesting to use, but the game overall was a lot of fun.
  21. Fair enough, I never bought it myself. I just remember thinking it was overpriced for what it was.
  22. It really doesn't, but if you want to be purposely dense and/or you're happy with whatever slop Nintendo throws together in an afternoon and releases at full price to all of its adoring fans who are more than happy to pay for something they already played nearly two decades ago, then I guess that's fine. To be honest, I've never been a fan of the Kirby series, so I have no vested interest in whatever Nintendo decides to do to celebrate it.
  23. At least Parks and Recreation has returned. All is right with the world.
  24. Fixed that for you.
  25. For the record, just seeing a help block is enough to remove the shine from the stars forever (unless you restart your 3DS without exiting the level).
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